Status: Four-shot



Emily’s death left a gaping hole in Charming. The club fell into a disarray of depression the men not knowing how to handle the emotions that came with the news of the princess’ untimely death. Many drowned their feelings in whiskey and sweet butts. Gemma was distraught her only daughter, her first born ripped from her just as her youngest had been, but still the with time the hole healed except for Happy.

Happy became a changed man. His entire outlook on life was forever mutilated, his dreams destroyed. He was a lost man. Even his voice had changed. Sure it was deep to begin with but after the attack it became deeper and gravely as if he took a shot of acid and gargled with taks. Gemma’s theory was he damaged his vocal cords that night from all the screaming. Upon Emily’s autopsy Happy lost it completely. The doctors found that Emily was pregnant merely a few weeks and more than likely Emily didn’t even know. Happy saw another one of their dreams be crushed again. He went on a rampage.

With the necessary help from the club and after his broken shoulder and ribs had healed, Happy tracked down every member of the Jackals and one by one tortured them slowly and painfully before killing them. Saving Preach for last so that man would cower in fear, knowing the Son was coming for him. In a twisted way of thinking Happy felt he was doing what Emily had asked of him.

“Do what makes you smile..”

And seeing the bastards that had killed her suffer just as she did put a big smile on his face and in memory of both her and the kills he immortalized them with smiley face tattoo. His position changed in the club as he took on more of the grim tasks along with Tig, again feeling he was doing justice to Emily by helping the club she loved so much. With time Happy did eventually began to have a romantic life if taking a sweetbutt back to his dorm was considered romance. One thing the rest of the club noticed was Happy stuck with a type tall, skinny, blondes with dark eyes. Ones that in no way shape or form could remind him of Emily. He even removed the bitch seat from his bike declaring ‘no other woman deserved to ride where she did with him.’ Happy had decided to lay to rest every shred of man he was when he was with her, when he buried his Emily. He was no longer the member the boys gave a hard time for being whipped he became the member they feared.


Gemma watched quietly a heartbroken look glazing over her eyes as she stared at the tall biker, his back to her. His hands were shoved in his jeans his head bowed as he stared at the granite stone a bouquet of fresh wildflowers in the vase off to the side.

Happy’s eyes read over the words numerous times as he always did, believing that if read them again maybe they would change to reveal another name.

‘Emily Catherine Teller-Lowman’
Loving daughter, sister, friend and Wife
Our angel ’

Happy had fought long and hard through the law to have his name added to Emily’s headstone. Even if they weren’t married they would have been had the inevitable had not intervened and he knew Emily would have wanted it that way. She always prided herself on being his Ole Lady. The headstone was a double with an empty spot off to the side where Happy would one day lay, next to his girl. In between the two was the inscription:

‘An angel in the book of life wrote down our baby’s birth
and whispered as she closed the book
too beautiful for earth.
Heaven will hold you before I do
and keep you safe
until I come home to you.’

It was important to Happy to remember their unborn child as they buried Emily knowing more than anything in this world she wanted his child. A part of both of them she hoped to be a boy to name after her fallen father, a little John.

Gemma watched as Happy settled against the headstone opposite of Emily’s and saw his lips begin to move. She couldn’t help the small smile. Gemma had picked up on Happy’s secret annual visits a few years ago. He would wake up early the same day every year and leave the clubhouse with the simple request not to be bothered that day and return late that night. Happy would always come for a visit during holidays and her birthday and the anniversary to her death is when he stayed all day. He told her of all the things that had happened since he last visited, how the club was doing, how his mom was.

Moments later the rumble of numerous Harley’s shook the ground as the rest of SAMCRO pulled in. Today marked 14 years since Emily’s death and the boys had decided to take a group trip to see her. None at all surprised to see their fellow brother sprawled out before his Ole Lady’s grave. Each held a flower arrangement of sorts; Bobby, Tig and Jax stuffed animals as well. One by one the boys put their gifts before the headstone and stood aside for a moment. Jax placed his hand on Happy’s shoulder quietly in a show of condolence and support for his brother and fallen sister.
Gemma chuckled sadly seeing the reaper that adorned the boys cut standing around Emily’s grave gave Gemma a sense of pride Emily loved those boys and this showed how much they still loved her. Pushing herself off of Thomas stone she pressed a kiss to her fingers and pressed it to the cold granite and turned back to the club.

“They miss you baby girl. Especially your ole man.”

Placing her oversized sunglasses back in place the queen continued over to the club to visit her daughter.
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Hope you enjoyed this please let me know what you think!