Status: Hopefully quick on updating!

Can You Save Me From Myself?

The Boy With the Cobalt Eyes

Jim Trancy sighed as he waited outside the bathroom door.
‘He does this every morning, why am I always surprised…?’
Pounding his fist on the door he shouted over the shower

“Alois! Get your ass out of the shower! You’re going to make us both late!”

A muffled voice came from inside the bathroom.

“Oh, stuff it, Jim! I’m almost done!” The impatient boy’s brother giggled.

He heard the water turn off and the shower door open. A couple seconds later the bathroom door was unlocked and opened. He was met with a drippy haired mirror image of his own face. Granted, this mirror version had a goofy smile on his face and a metal hoop attached to the corner of his bottom lip, but nevertheless, it was the same face.
Same crystal blue eyes, same platinum blonde hair, same porcelain skin.
Jim pushed his way past his twin brother, who was clad in just a pair of purple boxers, and grabbed his tooth brush.

“You’re no fun in the mornings~” Alois whined, jumping up onto the counter.
“I don’t like being late. You know this” he replied around his tooth brush.
Alois pouted and kicked his legs like a child before hopping down off the counter and skipping to his room. He pulled on a pair of dark skinny jeans, threw a tight fitting black wife beater over his head and slipped a purple plaid button down over top. He shoved his feet into a pair of matching purple vans and grabbed his book bag. He hopped down the steps and was greeted by the soft, kind face of his mother.
“Good morning darling, how’d you sleep?”
Flopping down next to his brother and grabbing some pancakes and stuffing them into his mouth, he smiled up at his mom.

“Quite well actually, I woke up and I have this feeling that something great is going to happen today” he replied around his chewed up pancake.

His mother grinned and ruffled his hair before planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Well, I sure hope you’re right sweetheart.” She said before grabbing her coffee and checking her watch “Oh! I have to get going. Have a good day in school my little princes~!”

After the twins finish eating, they head to school.

“So, Alois, are you ready for your test in biology?” Jim asked as they dug through their lockers.

The only reply Jim got was a groan and he chuckled. Jim shut his locker and tossed his bag over his shoulder

“You’ll do fine, Alois.” He said, patting his brother’s shoulder before heading off to his first class.

Alois watched him walk away and sighed again. He sure hoped so! Cause if he didn’t pass this test he was going to have to take biology again next year. He groaned again. He could not deal with another whole year of Mrs. Sutcliff. He couldn’t understand why the school let that weirdo teach at this school. It was obvious she was a he…
The blonde shook his head. One more year and he was getting out of this school. He thumped his head on the cool metal of the locker and sighed.

“Alois!” a voice called.

He turned around only to be slammed against the lockers and a suffocating hug.

“G-good morning, Finnia~” he giggled.

She let go and grinned.

“How was your morning? Any more dreams about ‘you-know-who’?” she cooed, wiggling her eyebrows

Alois’ face flushed and he slammed his locker shut, shoving her playfully. She laughed and shoved him back. They headed to their first class.

“Yes, I did have a dream about him.” He mumbled, smirking.
“Ohh~! Was it juicy? Tell me all about it!!” Finnia grinned, hopping up and down.

He recalled the dream. Most of the time, the boy doesn’t talk. He just sits there in front of Alois. Sometimes they’ll be sitting in a cute little café and he’ll reach out and hold his hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb. Sometimes they’ll be sitting on a park bench and he’ll look over at Alois and he’ll smile. Sometimes he even holds him in his lap, his ear pressed against the boy’s chest and he listened to the steady thump of his heart…. And sometimes, things get a little more… heated… Alois’ face darkened as he thought about it.
Last night was one of those heated dreams. They had been sitting on his bed, kissing passionately. The boy lightly pushed Alois to lie on his back while he climbed on top of him. Hazy from their make out session, Alois whimpered softly and rolled his hips slightly upwards, earning a soft growl from the cobalt eyed boy on top of him. The sound made him shiver. The boy looked deeply into Alois’ eyes and brushed the hair from his face, tucking it behind his ear.

Then… he spoke…

“I’ll save you, Alois…” he whispered into his ear, before disappearing.

He’d spent all morning trying to figure out what the boy meant. Save him?

“-ois… Hey! Earth to Trancy!” Finnia called, stepping in front of the blonde.

He jumped and his cheeks pinked.

“Sorry, Finnia.” He said, biting on his lip ring.
“Wow… that dream must have been pretty juicy for you to zone out so hardcore” was all she said, smirking.

She laughed when Alois’ face turned scarlet. They walked into their biology class. The chatter in the room was a lot more enthusiastic for so early in the morning. Alois and Finnia looked to the front of the room where they found, instead of their usual cross dressing redheaded teacher, a rather handsome man with piercing red eyes and smooth black hair.
They sat in their usual seats and looked at each other.

“Forget dream boy… I want Mr. Mystery Teacher…” Finnia muttered.

Alois giggled and shook his head. Yes, Mystery Teacher was sexy but he couldn’t hold a match to the bluenette who came to him in his dreams every night. Those smoldering cobalt eyes that turned a strange swirling red-pink when things got heavy, that dominating smirk his lips held when he got what he wanted, his fiery touch that scorched the blonde’s skin with every little caress…
Alois shook his head. He couldn’t think about that here. To distract himself from his thoughts, he pulled out his notebook and looked over his notes, skimming through the scribbled lines that covered the pages.

“Good morning, class. My name is Mr. Michaelis.” The raven haired man spoke, his voice deep and enticing. “You’re teacher could not be here this morning, but we will be continuing with the exam.”

A chorus of groans was heard throughout the classroom, joined by Finnia and Alois. They both had hoped it would be canceled. They were given 10 minutes to study before Mr. Michaelis passed out the test.
Alois got to work on the stapled sheets of paper in front of him but he couldn’t shake the feeling he was being watched. He ignored it for a while, but about halfway through the test, it was driving him crazy. He tried to look around the room casually but that didn’t help anything, so he tried once again to ignore it. He tapped his foot obsessively on the tile floors, trying to focus. He must’ve been doing it quite loudly because before he knew it, the substitute teacher was leaning into his ear.

“Mr. Trancy, are you alright..? You’re tapping your foot quite insistently.” He said.

Alois froze, his face dusted with a light shade of pink, making the teacher chuckle. He made his way back to his desk and sat down. The room started to feel stuffy and small. It was suffocating him. He heard every tick of the clock, every pencil scratching the sheets of paper, every breath of his fellow students. He needed to leave. The blonde finished his test as quickly as possible and brought it up to the front of the room.

“May I use the restroom, Mr. Michaelis…?” he asked.

The crimson eyed man took the test and looked it over before nodding. Alois wasted no time getting out of that classroom. In the hallway, he caught his breath. He made his way to the boy’s bathroom and splashed his heated face with water. Blindly, he searched the smooth counter top for a paper towel. Rubbing his face on the scratchy brown surface, he looked at his reflection, only to see the boy with the cobalt eyes staring at him in the mirror. He gasped and spun around but nothing was there. He turned to the mirror again. Nothing. He let out a breath.

“Get it together, Alois” he muttered, resting his flushed skin against the cool reflective glass.

He needed to calm down. His brother always said he was a drama queen…

He picked up his book bag, balled up the paper towel and threw it into the overflowing trash can and walked out just in time for the bell to ring. Finnia was waiting for him when he got to his locker, a look of worry on her face.

“You okay?”

He nodded, focusing on putting the combination into his locker. He yanked it open and dumped his heavy biology text book out, grabbing the lighter French textbook and his notes.

“Yeah, just got a little stuffy in the classroom, you know?”

She nodded, not fully believing him, but she let it slide.

“Alright, well… see you at lunch?” she asked.

He smiled and took her hand and squeezed it. She squeezed back.

“Yes. And I’m fine. I promise.” He replied.

He shut his locker and they parted ways. He sighed and headed to French class.