Missing a Heart

The Loss of a Very Special Pink and Yellow Human

The Doctor sat down, his head in his hands. That was the last time he’d ever get to see Rose -his Rose- ever again. Why did this always happen to him? Why did he always get so attached to people, pretend like it would actually work out... God he even prayed to someone, anyone that it could just be him and Rose doing wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that they did. He knew she wouldn’t be able to get a job or a life- just a nice little human life where she does human things like get married to Mickey- because of him. He’d shown her too much, blown her mind, now there was no going back. He was going to have to pay for what he did, and the penance would be more weight added to the ache in his chest from his two hearts breaking. First Gallifrey, now Rose? Would life ever be fair to him?
The TARDIS seemed to sense that he was off, because she wasn’t beeping and whizzing as much as she usually does. It’s like she could sense Rose’s absence, and that it wasn’t a temporary one. It was for good.
The Doctor leaned back against the console of the TARDIS, running his fingertips along the cold metal. “Just me and you now, huh old girl?” Even as he said it, he couldn’t keep back the tears. “Oh God,” he sobbed, hugging his knees closer to himself. “I’m so sorry Rose!” Even though he was alone in the TARDIS and he knew she couldn’t hear him, he screamed anyway. It felt good to get all the anger and rage out of him, just scream and scream until his face was as blue as his beloved time machine.
He was a mess. He knew that. But he didn’t care. All he wanted was for the unbearable pain from losing his pink and yellow human in his chest to go away. He wanted her back, just so he could hear her laugh again, and hear her teasing him about something weird he does.
The Doctor sighed sadly, feeling very emotionally drained. He leaned against the TARDIS console, knowing he wasn’t going to move from that position for a while.