I Find It Hard to Believe Where in Heaven



It's 3 weeks later. And its happened. I figured out my feelings for Alex. Alex. Ha ha. I just smile at his name. It's beautiful just like him. I love him. Yep, that's right, I love Alex. He's so sweet and loving and so smart. He's a beautiful person and at times, feel he's to good for me.
This day is bad. He's leaving for camp in a couple of hours. Theater camp. I have yet to tell him my feelings. I figure today is a good day. So I'm walking over to his house. Yeah my dad took away my car but his house isn't to far from mine so I don't mind.
"Hello Daniel. Alex is in his room." Mrs.Walker says as I get there.
"Thanks." I say and walk to Alex's room. "Hey sweetie." I smile.
"DANNY!" He giggles and jumps into my arms. I smile at how childish he can be sometimes. I hold him up and look into his eyes.
"Alex, I have something to tell you."
"What is it, Danny."
"I love you." He looks at me blankly for a couple of minutes before smiling lovingly.
"Really really?"
"Yep. Really really." He leans in and kisses me deeply. I kiss back and smile.
"I love you too." He whispers. "A lot." I smile and kiss him again and lean him against the closed door. He pulls back and bites my lip. I groan and grab his ass. He lets go of my lip and throws his head back to moan but bangs his head. "ow."
"Oh, are you okay?" I say trying to not to laugh. I rub his head sympathetically.
"Yeah." He says laughing. There's banging on the door and Alex's brother voice telling us to stop fucking. "We ain't fucking!" Alex says and then whispers a little "Yet" I giggle and carry him to the bed. "Your so hot, Danny."
"Mmm. Am I?"
"Yep. Your the hottest guy in the whoooooooooooooooooooooooole world." He says like a little kid.
I smirk. "That's impossible because your the hottest guy ever." That makes him blush wildly. I kiss him and smile. "I love you."
He smiles and nods. "I love you too."
There's a knock on the door and Ms. Walker looks in with her eyes closed. "Is it safe?"
Alex giggles. "Yep."
She looks at us and smiles. "Well aren't you two just the cutest couple ever."
"It's cuz Alex's in the couple."
"Awww." Alex says and kisses me.
"Okay, Alex. It's time."
"No." He says with a stamp of the foot. I giggle at his childness.
"Come on you've been waiting for this for like ever." His mom says trying to reason with him.
"Fine, but Danny comes with."
"Of course baby. You didn't think I was going to the buses to say goodbye?"
"No. You go to camp with me."
"Oh, I can't. I have to be at football practice. But I'll call you everyday and we can talk about how much we love each other."
"Okay, deal." Alex says getting up and stretching. I grab his butt and smile. He smirks. "Can't keep your hands off aye?"
"Never. It's just your so damn hot." He giggles and kisses me lightly.
"Mmm. I'm so glad your all mine."
"Mmhmm. You'll always be mine." I state kissing him.
"You promise?" I nod and smile.
"Boys, come on." Mrs Walker yells down the hall. We laugh and grab Alex's stuff and walk outside. I knew from then on that what me and Alex had was real. And this would never end. I love Alex Walker more than anything in the whole world. And I would do anything for that boy even if it means stopping time itself.
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four more to go