Unknown Waters

I had a dream so big and loud

Col gazed curiously at his best friend through the security of his sunglasses as she sat with her knees pulled into her chest. She had been sitting in that same position for over an hour just staring out at the water. And as much as he wanted to pay attention to the blonde hair girl pulling on his arm to get him closer to the volleyball court that had been set up, he found himself walking over to Amelia.

Her hair was down for the first time since he could remember, the brown tinged with a hint of gold from the sun exposure, and her skin was turning darker. She didn’t acknowledge him when he placed himself next to her in the sand or when he offered her a drink from the red cup he was holding.

“I would ask you what’s wrong but I have a feeling you’re not going to tell me,” Col said after a few minutes.

“Nothing is wrong Col,” Amelia answered quietly. Adjusting her body so her back was straight she let her fingers fall to the sand. The grit feeling against her fingers gave her small goose bumps. “I’m just not in the drinking mood.”

“But here’s the thing. You’re usually the first one up for a game of volleyball or tossing a Frisbee around. Instead here you are staring at the waves as if you’re waiting for something to come out of them.”

“Sorry I’m not as sociable as you.” Her tone was flat.

“Fine, if you don’t want to talk to me, your best friend since diapers, I’ll take the hint. But whatever you’re looking for out there isn’t coming.” His muscles strained for a moment shifting so he was on his feet. He brushed the sand from his shorts giving her one last look.

“Do you think we have the ability to dream up a person who isn’t real?” He was three steps away from her when he heard the question. Turning back to face her, he noted that she was gazing at him over her shoulder. “Like a living breathing person that we can touch?”

“Figuratively or realistically?” Col kept the distance between them in case she drifted off into her own world again.

“I thought I met this guy at Amber’s party a while ago, and he kept popping up when I was staring at the ocean. Like when I wanted to go in it and swim around. Two weeks ago I was standing knee deep in the water and he came back, out of nowhere, and walked with me until I nearly had a panic attack. I ran to shore, expecting him to be there with me, but when I spoke he was gone. Vanished.” Amelia dropped her eyes down to her right hand, sand resting in her palm, and dumped it back where it had come from. “He hasn’t come back, Col. For two weeks I’ve been coming out here trying to find the connection and I can’t help wondering what if it’s all fake. A figment of my imagination. I conjured up this modelesque person to help me face a fear and when I want to see him without involving the water he’s nowhere to be found.”

“I don’t think you conjured him up Ames.” Col tried his best to sound positive. “But maybe instead of searching for something that obviously isn’t here at this moment, you can let yourself have a little fun. If this dude shows up, cool. We’ll let him party with us.” Amelia looked up at him again and he smiled. “If it’s been two weeks, that’s long enough. We’ve gotta keep on keeping on!”

“You do realize that makes no sense right?” Col stepped forward to help her stand.

“But it makes you laugh almost every time.” He poked her ribs causing her to jump. Her dark tank-top and pair of shorts were dusted with sand but she paid no mind.

“I’m sorry for being so, deflated lately.”

“I would be too if some hunky piece of meat just magically appeared and left me high and dry. If he’s half as good looking as myself I might even cry for you.” He watched her roll her eyes before playfully shoving him. His drink sloshed around in the cup and he feigned hurt. “My drink! Watch the drink!”

“Asshat.” Col threw his free arm around Amelia’s shoulders.

“Let’s demolish the other team in volleyball.”

“You mean let me demolish them while you pretend to dive and look good,” Amelia corrected knowingly.

“I’ll really try this time.” When Amelia gave him a side glance he nodded quickly. “Seriously. I’m going to try.”

Twenty minutes later Col was hunched over huffing on the side of the court, sweat dripping off his face, while Hunter, Amber, and Scott high-fived on their side of the net.

“I’m going to try, he said, I’ll be great, he said,” Amelia joked. She offered him a cold bottle of water that he snatched out of her hand.

“I dove like eight times!”

“The wrong direction,” Amelia continued. She gave him a pat on the shoulder cringing when half of the water he attempted to drink dribbled off his chin.

“I told you I would try. Not that I was good.” Using his arm he wiped off his mouth and leaned backward to stretch out his back.

“If you are done wallowing in that smack down we just delivered,” Amber announced with a grin, “we vote we head up to Moe’s for something to eat.” Ducking under the net she ran her hand along Col’s arm. “You get to buy.”

“Just so we’re clear, I’m not paying for either of you.” Amelia gestured to the two boys who shrugged their shoulders. Bringing Col’s attention back to her, she dug her fingers into his hair and messed it up. “It’s your lucky day! You get to pay for not one girl but two!”

“Am I allowed to eat at all during this excursion?” Col laced his fingers with Amber’s and they all began the walk toward the pier.


Amelia slapped Col’s hand away from her fries, his impish expression doing nothing but irritating the brunette as she munched away on her food. Hunter offered her more ketchup that she quickly accepted with a soft grin. Grabbing her cup she took the last drink, shaking it to mix the ice around, and set it back on the table.

“You want me to refill it?” Col grabbed the cup before she could object and pushed his chair out. “Anyone else?”

“If you could refill mine,” Amber interjected. He smiled down at her before nodding. Amelia battled the urge to roll her eyes at the blonde across from her. “He’s such a sweetheart.”

“Funny that he picked someone as sour as you,” Scott muttered. Amelia nearly choked on a fry at his statement, her laugh following quickly. Amber glared at both of them which only made them laugh more.

“What she lacks in personality she must make up for in the sack,” Hunter added.

“Something you’ll never know for yourself.” Amber glared over her chopped salad.

“Not that I would want to.”

“Hey,” Amelia cut in with a kick to Hunter’s shin. “Col obviously sees something worth it in her.”

“Thank you Amelia.”

“Looks like he is seeing something else right now.” Scott gestured toward the drink station where the brunette boy stood talking to a girl with long, dirty blonde hair. Amber nearly tipped her chair over with how fast she turned.

“So how’s the boat business going?” Col had been filling Amber’s cup with lemonade when the question was asked.

“Uh, it’s going pretty good.” He topped off the cup with the lid and turned to face the stranger with pretty eyes. She was wearing a strapless shirt that fluttered around her denim covered waist. Her dark blonde hair was down and wavy and he noticed a bracelet around her wrist when she pushed some of the hair away from her face.

“Sorry, how rude of me. My dad brought his boat in not too long ago to get it looked at. He was out here fishing again and I was just wondering if anybody else had the same problem as he did.” She rocked on her heels. “I’m Elle.”

“Well, Elle,” Col almost snickered at his wordplay, “I’m Col. I think I remember that boat. Had seaweed in the manifold.”

“Has anyone else had that issue?” She tilted her head slightly.

“No, not that I know of. We’ve had a couple bad plugs and stuff.”

“Col, sweetie, I’m getting thirsty waiting for you.” Amber snuck her way next to Col with her arm through his, a wicked grin pulling at her lips. “Who is your friend?”

“I’m Elle.” She did a small wave. “I was just in the area and remembered how he fixed my father’s boat not too long ago.”

“That’s nice. Well we have to get back to our lunch so,” Amber trailed off attempting to pull Col with her.

“Do you want to sit with us?” Amber’s face instantly melted to anger.

“No, no, I don’t want to intrude.”

“That’s probably for the best.”
“It’s not a problem.”

Col turned to Amber with a smile. “Take these back to the table. I’ll be right there.” Amelia couldn’t help the way her face lit up at the expense of Amber’s jealousy. She slammed the cups onto the table and all but threw herself into the chair.

“What’s wrong Amber?” Hunter tossed a fry in his mouth. “Scared you’re going to get replaced?”

“Shut up.”

Amelia picked up her cheeseburger and was mid-bite when Col brought the girl and someone else over to their table.

“Guys, this is Elle and her brother Wes. Elle and Wes, that’s Scott, Hunter, Amber, and my best friend Amelia.” Col began moving some of the chairs around so they could all fit at their table, forcing Amelia to sit directly across from Wes.

“Nice to meet you,” Elle greeted. Col inched himself over so she could sit on his opposite side.

“The pleasure is ours,” Scott replied with a grin.
♠ ♠ ♠
But the next one, oh the next one, that starts it all.


Title Credit: Best Day of my Life by American Authors