The City Calls to Her

Please Don't Leave Me

Rachel and Nathan's Saturday night date turned into a double date by Thursday. Jenni and Jon decided to give being more than friends a shot. Rachel and Nathan agreed to let them in on their date so things wouldn't be too awkward between them. Jenni met up with Rachel at Rachel's house so it would be simpler on them. Then Nathan would just have to show up. They decided to do the traditional dinner and a movie so the girls dressed casual. Jenni wore a black and white stripped t-shirt with red lips on the front along with her black skinny jeans and black Converse All Stars by Chuck Taylor. Jenna kept her outfit simple also wearing a white pin tuck Cami with black skinny jeans and black women's Converse. The boys kept their outfits simple with black jeans and each wearing a different band shirt.

"Are you ready?" Rachel asked as she double checked her hair in the vanity mirror.

"Yeah, I'm kind of nervous though," Jenni responded.

"Don't be. Jon's really easy to get along with. He's pretty awesome."

The girls finished their last minute make-up and outfit checks and headed downstairs. The boys were waiting on the couch in the living room.

"You guys have fun and be careful," Mrs. Douglas told her children and their dates as she glanced up from some paper work.

"We will. Bye mom," Jon said as he and Nathan stood up. They greeted the girls and they left for their dinner and a movie.

* * *

Gabe watched Rachel while she did homework for another class. Ms. Belt was out for the day so she made the class a study hall. Gabe reached over and took her chemistry book and looked at the pages. Once he realized how much math there was, he stopped trying to remember what it was. Rachel reached across the table and slid her book back over to her.

"Don't you have any homework you could be doing?"

"Yeah but I don't think I'm going to do it. How was your weekend?"

Considering that she had spent the whole weekend with Nathan, she answered, "Mine was good. How was yours?"

"Good. I bought a new bass since something broke on my last one and it would have cost the same to get a new one if I had just got it fixed. So I was finally able to have band practice after like, two weeks."

"If you ever need a guitar player, you should call-"

"You? Yeah, sorry but I'll pass for now."

"Jon you numb nuts. He's the best guitar player ever."

"Numb nuts? Nice," Gabe said and laughed. "I'll keep Jon in mind though."

Rachel shut her book and put her homework into her binder. Gabe saw Nathan's photo in the clear plastic cover when she shut it.

"Word on the street is that you and one of the Leone twins are dating."



"Well my relationship with Nathan isn't something I consider open for discussion. Sorry."

Gabe didn't say anything and just watched her as she played with her blond hair. There were times when he would try really hard to see the resemblance between her and Jon. Instead of blue eyes, Jon's eyes were green and he had black hair. He had taken into consideration that Jon may have dyed his hair. Gabe just didn't see the relation and he didn't want to be rude and ask if they were really related.

"What?" Rachel asked. Gabe blushed when he realized he had been staring at her.

"Nothing. I gotta go use the bathroom." Gabe quickly got up and took the hall pass.

* * *

Rachel walked into the classroom and set her stuff on her desk before walking across the room. She motioned Jenni out of the room.

"Do you know anything about Gabe Saporta?"

"Well he's 18 therefore he's senior. He's in a band but I don't know what their name is. Um, what else is there? Oh, he hasn't really dated anyone in a while 'cause supposedly none of the girls in this school are good enough for him and rumor has it there is a girl in this school he has a crush on but he denies it. He can be arrogant and a jackass at times. He's originally from Montevideo; he makes sure everyone knows that. He-wait a minute. Why are you so curious about Gabe Saporta?"

Rachel shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. He's kind of weird. He kept staring at me in Music Theory today for like, no reason at all."

"It'd be funny if you were the girl," Jenni said and laughed.

"What would be funny?" Nathan asked as he stood by Rachel's side.

"Nothing, inside joke," Jenni said and headed back into the classroom.

"Are you guys sharing secrets from me?"

"You have no idea," Rachel said and took his hand. "Are you still coming over tonight?"

"Yeah, my parents said it was fine. Just have to be home by curfew."

"Okay, that works for me."

* * *

Neither Douglas parents were home so the kids had the house to themselves. They both already knew Nathan was coming over so that was clear. Just before Nathan got there, Gabe called Jon over to his house and asked him to bring his guitar.

Rachel watched Nathan closely. He hadn't said much once he got there but he kept saying he was fine.

"Nathan, you're not fine. What's wrong?" Rachel asked as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"A couple years ago, when Matt and I were 12, our mom got into an accident and died. Tonight makes it four years."

"Oh," she said quietly. "I'm so sorry Nathan." She leaned over and kissed him.

"It's fine," he said while wiping the tears from his eyes. "It's not your fault it happened."

"Is there anything I can go or get you?"

"Stay with me, please?" He took her hand.

"That I can do," she said as she put her arm around him.

* * *

Jon and Gabe walked into the Douglas house and found Rachel sitting on the couch. They could tell she had been crying.

"Rach, what's up?" Jon asked.

"Nothing," she said.

"Can you give us a second?" Jon asked Gabe. Gabe nodded his head and Jon directed him to his bedroom upstairs. He sat next to Rachel on the couch. "What did Nathan do?"

"What makes you think Nathan did anything?"

"Why should I not think Nathan did anything?" he questioned back.

"Ugh! Whatever Jon! It has nothing to do with you so mind your own business!" Rachel stormed off and went upstairs. She found Gabe standing in her room. She didn't say anything until he turned around.

"Sorry," he said and was about to leave.

She blocked his way out. "Can I talk to you? I could really use a friend right now."

"Yeah, definitely." In Gabe’s mind, to be friends was better than being nothing at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kudos to: Beth, Demetria, Lillie, Nicole, Sharon and Valeria for leaving feedback. I really appreciate it.

Title Credit: Pink - Please Don't Leave Me