Status: Active <3



I mentally cringed as I as I took a step out of the apartment, at six months pregnant, you tend to be a little heavy on your feet, and the baby always makes you tiered and grumpy, and that was most definitely the case with me.
I wasn’t overly large at this six month mark, but I sure as hell felt the baby squirming inside of me.
As I was about to shut the door, I heard Nathan call out.
“You’re going?”.
I spun to spot him entering the kitchen and smiled a small smile “Mmm, I start at nine today” I said.
Nathan and I had been pretty much perfect since we got engaged, but plans for getting legally married hadn’t yet happened, we were just going with the flow, and to me that meant waiting to the last minute.
“Damn, I was hoping I could grab some breakfast with my girls this morning” Nathan said, shooting me his trademark smirk.
Yes, we had found out right away that we were having a baby girl, and surprisingly, Nathan was happy about that.
“I think I’m going to have a half day today, don’t think I’ll make the whole one, so you can have lunch with your girls” I smiled.
Nathan made his way to the door.
“I’m glad I caught you, otherwise I’d miss my morning kiss” he said, leaning towards me and pressing his lips lightly to mine.
When he pulled away he smiled “Have a good day” he said.
“You too” I breathed, slightly breathless.
“I love you” Nathan added.
“You’re ok” I giggled, earning a frown from him as I turned and began the walk to the car, which I had been falling into the habit of taking to work the past few weeks.
I drove the short distance to work and walked up, spotting Lilly on the way “Hey” I smiled.
“Hi missy, how are you, I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever” Lilly sounded.
“I know, I’ve been on and off” I sighed.
“How’s bub?” Lilly asked.
“Pretty good” I smiled.
“You checked your ward?” Lilly asked, she cringed, which let me know exactly which ward I was on.
“Emergency?” I sighed.
“Not even triage, I’m sorry hun” Lilly sighed.
Emergency tended to get super busy around this time, and none of the nurses liked working the floor, but it was something that we had to do.
I sighed and signed in before making my way in, and right from the get go, I was thrown into it.
I had a few tasks which were easy to handle, but some not so much.
As I reached one room in particular, I spotted a man who looked increasingly agitated.
“Hi sir, have you been seen by a doctor yet?” I asked.
The guy looked at me for a second, he then jumped up, not giving me a chance to back away, he grabbed my arm “I don’t need to see no doctor, you’ll do, I need some morphine” He breathed.
I ignored the pain his grasp was doing to my arm “Ok, sir, if you tell me where the pain is…” I attempted.
“No” The man snapped, his eyes meeting mine, I noticed the dilation, the shift in his glance, and knew right away what I was dealing with.
“Sir, I need you to calm down” I said slowly, in emergency, when you work on the floor, they give you a buzzer for situations like this, with the man’s hand still grasping onto my arm, I used my free hand to buzz.
“What was that?” The man demanded, grabbing my other arm, I cringed.
“Sir, I’m going to need you to let me go so I can help you” I said calmly, the man’s head snapped around as a rush of feet could be heard, he grabbed something with his hand, letting go of mine and pulling from his pocket a sharp knife “You will give me the morphine, now” he hissed, pulling me to the door and shutting it, locking it from the inside.
I still kept my cool, my eyes darting to the door, I knew that there was a special key which overrides the lock.
My eyes flickered to the knife “Sir…” I attempted.
“Cut the bullshit” The man snapped angrily, roughly pulling me again, the knife was inches from me and just as the door was pushed open, the man snapped, he looked up, his eyes dark “You made a mistake lady” He hissed, his arm with the knife moving quickly, piercing the skin of my stomach. I dropped to the ground, pain rippling through me as he dug the knife back out, my body shook.
Security had broken into the room, they instantly detained the man and a doctor rushed in, it was Ryan, and as soon as he saw me he dropped down to where I had dropped.
“Sim” He breathed, grabbing me “Stay with me” he said softly, pulling me up, I cringed in pain.
Ryan grabbed something to press to the wound “I’m going to need a nurse in here” he said to one of the security, they were dragging the man out.
“It’s going to be ok?” Ryan said softly.
“The baby” I whispered shakily, I was losing a lot of blood, slowly but surely, and my head was beginning to fog.
Faintness overtook me, I could barely keep my eyes open “Simona” Ryan breathed.
I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t breathe, everything around me began to spin before all at once, everything grew black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter #2 for today :P

Comment for the next update :)

Simz <3