Status: Regular-ish updates

For Better or for Worse


‘I’m going out with the master’s son, I’m going out with the master’s son.’ That was the only thing running through his mind as he finished cleaning the billiard room, although he had to continuously remind himself that it wasn’t anything romantic or anything that could lead anywhere. Alex, with the deepest regret, had to continuously remind himself that he was only Jacks supervisor for the evening, he had to tell himself that he was only there to make sure that no harm came to the young master. If he thought otherwise he would get his hopes up and his heart broken.

A few hours later and Alex was stood in the small room that he shared, he was tying his tie and made sure that he looked okay in his best suit. He really hoped that the young master wasn’t one to like going to big extravagant and fancy places because Alex really didn’t have a suit for that type of thing. The one he was wearing was his brothers old grey suit and was slightly too big for him, but it was the best that he had. He couldn’t afford anything else. He looked himself over in the mirror before he deemed himself ready enough to make the short journey up to Jack’s room. Once he arrived to his master’s room, he knocked on the door and waited for his command together which came almost as soon as he finished knocking, he entered the room and looked to his employer. As soon as his eyes landed on Jack, his breath caught in his throat slightly because the man looked amazing. His suit fitted him perfectly and he had styled his hair perfectly. He bit his lip gently before snapping back into reality and looking up to Jack.

“H-hello, sir” He nodded his head a little bit and looked down to the floor in an attempt to stop himself from staring at Jack.

“Alex” His elder replied with a nod and finished tying his tie. “Right, I have a few ground rules for you tonight okay?”

This had Alex’s head snapping up rather quickly, rules? He didn’t know that there were going to be any rules. He sighed a little bit but nodded, “Right, okay.” He spoke hesitantly and shifted from foot to foot.

“Great” His employer spoke cheerfully before he started to rattle off his rules for the night. “My first rule is that I get to pick where we go and how long we stay there. My second rule is that you only get one small drink per bar we go to, you are looking after me after all.” He grabbed his coat. “My third rule is that you make sure I don’t get arrested, I don’t want to bring bad press to the family as my father would kill me. My fourth rule is that I’m allowed to go to any woman I please, but you’re not allowed to let me leave my sight that could be a terrible scandal. My final rule is that you do not let me pass out in a bar or on the streets.” He nodded to the door.

Alex was still stood still, a dumbfounded look on his face. “Is there anything else you would like me to do, Sir?” He asked incredulously, a little shocked at Jacks conditions, although he knew better than to question his employer.

Jack seemed unfazed by his employees tone of voice, “Oh, it would be great of you to not tell any staff of what might happen tonight, we wouldn’t want anything getting out now, would we?” The taller man looked to the servant before leaving the room. “Come on then” He opened the door and started to walk down the hallway. “A night out awaits us, young man!” Jack called as he walked down the stairs, not even bothering to look back to see if his employee was following after him.


It was a few hours later and many more bars when Alex thought that it might be best to take his employer home. Jack was stumbling around the bar they were currently in, he was singing loudly and was spilling his drink everywhere. The taller of the man had also somehow managed to lose his jacket and a few buttons from his shirt, leaving it open in random places. Right now Jack was leaning against a wall and talking to a woman who was clearly wearing a corset too small for her as her breasts were spilling out of them, and in Alex’s honest opinion it looked terrible it also caused him to think that she must be a woman of the night and he was sure that he wasn’t wrong. How could he be when she was hitching her dress up a few inches and draping herself over a man who clearly looked like he had a lot of money?

When he saw Jack leaning closer to the...Lady’s (He must not judge, he knew how desperate one can get for money and the lengths that they feel they must go to) breasts, he felt as if that it was time for him to intervene. He walked up to the pair in question before taking a breath and clearing his voice. “I do hate to interrupt,” he looked in between Jack and the female. “But I do believe that it is time for us to leave, sir?” He looked up to his employer and prayed that he would cooperate with him, but it didn’t seem as if his prayers were answered as Jack only shook his head and pushed him away slightly.

“No. I am not ready to leave and I am currently talking with a very lovely lady.” Alex watched as Jack placed his hand on the woman’s hip.

“But, sir. I really must insist.” He sighed and once again stepped in between Jack and the woman. “It is late, and you are very drunk and your parents are probably wondering where you are.” He sighed and bit his lip before looking up to Jack with slightly wide, innocent eyes. He hoped that he might be able to win him over this way. “Please sir, if you don’t leave I might just lose my job and I couldn’t ever forgive you for doing that to me.”

He watched as the taller man looked to him with softening eyes and a reluctant smile, somehow Alex had managed to get through to him in his drunken state and hopefully would have convinced him to go home. With a reluctant sigh, Jack nodded and stumbled away from the wall.

“Yes, of course” He went to apologize to the woman, but was soon shaking his head when he saw that she was no longer there. He looked back to Alex and slung an arm over his shoulder. “Let’s leave then.”

Alex only sighed a little bit and nodded and looked to Jack and wrapped an arm around his waist as he stumbled a little bit as they started to make their way out of the dingy pub. He led Jack outside and carefully walked him along the dark, mucky streets. He knew that they weren’t in the best area of the city and he was more than aware that there was more than a couple of people who would love to take advantage of a young, drunk and very wealthy man.

It took the two men a while but they eventually made it back to the Barakat’s extravagant home, upon arriving Alex very carefully opened the door and lead a stumbling Jack in. He glanced around before taking him upstairs and up to his room.

“Sir, you need to go to bed now. You must sleep.” He took a bowl and put it on the stand next to Jack’s bed, “There’s a bowl there just in case you’re ill during the bed.” He went up to Jack and helped him unbutton his shirt when he saw that the taller man seemed to have some trouble with the buttons. He helped him into his pyjamas and then into his bed. “There you go sir.” He sighed. He was just about to step away from the bed when he felt arms around his neck and lips against his own.

This was it. This was his first kiss and it was given to him by his employer who was in a drunken state, but this didn’t bother him as he started to return the kiss, but that was only for a few seconds before he realised how terribly wrong this was. He gasped a little bit and pulled back, he looked to Jack who sat there staring at him before he ran out of the room and down to his own room. He couldn’t believe what just happened and he was a little afraid of the consequences.

As he tried to fall asleep that night, all Alex could think about was the feel of Jacks lips on his own, the way their lips moved together and just seemed to fit together perfectly. Alex fell asleep with the tiniest smile on his face as he waited to see what would happen the next day.
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I hope you like it
Because I don't
Happy days.