Status: Active <3



I hadn’t been able to process at all what had happened at Ashley’s yesterday, but I knew for a fact that I wouldn’t be speaking to my so called best friend for a while.
Mark was meeting me at my place where we’d catch a taxi to the airport, I was dreading it slightly, knowing that I had to tell him what had happened with Nathan, if I kept it from him, I knew it’d eat at me.
I jumped as there was a knock at the door, quickly I went to answer it, my smile faltering as I saw who it was.
“What do you want?” I demanded.
Ashley sighed “I’m sorry” She said.
I frowned at her and shook my head “Sorry doesn’t cut it Ashley, you completely blind sighted me, you took his side and…” I attempted.
“I took no side, Sim the guy is hurting and you wouldn’t talk to him…” Ashley began.
“For a good reason” I frowned “I don’t want to have this conversation right now Ashley” I sighed.
“You didn’t give him a straight answer, and that proved to him that he was right, you still love him” Ashley sighed.
“I said I don’t want to talk about this” I breathed.
“Simona” Ashley breathed.
“You went behind my back Ashley, to help him” I frowned “As far as I’m concerned, right now, you’re not a friend of mine” I breathed.
Ashley shook her head “You’re just deflecting” She breathed.
“No, I’m not” I frowned.
“Did you not feel something when he kissed you?” Ashley demanded.
“Who kissed you?” Mark’s voice cut through the room like a knife, I frowned, looking to the side, he was at the side with his suitcase, a confused look on his face.
“Thanks” I snapped at Ashley “I think you should go” I added.
“But…” Ashley attempted.
“I have nothing left to say to you Ashley” I frowned.
Ashley sighed “Have a good trip” She breathed before turning.
Mark entered the apartment “So?” he asked.
I sighed “Nathan kissed me” I breathed “They blind sighted me yesterday, She called me over and he was there, he was trying to get to me” I sighed.
“And clearly he did” Mark sighed.
“No” I frowned.
“A kiss doesn’t just happen, he wouldn’t have kissed you if he didn’t think there was a chance to, did you kiss him back” Mark breathed.
“I got distracted, but Mark…” I began.
“Would you have told me?” Mark asked.
“Yes” I breathed “I was going to tell you now, I would never lie to you, I know how important honesty is” I pointed out.
“Did it mean anything?” Mark breathed.
“No” I frowned.
“So why does Ashley seem to think that it did?” Mark asked.
“Nathan and I are always going to have a history Mark, there are always going to be some sort of feelings there” I breathed.
“So why not go back to him then?” Mark frowned.
“Don’t do that” I sighed “I want to be with you, let me make that perfectly clear” I breathed.
“I don’t want you to be just saying that” Mark sighed.
“I’m not” I promised, reaching out and grasping his hand “If I wasn’t committed to us, I’d have walked away” I said.
“Ok” Mark mumbled.
“Mark” I sighed.
“I believe you, I just, everything you went through with him….” He attempted.
“Was a lie” I breathed “the relationship I had with him began with a lie and that tainted everything else” I breathed.
“I’m just finding it hard to process, but I’ll get over it” Mark shrugged “We should get going” he added.
I nodded “We should, the taxi will be here soon” I said, turning and grabbing my bag.
“Let me carry it” Mark said, pulling it from me.
“You have yours” I pointed out.
“I can carry both” Mark shrugged, pulling them along. I opened the door for him and he pulled the cases out, waiting for me as I locked up.
“You know you could smile” Mark offered as we walked out.
I sighed “I feel like I did the wrong thing and I don’t like it” I breathed.
“I don’t think you did, he was the one who kissed you” Mark pointed out.
I nodded “But I must have made him think he should” I frowned.
“Don’t back track here, let’s just move on” Mark offered.
“Do you really want that?” I asked.
Mark nodded.
“Ok” I said, smiling weakly.
“You need to loosen up a little if this trip is going to be any good” Mark commented as we slid into the car.
“I will” I said slowly.
“Why has it affected you so much to see him?” Mark frowned.
“Because Nathan was the reason I fell apart and I don’t like that he’s back” I breathed.
“He may be back, but that doesn’t mean he will be in your life” Mark pointed out.
“You’re right” I sighed.
“Aren’t I always?” Mark asked, smiling a small smile.

We reached Fiji and got through the airport, going straight to the hotel, it was about dinner time, so we made our way to check in and then dropped off our bags before getting ready for dinner.
“We can go to the bistro” Mark commented as we walked from the room.
“Oh my gosh, that’s so pretty” I announced, walking off ahead as I spotted an infinity swimming pool were beyond it was the ocean, and a sunset was beginning.
Mark caught up with me and smiled “It is” He said.
“Why did you organise this trip?” I asked curiously.
“What do you mean?” Mark asked.
“Why did you want to bring me here?” I asked.
“Because I love you and because I want to make these memories with you” Mark shrugged, kissing me on the cheek lightly.
“That’s the corniest thing I have ever heard” I announced.
“Mean” Mark said, rolling his eyes.
“Let’s go” I said, turning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been a little slack with the updating lately.


Simz <3