Status: This was a story I wrote for a school assignment a few years ago, and I never forgot it. I always had thought about taking it and making it bigger. So far, at least what I will post right now, is the assignment. I hope to make something more of this story, but until then, I hope you like it.


Chapter 5

The bright moon glowed above the three wolves’ heads. Their bodies made beautiful silhouettes in the twilight. The elder bowed respectfully to Winter and Muskar. He began to speak. “I didn’t think that I would live to see the day that you would return. But here you are: strong, healthy, and standing before me like our ancestors predicted. This is a dream come true.”

Winter stared at the elder. “What are you talking about? I have never been here before. I’ve lived in the mountains all of my life.”

He shook his head, staring at the diamond birthmark on her chest. “Almost two years ago, our two females each had a single pup on the same day; both identical except for their coloring. The male was black with white tipped ears and tail and a white diamond in the middle of his chest. The female was the complete opposite. Two pups born from Yin and Yang: the spirits of balance and harmony.” He turned to Muskar. “What do you call yourself?”

Muskar hesitated, and responded with a shaky voice, “Muskar, sir.”

“Ah, how fitting. Only our ancestors spoke of the ancient language. It’s kept alive through me and elders before me, but never has it been used so well by common wolves. In the ancient language, Muskar means, “Lost Heart”.” He slowly turned to face Winter and smiled wearily. “The wolf in your dreams, you call him Carmon, yes?”

Winter nodded, wondering to herself how he knew about her dreams.

He continued, “The name you’ve given him is also in our ancestor’s language. It means, “Shadow of Dreams”, but you already know this. Winter, Carmon exists. The wolf from your dreams has been Muskar all along. The spirits Yin and Yang must have given you those visions so that you two could be reunited again.”

Silence spread over the group. Winter could not find her words. It was impossible. Her life had changed in a matter of seconds. She just couldn’t understand what the elder was saying. She fought to find her words, and they came out raspy and uncertain. “No…you have the wrong wolf. I’m not the reincarnation of a balance spirit.” She looked to Muskar for guidance but he was as confused as she was.

Elder Cosark stepped toward her, talking as sincere as he could. “Winter, I cannot deny what is fact.” He paused slightly. “You are Yin.”

She stepped back, confused and unclear on what to do. She turned and ran away from the old wolf and from Muskar. She continued running until she came to the vine hollow. Her body trembled and her would spun out of control. She collapsed into a heap of fur on the soft forest floor. “Why had this happened to me?” she asked herself over and over, but received no comfort from the dark hollow.

Tears began to soak the fur on her face when she realized she could never look at Muskar the same again. He would never see her as she is: a normal wolf. He would always see her as Yin. She stood up and walked into the forest, looking at the hollow one last time. She thought of the meals they shared together, the nights they stood up talking to each other. All the things she learned from him. She shed one last tear before walking away from it all.