

Wade had known Eleanor as long as he had Jack.
Back when Jack was actually Jack. Practically a life-time ago, it sure felt like a lifetime ago.

How old had he been, twenty, twenty-one? He wasn't even sure, he'd just gotten out of jail for some shit robbery charge and was looking for something more stable when he'd come across a deal just too good to pass up. It was delivery basically, help out some low-level bozo and pocket a tidy sum. At that point in his life Wade didn't care what he gave or did to anyone; just so long as he was paid.

He met Jack, who often went by J at this point, in a three storey car park just over the border of New Town. It was nothing unusual, at least not for a drug handover. This Jack himself didn't seem that odd, just pushing six foot, conventionally attractive- which had no doubt helped him reach the minor leagues so quickly. He was Wades' age, if not younger. The only strange thing about the pick up was the product itself, it was liquid, injectable- but not heroin. That first day Wade had no fucking idea what it was or what it was supposed to do; it was practically a brand new narcotic. He was smart enough not to ask for the source.

"You ever give it a try?" He'd kept his voice gruff that evening, kept his straight face and his game on. He had a reputation to uphold; and he had to make sure this guy knew what to expect. They were both leant against one of the cars, watching several others load up the boxes disguised as some odd looking saucers. "Me?" Wade let his eyes drag over his new business partner again; well, really he supposed the man next to him was his boss. At least while the higher ups were happy. That was why Wade never offered to take on too much responsibility - he was trying to avoid the literal firing line as much as possible. He moved from job to job whilst they were going well.

It was how he kept himself alive. He'd seen plenty of others make stupid mistakes.

"I don't touch any of that stuff." Jack broke the silence eventually, his hand pushing the blonde from his face, a grin overcame him suddenly, "I got a quality checker though." The smile vanished as quickly as it had formed, "When she's up for it, that is." Wade was trying to make sense of his words when Jack pushed himself off the bonnet and called to the small group of men, "You done? Take it to the usual place."

The other van left, taking with it the superior bodies of the operation. Again Jack smiled, "Here, lemme have one." One of the other men, smaller and rat-like tore the tape from the top of a box and pulled out a tiny glass jar; the liquid was almost clear. He tossed it and Jack caught it easily, tapping the glass twice with a finger nail. "This'll do her." He muttered almost to him, Wade wasn't sure if that line had been for his ears.

"Right." He drew level with his newest 'boss'. "Where's the usual place then and when do you want me?"

"You got a place to stay?" Wade had debated lying. Looking back that simple question, seemingly earnest, had been such a massive turning point in his life it was almost unbelievable. Wade had told him the truth, Jack had offered him a couch.

The rest was history, albeit a warped, fucked up one.
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Very short. I may have some more of Wade POV later if people like it.

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Much love