Sequel: Infamous
Status: Completed (Being Re-edited)



My hands shook violently as I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I found Austin's name. I quickly tapped his name and put the phone up to my ear. Every ring felt like an eternity until he finally picked up.

"Hello?" He said tiredly.

"Austin Chris is gone!!" I practically screamed into the phone. I heard movement and Alan's voice, asking what was going on.

"What?? Kade what are you talking about???"

"Just get over here! Bring the guys just please hurry!!!" The tears once again started streaming down my face and sounds of broken sobs slipped out.

"Alright we're coming!!" He said quickly before hanging up. I sat back and hugged my knees to my chest, burying my head between my knees. I can't believe this is happening. I need Chris here with me and safe.. I already know who has him. Danny fucking Worsnop. There was no doubt he has him. But my question is how he got him. Chris can hold his own, I know that. But what's different this time. Chris obviously put up a fight, the evidence was the fucked up house and blood splatter on the wall. But how did they get him?? And he even still alive??

Just the thought of it made my heart break into millions of pieces. I can't live without Chris. I can't live this life without him in it. It's impossible. It's like trying to breathe without air to me. That's how important Chris is to me. He's done so much for me, everyone has. And I'll be damned if that British fucker takes him from me. I'm only human but doesn't mean I can't do anything about it. Even if it kills me, I'll stop Danny.

I saw the glare of headlights illuminate the trees that were across the street from the house and I immediately shot up, running to put the code in the keypad and open the gates. I ran back near the small rose garden that stood in the middle of the driveway and let the big black van pass through. It then came to a stop. I ran up to Austin as soon as he got out. I ran straight into his arms and he embraced me tightly.

"He's gone! Chris is gone!!" I kept repeating the words as I sobbed in his chest. I felt Austin tense up as he held me.

"Check every inch of that fucking house!! Tino try to get in contact with Ricky!!" Austin practically screamed at them. I pulled back and looked up at him. I gripped his arms tightly and I began to shake violently.

"Please find him" I whispered so quietly it sounded like I barely said anything at all. Austin looked into my eyes and I saw two things in his. Fear and Determination.

"We won't let anything happen to him Kade. We'll find him. I promise" He hugged me back into his chest and I sighed, feeling slightly better at his words. A few seconds later I heard Tino's voice.

"No one is answering dude. I've tried Ricky, Angelo and Ghost." Austin and I simultaneously turned and looked at him. I already knew. I already knew we were thinking the exact same thoughts in our heads.

"No ones in the house. It's completely empty" We turned the other way and saw Alan, Phil and Aaron. Alan immediately grabbed me and wrapped his arms protectively around me.

"Alright...we need to go to Ricky's house and check it out...although I think we already know. Let's head out" Austin said but I ran back. I ran to the doorway and picked up the jewelry bag I had dropped. I pulled out the satin box and opened it up.

"We'll save you baby. I promise we'll save you" I stared at the ring as I made my promise to Chris.

The drive to Ricky's house was short due to the rush of things. Who knows how long they had left? We have no idea how to find them or where to even look. No one has been able to find Danny, he's always found us. For a second, I felt a sense of hopelessness. But I made a promise to Chris. So I'm not giving up. I'll be the one who kills Danny. I don't know how...but I'll be the one.

I was sitting in the back of the van with Austin and Alan. They didn't feel comfortable leaving me alone so they sent Aaron, Phil, and, Tino inside the house. I was sitting in Alan's lap as he slowly calmed me down enough to stop crying. I was holding Austin's hand as well. Only a few minutes had passed and the back doors opened. They all had sad and angry looks on their faces.

"Totaled. The house is completely trashed. Danny must have all of them" Tino said confirming my fears. Not only did he have the love of my life, he has my friends, my family as well. I started to feel a sense of anger rise up in me and I climbed off Alan's lap, making my way out the van.

"Well we have to find them!" I threw my hands up in frustration as I paced.

"We? Kade your crazy. Your not doing anything but keeping clear while we, us not you, look for them" I whipped my head around and glared right at Austin. I stalked up to him and we squared off. Even though I'm almost a foot shorter than him.

"I'm going Austin." I crossed my arms and kept my stance up.

"Things are still the same. Chris wouldn't want you doing this." He glared right back at me.

"Well this isn't about what Chris wants. He can be mad at me later but after we save his ass. I'm fucking helping and that's final!" I snapped and he flinched a little at me. I intensified my glare at him.

"You stay on my ass. You hear me? You stay on it!" He sighed, giving up. I gave him a sharp nod.

"Well how are we supposed to find them?? Danny is basically invisible. No one has been able to find him." Alan mumbled. He had a glare on his face and his arms were crossed. We all fell into a thoughtful silence. Who would be able to find Danny? None of us had the skills to find him. Like Alan said, Danny is basically invisible to us. It's like trying to see in the dark...see....SEE!!

"Andy!" I exclaimed. I looked at Austin whose head snapped up. A few seconds later a smile spread across his face.

"Kade your a fucking genius baby a fucking genius!!" He picked me up into a bear hug and I smiled proudly at myself.

"Alan get Andy on the phone and tell him to meet us at Chris's house. Let's head out!" Austin's voice was full of authority. Alan nodded sharply and pulled his phone out as we all got in the van. Tino got in the front seat and soon we were speeding off to Chris's house.

We were standing outside the house, waiting anxiously for this Andy guy to arrive. I was a little nervouse but I was more impatient. I just wanted to bring my family home and put a stop to Danny. How I was gonna do it? No fucking clue. But I just have to.

I was standing still, looking at the ground while everyone whispered about ways to get my guys back. I was hoping they would have something because I have nothing. But first, we need to find them. Then we'll figure out how to get them. Suddenly everyone looked towards the gate. I looked as well and there was this figure standing there. He was fairly tall and skinny. He was dressed in a denim sleeveless vest and black skinny jeans with black boots. The side of his head was shaved but he has long hair. He was too far away from me to make anymore observations. I looked at Austin who had went up to the gate and was putting in the code in the keypad. The gates groaned as they opened. The man walked through and followed Austin back to us. The man had one lip ring and a nose ring, lightening blue eyes that were lined with black eyeliner. He looked a little intimidating to be honest.

"Kade this is Andy..Andy..this is Kade" Andy and I just looked at each other. I then reached my hand out and he took it. We shook briefly.

"I've heard about you..Chris never fails to mention you" His voice did not match his face. It was so deep. Very deep.

"I've heard about you too" He nodded to me.

"Wheres the scene?" He asked, looking at Austin. Austin nodded before leading us into the house. I gripped Alan's hand as I looked away from the mess. I couldn't bring myself to look because I would began to think the worst thoughts. And I couldn't have that. I had to stay focused and strong for my family's sake.

Andy looked around before walking slowly, as if he is surveying the damage. Then he reached his hand out to the wall and touched the blood. He immediately started to shake. I looked in total confusion.

"I...I see him" Andy's voice was shaky. Alan gripped my hand as we watched. Andy pressed his other hand to the wall.

"They are attacking him....he's fighting back but...they keep coming...he's beating them...Danny..." I tensed up as I heard Danny's name. Andy was breathing hard, his eyes closed and focused. He was silent. Very silent. I was starting to get worried so I took a step forward.

"What's happening??" I demanded of him.

"The vision is disappearing" He whispered. My heart took off. I ran forward and grabbed his hand.

"NO!!" I shouted and at the same time he gasped, gripping my hand. I tried to pull away but he kept a tight hold of me while his other hand was still on the wall. I started to feel this tingling in my hand. Just a little tingle.

"He's weakening" Andy tilted his head back, his eyes still closed as he started to pant.

"He's using too much power...." Suddenly I felt this jab of pain in my back. I screamed and my back arched. It was as if someone shoved something right through me.

"Kade!!" I heard Alan scream. I closed my eyes and immediately I saw Chris. He was on his knees, a knife sticking out of his stomach.

"Kade...I'm sorry" He spoke but it wasn't to me.

"Chris" I whimpered and tried to reach for him but I couldn't. He was looking at me with wide eyes but I don't think he knew I was here. I gripped Andy's hand, refusing to let Chris go. I then saw Danny come up behind Chris and snap his neck, at the same time, Andy and I both cried out in pain. My neck was fucking throbbing in unbearable pain. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I saw Chris slump over. I tried reaching again. There was pain raging through me and I could hear Andy whimpering and gasping.

"Chris get up!!!" I screamed at him. I saw a group of guys come over and surround him. I immediately recognized them from the night we went up against them.

"Take him to the factory boys" Danny said as he smiled devilishly at Chris. Before I could see more, the vision went completely black. The pain in my back and neck disappeared instantly. Slowly I opened my eyes and Andy was staring at me, in complete shock. I then looked up at Austin who was holding Andy's other hand. The room was deadly silent.

"What the fuck was that?!?!" Austin shouted at us. I looked back at Andy who was completely lost. I let go of his hand and stood up.

"You saw..." He trailed off but I nodded, my mouth slightly agape. He stood up and we stared at each other.

"I felt....everything" I whispered and he nodded. Austin looked totally lost.

"How did that happen?" I asked, looking around at everyone but they were just as clueless.

"Our power..comes from emotion.." Andy spoke as if he was dazed. "And when you touched me...I just felt this..jolt of from you. And I intercepted the vision...and we felt everything Chris felt" That barely made sense to me.

"That doesn't make sense" Alan spoke my thoughts out loud. Andy sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"What I'm saying is, Kade's love for Chris made the vision stronger. The vision was fading before he touched me. But somehow, I was able to channel his emotion and that basically put us there. In Chris's mind. Which is why we felt the pain he felt" I nodded, understanding just a little bit more.

"The factory" I whispered and they all looked at me.

"What?" Austin said, confused.

"Danny said something about taking him to a factory." Andy answered for me. I nodded to Austin.

"Well let's start looking"

Looking for the mystery factory was hard, even with Andy's help. We narrowed it down to recently bought places. And we were currently scrolling through the list. Looking for buyers but none had anything to do with Danny. I was starting to get frustrated. We didn't know how much time my guys had left. And we still can't find them at all. I felt that rush of hopelessness again.

"Michael Callis...Anthony Ward....Derrick Mott" Austin was reading off the list and I sighed. I looked at the list. From top to bottom. The last name was Benjamin Sponrow. That's an odd name but I just shrugged it off. I turned away from the computer screen and crossed my arms. I couldn't stop the tears from spilling out.

"Kade.." I looked up and saw Austin looking at me sadly. I couldn't be in here. I walked towards the door and went outside, gripping my beanie hat in my hands. I felt the breakdown coming. I've been holding myself together but as the seconds ticked by, I felt my walls chipping. The hopelessness was swarming around in my stomach.

"Kade" I turned around and looked at Austin. I wasted no time before walking into his arms and crying. I couldn't do this. Everything was crashing down around me.

"We're never gonna save him" The words broke my heart into pieces. Austin pushed me back but kept a tight grip on my shoulders. Tears were falling from his eyes as he shook his head.

"Yes we will!" I shook my head at his words.

"No" I whispered. I could hardly see him through the tears in my eyes. I immediately looked away.

"Kade look at me!" Austin snapped at me. I slowly turned and looked into his eyes.

"I know it hurts...I know...but I need you back in the fucking game so we can save Chris and kill Danny once and for all. Do you understand me??" He voice was full of emotion. I nodded slowly and wiped my eyes with my jacket sleeve.

"Now let's go and find them" He pulled me back into the house. Everyone looked at us but we went straight to the computer, looking at the list. I kept looking at Benjamin Sponrow. Just something about it had me staring.

"He must be under a different name or something" I heard Andy suggest. I wasn't listening. I was just staring at the name. Then I started to rearrange the letters. I kept coming up with different words. Then I gasped. Sponrow!!!!

"Look!!" I pointed to Benjamin's name. Everyone rushed over and looked.

"What??" Tino mumbled.

"Rearrange the letters!!!!" I exclaimed. A second later Austin screamed.

"Kade you smart mother fucker!!" Austin quickly clicked on the factory and there was a picture, an address and a map. My heart exploded with happiness as everyone tried to hug me at the same time. I giggled and opened my arms wide for them.

"Let's get my guys back!" I shouted excitedly.

Austin led us to Chris's supply closet. They stocked up on weapons while I filled a back pack up with blood bags for my boys. After getting suited up, we all walked outside to the van, with Andy at our side. He decided to join us to help save my guys. We were going in, hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
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I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read my story :) I truly appreciate that. Only a few chapters left. And there might be a sequel. Please comment