Status: Regular-ish updates

For Better or for Worse


Jack had decided that kissing Alex was the best thing ever, the servant boy’s lips were soft and perfect and Jack was obsessed with the sensation of having Alex’s lips against his own. That was exactly what Jack was doing right now, he was up in his room on his bed and hovering over Alex as their lips slid together, he had his hand resting on Alex’s side and the other one next to his head. This continued for a few more minutes before Jack pulled back and smiled down to the boy beneath him. Jack was impassioned with the way Alex’s hair fell into his eyes and how he smiled shyly each time they made eye contact, he was falling harder and harder for the boy every day.

Earlier that evening, Jack had announced to his parents that he didn’t feel well and that he was going to spend the remainder of the evening up in his room and he would appreciate it if he wouldn’t be disturbed to which they would of course respect. As he made his way upstairs, he grabbed a couple of roses from the vase in the hallway before making a start on his plan. It was a while later until Jack had finished setting everything up in his room before he went to find Alex, which wasn’t too hard as he was polishing the wood of the window seat that was just by his room. He smirked to himself before going up to Alex and wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his cheek.

“Hello, darling.” He whispered and gently squeezed his hips, grinning when paramour blushed and looked up to him.

“Hey” He whispered and sighed happily and closed his eyes.

“Could you come with me for a minute, please?” He whispered in his ear and rubbed his side. “I’ve got a surprise for you.” Jack couldn’t help but to grin at his own words.

“Of course.” As soon as he heard the words leave Alex’s mouth, Jack was taking his hand and pulling him into his room. He walked in after Alex and made sure to look at Alex’s face to see his reaction.

“Th-this looks amazing, Jack” He breathed, biting his lip gently as he stepped further into the room to get a better look of what was happening in Jack's room.

Jack had scattered the petals from the roses that he had picked from vase over the floor and over the bed. He had also collected a few candles from around the house and put them around his room and lit them, he had also arranged a fruit platter for them both along with a bottle of wine. Jack really wanted to make things look nice and romantic for Alex, he just wanted the poorer man to be carefree for one night, he wanted him to be waited on, rather than be doing a service for another person. He wanted Alex to feel like he was special, because to Jack he really was.

“Well.” He spoke softly and reached out to lace their fingers together and pulling him over to the bed to sit on the edge of the bed. “I thought that you deserved something special because you probably don’t get it very often and I want you to feel special.” He blushed a little bit as he spoke, but not enough so it was too noticeable “I was just hoping that we could spend the evening together and maybe just try to get to know each other even more” He smiled softly and kissed the back of his neck. He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed the rose he left over. “For you.” He mumbled and kissed his cheek carefully, almost as if he would break if he were to put too much pressure there.

“Thank you” Alex whispered in return and turned his head to press his lips to Jacks for a few seconds as he took the rose off him.

Jack smiled and brushed their lips together again, his smile widening when he had that familiar sensation in his stomach when their lips touched. This continued for around an hour until Jack sat back on his heels and looked down to the boy beneath him. His lips were slightly swollen and red form them being kissed for so long, his shirt was half tucked into his shirt and half hanging out with a few of the top buttons undone. His hair was sticking out in all directions and his eyes were closed, his eyelashes fanning over his cheekbone. All in all, Jack thought that Alex looked perfect, so he didn’t hesitate to tell him so which earned a blush and a soft giggle.

He sat Alex up and poured him a glass of wine before taking a grape from the bowl of fruit before pressing it to his lips with a soft smile, smiling a little wider as Alex bit into the fruit. Alex was completely mesmerizing and Jack just couldn’t take his eyes off him, he was so perfect to Jack that it caused a pain in his chest to think about marrying Leydiah. He shook his head and pushed the thought from his head before leaning in and kissing Alex once more.

“I want to take you out.” He mumbled and ran his fingers through his hair, “Obviously not during the day but one night I want to take you out” He whispered “Maybe we could have a moonlit picnic in the park.” He smiled softly “It would be more romantic in the evening while under the stars.” He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to Alex’s cheek. “What do you think? Would you be happy to do that?”

Alex nodded with a soft smile and looked up to his beau, “That would be lovely” He whispered “I would love that very much” He grinned and bit his lip “I really would” He whispered and sighed happily.

Jack nodded and wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his side, “Brilliant” He whispered “Maybe we could do it Saturday night? I could skip evening dinner and make us a picnic and then when it’s dark we can meet in the park and find a place to sit? We can stay there late into the night and then we could come back and maybe you could spend the night with me..?” He bit his lip gently “Only if you want to, that is.”

Alex only laughed lightly and nodded, leaning in to kiss Jack softly “That sounds perfect, Jack.” He grinned before pulling back and taking a sip of his wine.


While the pair made their happy plans for the weekend, lurking in the shadows outside of Jacks room was a dark haired beauty with a soft smirk on her lips, she had a feeling that something was going on with Jack and now she had the power to either make or break him. With a bright smile, she skipped down the hallway and down the stairs more than happy with the power she had gained over a few moments.
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Sorry it's been so long, but I've just started school again and it's really stressful because they've messed my timetable :(( Buuuuut, since I took so long updating I added the last paragraph which wasn't meant to come up for a few chapters, so I hope you like it :)

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