Dreaming a Dream

Chapter 45

Blurry sounds

Dark vision

a few grunts and cries

She doesn't know what's going on

She doesn't know where she is

or why she was taken away.

All she knows is she feels dizzy , her head hurt and her eyes burned.

What was going on?

Where was she?

Last thing she remembers was being taken away in a van

away from Brian

away from Matt and all things she loved and knew.

She hopes Matt comes for her , and comes for her soon.


"Matt?!!!!" Brian screamed as soon as he ran back into the mansion. He was fearing for his life , and for Karina's.

What will happen to her?

She can't face any more hurt , she can't.

"What?" Matt strolled out , his face confused

"Kari.... man , I.. I didn't know.... she , I didn't .... I didn't look , she's...."

"What Brian?" he asked , the tone of his voice edgy , "what's wrong with her? Where is she?"

"She was taken Matt" he screamed , "someone took her , and now she's gone!"

Matt instantly stormed up to Brian clutching his shirt and if Brian wasn't as strong as he was he would have been lifted by his feet from the force Matt was holding him.

"What the fuck are you talking about Brian?"

"I was putting away the groceries , and then I heard a scream and she was gone. I-I-I..."

"You... fucking asshole!" Matt screamed at the top of his lunges.

He punched Brian hard in his jaw , and if it wasn't for Zacky he would have punched him a few times more.

"I'm sorry man!"

"You're sorry?!!! You're fucking sorry?" he sneered trying to break out of Zacky's grip.

"Stop Matt! What the fuck happened?"

"This motherfucker was suppose to protect her and now she's fucking gone!" Matt screamed still trying to break out of the black haired man's grip.

"Calm down Matt. Go wash your face , calm down and then come back. This will not help"

Matt nodded and glared at Brian one more time and then walked away off to his room.

"What happened Bri?" Zacky asked as he watched Jimmy and Johnny walk downstairs.

He sat down on the couch with his head buried in his hands

"I looked away. She stood next to me , and a car screeched behind us. I paid no attention to it and she was giggling and then she screamed , and then she was gone"

"It's that CIA people , I feel it in my gut" Jimmy muttered

"We need to inform everyone. We need to get her back"

"Yeah. I'm going to go talk to Matt. I deserve every punch he throws at me"

Johnny nodded swallowing , "good luck man" he told Brian

Brian walked up to Matt and Kari's room and knocked


"Can I come in?" he asked

"Yeah come in" Matt answered , his voice lost the anger and was replaced by sadness.

Matt stood at the bedside table , with a photograph in his hands.

"I'm sorry Matt"

"I know. I was just angry but it's not your fault. It wasn't like you left her"

"I didn't. I walked with her and pretended I liked shopping"

Matt chuckled through his tears , "You know I promise her every time something happens that I won't let her get hurt again. Every time something worse happens. She doesn't deserve this. She deserves to be happy and not worry about losing her life all the time"

"Matt you do protect her. She'd tell you that now if she was here. We'll find her man. We will"

Swallowing he turned to his best friend with tears in her eyes. "Yeah , we need to."
♠ ♠ ♠
This story will end at chapter 50 , and then I will start posting chapters for my newest story under the sparkling stars.