Status: Just a little something my mind is feeling up.



I sat in my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. I've never once since my diagnosis of cancer felt this week. I just.. I couldn't move. I didn't even feel like trying. Trying would only cause pain, and as much as I was able to hide the pain most the time, I knew this pain would send me into the E.R if I moved. My phon beeped loudly on my nightstand beside me for the sixth time now. Obviously, whoever is texting me won't leaving me be until I answer. I grabbed my phon unlocking it and stared. How the hell did this guy get my number. I don't remember giving anyone my number

Hey. It's Talon. I see you didn't come to therapy today.. Hope you're okay Carter.

Carter? You okay?

Okay then...guess you're the ignoring type

-sigh- Guess I should at least acknowledge him checking in on me. It is oddly sweet. Yet creepy.

Hey.. Sorry. Been pretty sick today. Haven't left my bed. And I don't really think I'm going back to that bitches office anytime soon. If I'm gonna die soon I'm dying happy like I've always wanted, not miserable from therapy sessions and medication to make me numb. Rather feel the pain than nothing at all.

Oh. Damn darling, I'm sorry. Do you need anything? Ice cream? Chicken soup? A cold beer? okay. Well maybe not a cold beer but anything in general. And don't ask how I got your number. I know, It's weird but I got worried.

Well I mean. I could always go for some Oreo Ice cream, but I'm good thanks though.

Okay. Well..Rest that beautiful face of yours. I'm sure I'll see you soon.

i locked my phone and stared blankly just like before. Having cancer wasn't east. Especially when it comes to it not being in just one area of your body, but several. Granted, my last scan showed it hasn't done any further spreading but to be honest with myself. I'm scared. I'm scared of dying and leaving my family behind. I'm all they have. My brother.. Well, we just chose to not talk about my brother. But he's gone. I'm all they have left here. I shut my eyes to block everything out.

"Carter... Carter, honey... Wake up... please wake up.."

"What... What's going on."

"Sorry... You have a visitor and when I came up here you weren't breathing very well again. But... I'll go get them and send them in for you. Don't get up."

"Okay mom.. Love you."

My mom walked out of the room and I sat up a little bit, as much as I could and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Knock Knock." Talon said, his smile bright.

"Well.. Hello? How'd you find my house."

"Well, to be honest... My moms a receptionist at Dr. Reagan's office and I had her pull your file and I got it off of there."

"That pretty much violates every right I remotely have."

"Yeah well.. I figured after the other day we had a connection.... Oh, and by the way. I got you some orange juice...My dad says when he had cancer, and he felt weak this made him have a little more energy and I got you some oreo ice cream and a spoon... Hope you don't mind."

"Well, thank you.. I think this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me before." I said smiling. "So tell me. What brings you to my house, at ten o'clock at night. And don't tell me it's the ice cream and orange juice."

"I just.. I felt compelled to actually check on you.. I wanted to really know that you're okay."

"I am now." I said smiling. "You're one of a kind Talon, you know that?"

"Eh, I get that a lot, but you saying that makes it better sounding."

He smiled, he opened the bottle of Orange juice and the ice cream and just.. He was just there for me. He's being the person I wanted everyone to be for me. He wasn't taking pity on the cancer girl, he genuinely cared that I was M.I.A