You Stupid Girl


"So, what happened upstairs?" I asked later that night. I kept getting the feeling that I was forgetting something, but didn't know what.

"Break in. You don't remember?" Stefan asked, giving me a curious look.

"No, guess I did hit my head pretty hard." I sent him an apologetic smile. When I saw myself in the mirror earlier, they explained to me how I fell down the stairs. Clumsy me.

"Right. Well, since you need a place to sleep, you can stay in this guest room. If you need anything, my room is down the hall." Stefan gave me a smile before walking away.

I closed the door behind me before changing into something more comfortable to sleep in. I picked out a blue tank top and a pair of short shorts out of my boxes of stuff. I switched the light off before climbing into the huge bed. It didn't take me long to get comfortable and fall asleep.

I was standing in the middle of a highway in a desert. Sweat trailed down my face as I began looking around in the hot sun. Nothing could be seen for miles other than the highway, ground, and sky. Where was I? Using the back of my hand, I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. I began walking along the highway since there really wasn't any other place to go. I kept walking and walking on the endless highway. My body soon began to tire from the heat and walking. Nothing was around to drink, and the sun didn't seem to move. I squinted up at the sun, trying to figure out what was going on. Closing my eyes, I began soaking up the warmth it radiated. When I opened my eyes, it was gone.

I was now somewhere cooler and it was night. Darkness surrounded me. No noise was heard. A sudden flash of lightning lit up the sky, causing me to jump. In that split second I saw that I was in a forest. How did I get here? I was just on a highway in a desert. The sun was also out. This wasn't making any sense. Thunder rumbled a few seconds later. Next came water droplets. My head was leaned back, staring up at the sky. One drop of rain hit my cheek. Then another hit my forehead. Soon it was pouring.

"What...the hell?" I mumbled, before trying to walk in the dark forest.

I began to stumble over rocks, roots, and tree stumps. Sometimes even slipping in mud that the rain was causing. Lightning flashed again and I saw a shadow figure dart between trees.

"Hello?" I called out after seeing the first sign of life other than myself. No answer.

I felt a presence behind me, so I turned around. Nobody was there. Lightning lit up the sky just as a hand was placed on my shoulder. I spun around to see nothing. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Who's there?" I called out, waiting for a reply I knew I wouldn't get.

After a moment of silence, I began walking again. Lightning lit up the sky just in time for me to see the shadowy figure again. It disappeared between the trees.

"Kaitlyn," a voiced called out from behind me, but turning around I saw nothing.

"Be a good girl," Another said from behind me again, causing me to spin back around.

"Run!" A voice shouted. I couldn't even pinpoint where it came from.

"What? Why?" I asked as I began looking for someone.

The rain soon stopped. The clouds from the sky disappeared, revealing a full moon. It was so bright that I could actually see around me quite well. A branch snapped from behind me, so I spun around, squinting my eyes in the direction the noise came from. Of course nobody was there.

"Kaitlyn," a voice from behind me spoke. I recognized it to be Damon's.

"Damon, stop fucking with me," I spoke as I turned around to be greeted by nothing. What the hell...

"Kaitlyn," Stefan now spoke. I spun around again to see nobody. What was going on?

"Kaitlyn," many voices began to chant around me. I began to freak out as I spun around in a circle to see nothing but trees.

"Run!" a voice hissed in my ear. Without even looking back, I began running.

I never did stop running. I would slip in mud, but regain my balance and keep going. I tripped over a tree root just to get back up and run. I kept running and running. Soon I realized it was pointless. It was never ending of running. I fell to the ground with my chest aching and my breathing heavy. Mud covered most of my rain soaked clothes. Some branches and bushes had cut my arms, making them sting slightly. The forest was silent and all I heard was myself. Soon laughing broke out. My hands covered my ears as I began wishing for it all to stop.

"Kaitlyn! Hey, Kaitlyn!"

My eyes shot open to reveal a worried Stefan and Damon. I sat up to realize I was covered in sweat. My face was also tear stained. I began to look around to realize that I had a nightmare. I was in the bed in the guest room of the Salvatore house. Nothing had been real. Of course it wasn't. Everything kept changing, but it felt so real. It was like being trapped with nowhere to go. My name kept being repeated and I was told to run. What was I running from?

"Kaitlyn, are you alright?" Stefan asked, breaking my attention from the nightmare I was reliving in my head.

"Um, yeah." I pushed my dark hair behind my ears.

"Are you sure?" Damon asked, giving me a curious look.

"Yeah, it was a nightmare. Nothing to worry about." I don't know if I was trying to convince myself that or them.

"Want to talk about it?" Stefan asked, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"Rather not," I sighed. I realized I had most likely waken them up since it was the middle of the night. "Sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Stefan asked as he stood back up.

"I'm guessing that I woke you guys up." Stefan gave me a small smile before saying it was alright. He then told me goodnight before leaving me alone in the room with Damon.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked, lingering right by the door. I shook my head yes. "Want me to stay with you?"

"I think I'm okay." I gave him a smile before saying goodnight to him.

When the door closed, I laid back down in the bed. Rarely have I ever gotten nightmares. What was weird to me was that I was being told to run. I never did figure out what I was running from.
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What do you guys think? Another chapter will be up soon.