You Stupid Girl


I slept fine the rest of the night. Bits and pieces of the nightmare still remained in my head. What stood out the most was being told to run. I still couldn't figure out why or what I was running from, and for some reason that bothered me.

"Kaitlyn, ready to go?" Stefan asked as I slipped on one of Damon's jackets since my only hoodie seemed to be missing. Thankfully, Damon was kind enough to lend me one of his.

"You don't have to go," Damon told me as he came into the room.

"Damon, really?" Stefan has been annoyed by Damon's presence all morning.

"She can always start school on Monday," Damon shrugged. "Only people who like school want to go." I smiled knowing that he was correct. I much rather start school on Monday, especially since school was the last place I wanted to be.

"She has to go to school," Stefan stated.

"Actually, she doesn't," Damon grinned, knowing that he was right. "She's eighteen. She can do whatever she wants."

Stefan let out a sigh before looking at me. "What do you want to do?"

"Go Monday," I answered, earning a smile from Damon, who gave Stefan an 'I told you so' look.

Stefan sent a glare to Damon before grabbing his stuff and leaving.

"How did you sleep last night?" Damon asked as I sat down on the couch. I shrugged since I had already been asked the same question by Stefan this morning. "No more nightmares, I assume." I shook my head no before yawning. Stefan had waken me up so I could go to school, but now I wasn't going which made getting up pointless.

Damon was getting ready to say something when there was a knock at the door. He narrowed his eyes before excusing himself to answer it. I stayed on the couch since it was really none of my business to who was at the door. I just knew that it probably wasn't for me. I yawned again before laying down on the couch, waiting for Damon to come back.

"Kaitlyn! I know you're here!" I sat up when I heard my name being yelled. It sounded like my dad's voice, but that couldn't be possible. Maybe I was just imagining it. Maybe nobody even yelled for me. "Kaitlyn!" Or maybe I wasn't imagining it?

I got up before going to the front door where Damon was trying to block whoever was at the door. The person kept shoving on Damon, but he didn't move.

"Kaitlyn, run!" Run. That was what I was told to do in my nightmare, but why?! "Kaitlyn! Go! Now!" This time I knew the voice belonged to my father.

"Kaitlyn, don't listen to him." Damon turned his head to look at me.

"Why?" I asked both of them.

"You're not safe, sweetheart. Run!" Dad said, taking a step back so he could try and see me over Damon.

I went over by Damon's side so I could see my father. "What do you mean 'not safe'?" My eyes widened in horror as I watched my dad's neck being snapped by an unknown man before he could even answer. Damon quickly did the same to the unknown man. Both bodies fell to the ground and I stood frozen in place.

"Kaitlyn!" Damon shook me as my eyes stayed frozen on my father. I was too shocked to move. This couldn't be real. Was dad correct? Was I in danger? Damon kept repeating my name so I glanced up at him. He killed the man who killed my father without a second thought about it. Could Damon do the same to me?

My father's last words began to repeat in my head. I knew what I had to do. I had to run. I tried to dart past Damon, but he easily grabbed me. That was a stupid idea. Now he knows I want to escape. Fuck!

"Let me go!" I screamed as tears filled my eyes.

"Kaitlyn, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you," Damon spoke. I ignored him and tried hitting and kicking him to get away. "Dammit, Kaitlyn!" Damon growled as he spun me around to face him. "Listen to me! I'm not going to hurt you! Don't make me have any more regrets with you."

"Fuck you. Just kill me already. You easily killed that guy!" I screamed at him as I hit him in the chest.

"He was going to kill you next. I am protecting you!" Damon spoke as he grabbed my wrists. "You can either trust me or we'll do it the easy way."

"Why should I even trust you? My dad told me to run, and now he's dead." I sent Damon a glare.

"Because the guy who killed your father won't be dead for long. He's a vampire, Kaitlyn. Just like me." I froze in place again. Vampire? Was he joking. If they were vampires, then how the hell were they able to go out in the sun? That's right, they don't because vampires don't exist."Listen to me. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

"Fuck you!" I spat before jerking away from him and running out the door, this time successfully getting away. I had only gotten to the end of the driveway before arms wrapped around my waist.

"Guess you choose the easy way," Damon muttered before dragging me back to the house.

I was shocked when I saw both dead bodies were now gone when we went through the doorway. Where did my dad go? Where was the other guy?

"Let me go. Please," I begged as tears began streaming down my face again.

"I did. You didn't get very far," Damon smirked when he shoved me towards the couch. "Sit." I did as I was told. Damon stood in front of me. His eyes gazed into mine. "Don't move or say a word until I tell you to. And stop crying."

Damon left and I sat as still as a statue and stopped crying. I stayed emotionless in one spot for at least an hour.

"What's going on?" Stefan asked when he arrived home.

"Why isn't she moving?" a blonde girl asked as she stood in front of me.

"Damon, did you compel her?" another girl asked. She sounded a bit pissed off.

"I had to! She thinks I'm a serial killer because I broke the neck of the vampire who killed her dad right in front of her," Damon defended himself.

"You did what?!" the blonde asked, walking away from me.

"He was after her," Damon defended himself again.

"So she knows what you are?" another female voice asked.

"Not exactly..."

"She didn't believe you did she?" Stefan asked.


"Hey, Kaitlyn. Are you alright?" the blonde asked as she stood back in front of me. I didn't answer her.

"It's pointless to talk to her. I compelled her to sit there and not say a word." Damon left out the crying part.

"Damon," the blonde stared towards him, seeming annoyed.

"She doesn't know who you are," Stefan let out a sigh.

"What do you mean 'she doesn't know'?" one of the girls asked.

"She had figured out that we were vampires last night and Damon compelled her to forget everything but us." Stefan explained.

"You what?!" all three girls exclaimed at the same time.

They all began arguing and I sat there taking in the information I just learned. Damon soon stepped in front of me.

"You can move and talk, but you will not remember the conversation you just heard."

"Kaitlyn?" I glared up at Damon before looking at Stefan and seeing three girls I didn't know. When did they get here? Did I zone out?

"I'm Elena, and this is Caroline and Bonnie." The three of them gave me a smile.

"Can we get down to business?" Damon frowned.

"Don't freak out," Caroline said as she walked towards me. I became suspicious of them all as they came over to me. Caroline sat to the left of me and Elena to the right. Bonnie stood off to the side while Damon and Stefan were in front of me.

"Kaitlyn, please just hear us out before doing anything," Stefan spoke. "What Damon said was true. You are in danger, and we have been protecting you. You won't remember though, because someone compelled you to forget." He sent a glare to Damon.

"The man you saw Damon kill, well, he's still a way," Bonnie joined the conversation.

"That's not possible..." I muttered, narrowing my eyes at her.

"It is if you are supernatural," Elena spoke.

"We're vampires," Caroline explained.

"Right...and I'm an alien," I replied sarcastically.

"The guy is alive in the basement if you want to see for yourself," Damon spoke, earning another glare from me.

"Fine, prove it then." I knew that there was no way that guy was going to be alive.

Stefan, Damon, and Elena lead me down the basement while Caroline and Bonnie followed. We kept walking until we got to a door that was closed and had a small opening with bars.

"Don't get too close," Stefan warned.

I walked up to the door and took a glance. The guy appeared right in front of me and I jumped back. His eyes had changed and fangs were showing. He was alive and sure as hell wasn't human. Damon wasn't lying. None of them were. They were, in fact, vampires.
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