The City Calls to Her

There's No Such Thing As Too Young


Rachel parked her car by the curb and shoved her bag under the seat before getting out. She checked the time on her cell phone and then shoved it in her pocket.

"Hey Rachel!" Heath greeted her. She walked up to him and hugged him.

"Hey," she responded.

"So, are you ready?" he asked as they looked at the house. Music could be heard and people could be seen walking around.

"I am so ready." They walked into the house and Heath walked in front of her. He grabbed Tyler and Rob while they were on their way to the backyard where Gabe was.

"Hey Gabe, we finally got your birthday present. Sorry it took us so long to get it," Heath said.

"Where'd it come from, Japan?" he asked.

"Damn near," Heath responded and he and Tyler moved out of the way revealing Rachel.

"No fucking way!" Gabe exclaimed and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend.

"Happy birthday babe," she said and kissed him.

"Thanks. Do you want something to drink? Come on." Gabe put his arm around her and they headed inside to the kitchen. He grabbed a red cup and started to fill it.

"I'll just have pop," she said.


"Well yeah, I mean someone has to drive you home."

"True," he said and went into the refrigerator and pulled out a can of Pepsi.

She took it from him. "Thanks." She kissed his cheek.

"I'm glad you're here. I thought you couldn't make it though."

"Well I couldn't at first because my dad said no but my mom convinced him to let me go since you're my boyfriend and it's your birthday."

"Oh dad…" he said sarcastically and shook his head.

"Well he was worried about my safety and stuff."

"Did he not remember that your brother would be here?"

"I don't know. Gabe, he's my dad. It's his job to worry. Besides, here I am, 17 years old at a college party. Einstein wouldn't have to come back from the dead to figure out what's going on here."

"True, that is so true. He should know by now that I'm gonna take care of you."

"I know, right," she said as she rubbed his back.

"I love you babe," he said and kissed her.

"I love you, too. Is my brother around somewhere?"

"Yeah, last place I saw him was in the living room somewhere." Gabe took her hand and they walked into the living room. They instantly spotted Jon and Rachel walked over to him.

"Isn't she a little young?" asked Kathryn.

Gabe looked at the girl who had been trying to hook up with him since the moment she saw him. He shook his head and made the click sound with his tongue.

"She's only two years younger than me."

"Yeah but she's still got another year in high school. That means she'll still have a midnight curfew. It's gotta be driving you crazy since she's not, you know, there when you need her."

"Yeah, sure, I wish she were around more but I love her and if I have to wait for her, then wait is what I will do."

"Wow. Well if you ever need me, you know where to find me," she said before she walked away. Gabe's very first thought was that she was just like Melody. Luckily she had no bearing on their relationship whatsoever so Gabe was able to wipe her pestering off his shoulder.

Rachel walked back to Gabe after hugging her brother and saying good night. Gabe wrapped his arms around her waist and put his forehead to hers. "Are you ready to get out of here?"

"Isn't this your party?"

"Yeah, so? I can do whatever I want."

"All right. Well, let's get going then," she said as she took her keys out of her pocket. Gabe said goodbye to certain people and they headed out to Rachel's car. Rachel unlocked the doors and they both got in. For a moment, they sat in silence.

"So…" Gabe said after that moment.

Rachel reached under the seat and grabbed her bag. "I know, right." She started the car and pulled away from the curb. Gabe told her how to get to the house he and four others were sharing. Rutgers University owned the house so the boys were able to live in the four bedroom, two bathroom house and pay a low rent.

Gabe unlocked the front door and let Rachel in first. Rachel took her hoody off and Gabe took it and her bag from her. He set them up and they sat together on the couch.

"Really Gabe?" she asked as she closed the gap in between them. Gabe pulled her onto his lap and she sat so she was straddling him.

"I know, right," he mimicked her.

"Very funny. So how long are we alone?"

"I don't know, a few more hours maybe."

"Well then come on," she said as she got up from the couch. She took Gabe's hand and they went to the bedroom Gabe and Jon shared. She sat on the bed and stared at Jon's bed.

"We can go somewhere else…"

"No, it's fine. We've done it once before in here. What difference would it make now?"

"Okay," Gabe responded and nodded his head. He sat on the bed as Rachel got up. She grabbed the candles she left there the last time and lit them with Gabe's lighter. She set his lighter on the desk and turned to Gabe who was waiting in his bed.

Rachel grabbed a hoody out of her overnight bag and put it on just before leaving the room.

"Hey guys," she said to Heath, Rob and Tyler before she walked into the kitchen where Jon and Gabe were.

"Hey babe," Gabe said and hugged her.

"So I talked to mom and dad and dad wants you to call them later," Jon said.

"Of course he does," she responded and rolled her eyes. Jon laughed.

"So are you guys ready to go?" Gabe asked. The Douglas siblings nodded their heads and followed Gabe into the living room where he rounded up the boys and they all headed out to Ihop for breakfast. The plan was that Rachel would spend the day with Gabe and Jon and then early the next morning, she would head home to do homework and get ready for school the next day.

* * * * *

Before turning out the lights, Rachel made sure all of her stuff was away in her overnight bag.

"I wish we had more time," Gabe said as they walked into the kitchen. He took Rachel's cup from her and emptied it in the sink.

"Me too," she replied as he rinsed the cups out and then put them in the sink. "To be honest, this is harder than I thought it was going to be."

Gabe turned around and leaned against the sink. "What are you saying, Rachel?"

"Nothing. I'm just saying that it's really hard but if we can make it through this then we can make it through anything."


"You thought I was gonna break up with you, didn't you?"

"Sorta kinda maybe."

"Aww babe." She laughed at him. "We've worked way too hard on this relationship already to just end it now. No one is going anywhere."

"Don't laugh at me! Besides, I got bitches chasing after me like I'm George Clooney."

Rachel only laughed again and walked out of the kitchen.

"You should probably be getting to bed now since you have to leave early in the morning."

"Yeah, probably," Rachel said in agreement. Rachel said goodnight to Jon and the other boys and then followed Gabe to the bedroom. Gabe stripped down to his boxers while Rachel changed into her pajamas. They got into his bed and Gabe turned the lamp off.

* * * * *

"So, how was it?" Mrs. Douglas asked during dinner on Sunday night.

"It was good," Rachel quietly said.

"Where'd you sleep?" Mr. Douglas asked.

"In Jon's room…"

"Nice try. I know Jon and Gabe share a room."

"Well you asked and you knew exactly where I was going to sleep so don't act surprised."

Both her parents stopped and looked at her. They were surprised by her sass.

"Sorry," Rachel apologized.

"I'm not quite sure I like this attitude you've come home with," Mr. Douglas said as he set his fork down. "That's exactly why I didn't want you going this weekend."

"Really dad? Why is it that everyone's allowed out of this damn house but me? After two brothers, I think I can take care of myself." She got up and stormed away from the table.

"Rachel, get your ass back here!"

"Bill, let her go." Mrs. Douglas put her hand on her husband's arm. They heard Rachel's bedroom door slam shut.

"You give that girl too much slack," he said to his wife.

"And you're not letting her grow up," Mrs. Douglas countered. "You need to let her go out and make mistakes."

"Why? So she can go see him and come home pregnant? I don't think so. I'll be damned if she has that boy's baby."

"She's not going to. I had the talk with her again and I made her go on birth control. Maybe you should take like, five minutes and talk to Gabe. He's a really nice boy and he really respects her."

Mr. Douglas mumbled under his breath and walked away. Mrs. Douglas rolled her eyes and sighed. She gathered the plates from dinner and took them into the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is kind of a filler but it kind of shows you the status of the relationships with Jon out of the house. I don't know if Rutgers University has a live on campus but for the remainder of this story, it does. Next chapter there'll be another time jump since it begins during Rachel's senior year and the big major event that happens. Something's telling me I used the word slack wrong. Ha ha.

Thanks to ingridkusterbeck for the feedback. I wasn't able to thank you personally.

Chapter title: Pierce The Veil - Kissing In Cars (listen to it!)