Dreaming a Dream

Chapter 46

The man that held me captive was out for the day and his stupid guard was sleeping.

I could see they're not really experts on this sort of thing , and I have no idea why they would want to kidnap me if they don't want any ransom or information.

Untying my hands , a trick I've learned from Matt , I looked for an escape point and found one in the vent.

Making sure the guard was still asleep I climbed up and crawled into the vent.

I reached the exit and jumped down to the ground.

They didn't hurt me , and I don't think they'd care if I was gone. It was that two men from earlier and I think the only reason they took me was to hurt Matt.

My cellphone was still in my car from the grocery shopping so I ran to the nearest coffee shop far away from their house.

I dialed Matt's number on the restaurant's phone after getting permission.

"Hello?" I heard Matt's gruff voice answering. His voice was hiss and rough indicating he was very angry , sad and hasn't slept in a time.


"Karina?" he asked

"Yeah I escaped , I'm at Beverly's"

"I'm on my way... are you... uh okay?"

"I'm fine. They're amateurs"

"I'm on my way baby. Stay there. Do you have money?"

"No. I don't"

"Hang in there beautiful , I'm on my way"

I hung up and smiled shakily at the older waitress.

She smiled softly at me , "what can I get for you sweetheart?"

"Oh... n-no I don't have a-any money"

"That doesn't matter sweetheart. I'll get you a coffee and a slice of pizza. Is your husband on his way?"

"Yeah he is. I'm sorry I barged in like this"

"It's fine honey" she smiled gently and proceeded to get my order.

She brought me my coffee and pizza and I thanked her before eating. I was hungry as hell.

After a while a car I recognized as Matt's came to a halt in front of the restaurant and I saw Matt jump out

"Hello sir. Can I help you?" the nice lady asked

"My wife....Kari?"

"Matty" I breathed out and walked over to him.

"Oh baby" he said smiling brightly.

I jumped into his arms and kissed him. He buried his head in my neck and I felt tears on my exposed neck.

"I'm glad you're here" the lady said smiling big.

"Matty can you pay her? I had a coffee and a slice of pizza."

Matt nodded and let me go , he then took out his wallet but before he could give her money she objected , swatting his hand away.

"It was on the house." she smiled , "I'm glad you're safe baby girl"

"Thank you ma'am" I smiled and hugged Matt again.

"I'm so glad you're safe" he whispered.

He opened the passenger door for me and kissed me lightly.

"Can you tell me what happened baby?" he asked softly.

"I was standing next to Brian when I was taken. They punched my out and then when I woke up I was locked in a room. But they're amateurs , they didn't hurt me or ask for information. They just kept me there."

"Do you know who it was?"

"It was that two guys from a few days ago"

"Ben and Jeffrey?"


"Do you know where they kept you baby?"

"Like 3 streets from Beverly's. It looked like an abandoned house. I'm sorry I can't give you any more information"

"No baby" he whispered , "you did great"

We reached home and I instantly smiled.

Matt parked the car in the garage and opened my door for me. He took me in his arms and we walked inside.

They guys all stood in the foyer and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay" Zacky said after Jimmy and Johnny hugged me.

I hugged him , "I'm glad I'm okay too"

Brian stood with his arms behind his back , and his head was hanging low.

"Bri-bear?" I whispered walking over to him.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered his eyes swimming in his tears.

"It wasn't your fault Bri."

"Please say you forgive me"

"I can't forgive you since you've done nothing wrong" I whispered and kissed his forehead. He hugged me tightly.

"Thank you"

Matt smiled and took me back in his arms. We all sat down on the living room couches. Matt pulled me up on his lap and hugged me tightly from behind.

The guys talked about how they'll find the men that took me. I wasn't paying attention and focused on being this close to Matt again.

I now knew how it felt to be kidnapped

and now I wanted to help Tanya.

Matt would be pissed , but I needed to save her.
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4 chapters left!