This Is a Catastrophe


I glared at my sister the whole ride home, she was so squished into the door, that if she tried to push into it anymore, she'd probably fall through.

"What were you thinking?!" I ran my hand down my face. "They're nice and all, but I don't know them! How could you invite them to my apartment without asking me first! And it's not even like they're just staying a little while, noooo! They're gonna be here for a week!" I was just fuming.
"Maybe it would've been better if you would've let me ride with them..." Jodie mumbled.
"NO! Like I said! I don't know them! I don't know where they're from, how old they are, hell! I barely know their names!" I snapped.

"Well, let me clear it up! They're from Dallas; Austin, Marc, Caleb and Kent are nineteen! And Kyle is twenty-one and Jonathan is twenty-three! They're names are Marc Stewart, Kent Garrison, Jonathan Cook, Austin Bello, Kyle Burns and Caleb Turman! Are you happy now!?" Jodie snapped back.

"You are impossible! And obsessed!" I rolled my eyes, "How the fuck do you know these guys aren't stoners!?"
"Because they're not like that!" Jodie frowned.
"And you know this, how?"
"Because I just do!" She folded her arms in a contained tantrum.

The rest of the drive home was silent, minus a few huffs of anger from both of us, the band was following us from behind. I didn't have the heart to tell them no after my rude sister told them they could stay.

We approached my apartment complex, it was about eleven thirty. I looked toward Jodie who angrily looked out the window.
"Look, Jode, I'm not mad anymore, what's done is done, I can't change that." I sighed, "Don't be mad at me either, enjoy them while they're here." I limped out of the car, noticing a mischievous grin creep across her face that I knew I wasn't meant to see.

The boys all hopped out of the van, Austin looked at my Acura and look at their van, then did it again. "Ha ha, our vehicles match!" He laughed.
"What do you mean?" I asked, I couldn't see any resemblance.
"Your car is shitty and white, and our van is shitty and white!" He smiled.
"Oh..." I raised my brow.
"What!? Our van is pure gold!" Kent gasped.
"Psh! That's a load of crap!" Caleb laughed.
"Sentimental value!" Kent stuck his tongue out. I knew this was going to be interesting.

I carefully made my way to their van, making sure not to put too much pressure on my foot. "Anything I can help you guys with?" I asked as they pulled essentials out of their lived-in van.
"Not with that ankle, no." Caleb smiled, I smiled back. "But.... Hey Jodie! Mind carrying this in for me? Trying to make it one trip to the apartment." He laughed, Jodie pranced over and happily took the bag from him, he grabbed another heavy bag.
"Do you need help getting inside?" Kyle asked. Another smile swept across my face.
"No, I'm good! Let me show you which one's ours." I said motioning towards the apartments.

We entered the apartment, a combined smell of flowers and vanilla embraced me. I took a deep breath and held the door open for the rest of the guys.
"I guess we should've asked, but... are ya'lls parents gonna mind us being here?" Marc asked, setting his stuff down behind the couch.
"No parents to worry about here." I said, closing the door as Kent made his way in. Jonathan wiped his forehead and set his glasses on the counter in the kitchen.

This is when things would get a little awkward for me...
"Uh... you guys... um... hungry or something?" I asked.
"You bet your socks I am!" Austin said, raiding the fridge. I remembered is was a weeknight.
"Jodie, you need to go to bed. You have school tomorrow." I said turning to Jodie who was sitting on the couch.
"But, Haydyn!"
"No but's, school comes first, go." I pointed towards her room. Jodie frowned and without another word, made her way to her room, walking a bit harder than necessary.

By this time, every one of them had raided the two boxes of leftover pizza.
"Why do you have so much pizza?" Kyle laughed.
"I had a get-together the other day." I said, jumping up on the counter.

"Well, Haydyn, tell us about yourself," Jonathan looked at me.
"Err... like what?"
"Like... how old are you?" Caleb asked.
"Almost twenty."
"Where do you work?" Asked Marc.
"I'm currently UN-employed, and looking for a job thank you very much."
"What is your favorite color!" Kyle asked.
"Green and purple!"
"Favorite kind of music?" Jonathan leaned on the counter
"Whatever's on the radio." I laughed.
"What brand of shoes are you wearing?" Austin raised an eyebrow.
"Some Walmart brand." I said, honest.
"Where are we sleeping?" Kent yawned.

"Uh... well the couch pulls out into a bed... there's an extra bed in Jodie's room, but don't go in there tonight, I don't want to bother her again. I guess whoever doesn't sleep on the couch gets the floor... sorry" I sighed, a rush of guilt overcoming me.
"That's fine, we'll live. There's a lot of us." Caleb smiled.
"I wonder what the neighbors must think!" I said sarcastically covering my mouth.

They all laughed. "Well, I probably should be getting to bed..." I yawned.
"That's fine, after Jodie comes home from school you want to go to the mall or something?" Austin asked, "Just to hang and get to know each other better?"
"I...." I thought about it for a moment, "I'll see what I can do." I smiled, gently sliding off the counter top and heading for my room.
"Thanks for letting us stay, Hay!" Caleb shouted. I smiled and closed my door.
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Comment if you read/have advice! :]