Tied in Knots

Summer Vacation

I watched the hands of the clock slowly shift as each minute went by. I just wanted this summer vacation already. I had a shitty school year. I needed a break. I needed a summer with my best friends. The bell finally rung and I grabbed my shit and hauled ass out of the building and to my car. I waited for Kellin. Car running, music up, summer finally started.

"Well hello there gorgeous." He said smacking my knee just like every single day.

"Bout damn time Kel. What the fuck took so long."

"Shelby. She just had to be extra nice before summer I guess. And I mean the extra nice as in a lovely sexual favor for letting her cheat on my tests all year."

I felt my stomach churn.

"That's disgusting."

"Not really. It's fan fucking tastic, wanna try it sometime?"

"Not in your wildest fantasies Kellin. Let's get the fuck off this lot and get home."

I drove the ten minute drive to his house, listening to his voice sing to me the entire way home. He sounded like heaven. Literally. I don't know where anyone goes when they die, but his voice is there. At least in my version.

I just looked at him. He didn't look the same. He looked... Strange.


"Yeah? What's up Liv?"

"You. You're not you. What's wrong?"

"Oh. Nothing. Just, home alone is all. My mom and sister are gone for summer. I got the house to myself. I don't know what to do... I've never had to be alone for more than like a day. And I mean... Jack was staying with me but he's on vacation for the next month. I'm just... lonely"

"Oh. Damn Kel. I'm sorry. I ugh. I'd probably be the same way."

"I'll be fine. I'm a man. This is what men do right. Sit at home, order a shit ton of pizza and drink beer. I mean.. I'm sure my mom has a few beers in the fridge. I'll live."

"Well...I love you.. I'll come by as soon as I can."

"I know." he said softly, kissing my nose. "And I love you too."

I drove home, remembering what he said. He did honestly hate being alone. He got anxiety attaacks from it. It was like, he was scared someone was out for him. I got home and just packed any and everything possible. I wrote my parents a note saying I'd be at Kellins, I didn't know when I would be back but I'd call and check in often. I grabbed my keys and drove back to Kellins.

"Kellin. Kellin Bostwick you open this mother fucking door." I said banging as loud as I could over his music. "Oh fuck it." I grabbed my key for the door unlocking it and going inside, sitting my stuff by the door. I walked up the stairs to Kellins door. It was shut. Odd, but okay. I knocked and waited a few seconds hoping he heard it over the music before I walked in.

"Kellin I dec---"


"What the holy fuck!" I just stared blankly. Just my god damned luck.

"I came to keep you from being lonely, but I guess you've gotten that fucking worked out. I'm leaving." I said slamming the door as hard loud and angrily as I could. I raced down the stairs to my car and grabbed my things. I'll be damned if I stay with that asshole of a person I call a friend who can't keep their dick in their pants for more than two minutes. I got home, grabbed my phone and texted Jack.

So. I just walked in on Kellin and Veronica fucking. Summer done.

He's being a summer slut? lol. How pissed did you get?

More than pissed. like god damn i literally just dropped him off and he freaked about being home alone for the summer so I figured i'd go and spend it with him so he wasn't alone and i walk into that. that's fucking bullshit at it's finest jack.

Can't say I blame ya. he's just full of himself right now. I mean. the bastard got, as you girls put it, sexy over night.

Yeah well...just come home fast so i can spend my summer with atleast one friend...

I sat in the middle of my bed trying to somehow have all this anger leave my mind. He's being the most pathetic excuse for a person I've ever seen....