In Exchange for Magic


UPDATE 2020:

Updating this on the off chance that anyone sees it and can forgive me for abandoning y'all and being super silent for a full ass decade. Feel free to shoot me any questions and I promise to answer them, but honestly, my only explanation is that I took a depressing break for an extended period due to a period of extended depression.

I came back here randomly because I was thinking about "In Exchange for Magic" which I believe was originally called something like, "I Fell in Love With a Magical Half-Breed" hahah. I'm thinking I'll repost the story on Wattpad after I've updated it to my current writing style and fixed up the ending.

You can find me on Wattpad here:

I'm currently working on a new story under a new username about a teen girl who teams up with a Demon Hunter.

NO I didn't publish a book, which is also partially the reason I turned away from writing until recently. I really over-promised and then under-delivered for all of you, I'm very sorry. But thinking back to your words of encouragement made me start itching to write again and I'm so grateful.

I'll be updating all my stories and such with this message.

Love from,