Mom,I'm Dead


Ryan Taylor is a high school student in twelfth grade. He has a gang of friends that are just like him. They all could be brothers thats how close they are. They tell each other secretes and keep them. They'll take 'em to they;re grave..literally take them to their grave...

Ryan friends are

Josh Skyler- 17,male,5'9,119 lbs,bright blue eyes,black hair over his right eye,lip ring,nails black.

Billie Joe-17,male,5'7,111 lbs,bright green eyes,black hair left eye,lip ring, black nails.

Toby Harris-17,male,5'9.117 lbs,bright hazel eyes,black hair hanging in his eyes,lip ring,black nails.

Ryan Taylor

Josh Syler

Billie Joe

Toby Harris
  1. Drugs
    Hide Them Under Your Bed
  2. Drugs,Sex,Love and Cards.
    Billie makes up a game and Ryan and Josh go in the bathroom
  3. Robbing The Drug Store
    Stealing Drugs and other stuff