Status: Regular-ish updates

For Better or for Worse


Saturday soon came around, and with it a very excited cleaner. Much like he has been doing for the past week, Alex softly sang to himself as he cleaned the many rooms of the Barakat’s townhouse. As he cleaned, he daydreamed about the evening he was going to spend with his lover. He imagined how they were going to picnic on a hill in the moonlight, probably by the lake in the park. He thought about the way he would lean against Jack’s side as they nibbled at cheese and bread and sip wine while sharing small kisses and words of love. The golden-haired boy’s day continued like this until he could rest up for the night ahead.

Jack’s day however, couldn’t have been any different. He woke up to the sun streaming through the windows, far earlier than he would have liked. With a groan he opened his eyes and looked up to culprit curtain opening, and he was more than displeased to find that it was the housekeeper, Mrs Brookes. “Must my day really start like this, Mrs Brookes? You have only ever woke me like this if I have done something terribly wrong or something that displeased you.” He sat up and rubbed at his lap, making sure that the sheets still covered his naked lap.

“There is a matter I would like to talk to you about, Jack.” This is when Jack knew he was in trouble, no member of staff would ever call him Jack unless he had done something truly horrible.

“Ah, it appears as if I have really upset you, Mrs Brookes. What have I done this time?” He asked, an amused smile playing at his lips because Agnes Brookes could never really stay mad at him for too long, he knew that she had a soft spot for him since he was a child.

However, Mrs Brookes said nothing of the main reason of why she was upset with Jack, instead she only started to fold the blankets that were draped over the back of the armchair Jack kept in his room. “That Alexander boy...” She said casually, almost too casually for Jack to feel comfortably. He fidgeted slightly and waited for the housekeeper to continue her sentence. “...You wouldn’t happen to know whether he is any good at his job, would you?” She raised an eyebrow and looked to him.

Jack suddenly felt sick to his stomach. She knew. He just knew that she knew. Jack tried his best to compose himself before giving a slight shrug. “I can’t say that I would know, ma’am.” He adverted his eyes to the sheets and pretended to be very interested the pattern it held. “I have seen him about, and he seems decent enough. That’s all I can tell you, I’m sorry if I was of little use to your enquiries. He looked up to her, being sure to catch her gaze and pray that she would believe that he was telling the truth.

“Oh, no problem at all dear.” She held his gaze, and Jack suddenly became very unsure about whether she actually knew or not, and honestly that was more terrifying than a straight answer. “I only ask because some of the other staff think him to be rather...odd.” She spoke, once again bustling around the room and mindlessly tidying things which didn’t really need to be touched. “He has suddenly become very happy within the past week, and he also seems to disappear during mealtimes, much like you do.” She glanced to him before walking to the other side of the room. “He also spends an awful lot of time cleaning your room and the other rooms around it.” She went to continue talking, but Jack cut her off, his voice curt and full of authority.

“Are you suggesting something, Mrs Brookes?” He set his stare on her. It wasn’t often he treated the housekeeper in this manner, but he was sure that she was onto him and Alex, and he would do anything to ensure the younger boy’s safety and reputation.

“Of course not sir, I’m sorry if you thought that.” She stood up a little straighter and went to stand by the door. “I have been sent to tell you that you are spending the day and evening with Miss Leydiah’s family tonight. I also believe you will be a guest in their house overnight, so I shall send someone to pack your bag for the evening.” She took a breath. “You are to be there by ten, so you must change now and unfortunately leave without breakfast. You will not be back at the house for the rest of the day.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs Brookes, but that is not possible today. I have made plans for both the day and evening. I am not available to spend the day with Miss Leydiah and her family.” He spoke, his voice bored and monotonous.

“Well sir, your parents say that you must go and that these plans cannot change. You must go to Miss Leydiah’s and you have to change your plans. I have been told that there is to be no negotiation.” She bowed her head before leaving, a small smirk playing at her lips when she was sure that the young master couldn’t see.

Jack only groaned and lay back, his heart hurting a little bit because he wanted nothing more than to spend the evening with Alex and their lovely picnic.

Alex. Jack suddenly thought. He had no way of telling the cleaner the change of plans without anyone knowing. He groaned in frustration and pulled at his hair. Things have suddenly become a lot harder.
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It's been over a year and I'm so so so so sorry for that. Please forgive me.

But Mrs Brookes though. Was she the one lurking in the shadows?