Status: This was a story I wrote for a school assignment a few years ago, and I never forgot it. I always had thought about taking it and making it bigger. So far, at least what I will post right now, is the assignment. I hope to make something more of this story, but until then, I hope you like it.


Chapter 3

After many hours of walking, Winter cried out, “Where are you taking me? We’ve been walking in circles for hours!”

Muskar turned to her, “Be quiet, or they’ll hear you.” He turned back and continued along the trail.

Winter smelled the air He was right; there were at least ten wolves north of us. “Are we trapped?” she thought to herself. Her white fur was impossible to camouflage in the green forest around her. She expected the worst.

She stood her ground. No one was going to interfere with her quest. She had come too far to stop now. “Muskar, stand beside me.”

He looked at her with a smirk. “What? You want to be captured? Have you lost your mind? Do you know what they do to captives; they kill them on the spot. I don’t know about you, but I don’t plan on dying today.” He sat down, refusing to budge. She gave him a harsh look, one that told Muskar she wasn’t changing her mind. He mumbled under his breath and walked over to stand next to her.

The pack slowly came into view. There were eight males and two females. A large older male stood back from the rest and watched the newcomers. The group stopped as they finally caught the scent of Winter and Muskar in the air. The elder sent the two females to investigate. They cautiously approached the intruders. They looked at each other and the younger of the two spoke in a soft voice, “You are trespassing into our territory. Our leader, Elder Cosark, requests that you leave immediately or state your reason for being here.”

Muskar stepped forward but stopped when he saw the hair stand up on the backs of the necks and heard a low growl coming from their throats. “We wish to speak with your leader. We are looking for our pack. We will not stay long and we can hunt for our own food.” He turned to Winter, “This is Winter, and I am Muskar. We mean you no harm.”

The females relaxed cautiously and studied them. Then the smaller one’s face softened. “I am Aqua, and this is my friend Scarlet. We will tell the elder of your request.” She turned to Winter. “It’s nice to meet you, Winter.” Aqua and Scarlet started walking back towards the pack. Winter turned to Muskar and winked before following the females.

As they approached the pack, the males stared at Winter. Her snowy coat shone bright in the fresh sunlight, radiating her beauty and making her hard to miss. Her face grew hot under their gazes and Muskar let out a growl, walking closer to her. Winter smiled at him. “Is he getting jealous?” she thought, amused. When they got closer to Elder Cosark, Aqua told Winter and Muskar to wait. The three wolves for a while, then Scarlet returned. “He has decided to speak with you two days from now, when the growing moon is in the middle of the sky. Until then, both of you will live with Aqua and I.”

Muskar bowed his head. “Two days from now?” he asked Winter silently.

She shrugged and spoke to the females. “Thank you for your hospitality. We appreciate your offer.” She copied Muskar’s bow.

“Follow me,” Scarlet walked past the males and down a shaded trail. Winter could feel the elder’s eyes watching her as she walked away. They continued until they came to a vine hollow. It was the perfect spot to sleep. “Why didn’t we think of that?” Winter thought.

“This is where you will sleep,” she pointed at the hollow with her muzzle. “The pack rises before the sun, so get to sleep early.” Muskar turned to inspect the hollow. As he did, Winter caught something different in Scarlet’s eyes. For a second, the emptiness in her yellow eyes changed into many mixed emotions: pain, sorrow, grief, but also hope. This made Winter feel good for some reason, but like all good things: when you blink, they disappear.