You Stupid Girl


I spent the rest of the day avoiding Damon. It wasn't really a hard thing to do when he stayed in the basement. I didn't really know what he was doing, but had a feeling that he was still trying to get answers from that vampire. While he was doing that, I roamed the house freely. A part of me wanted to go outside and explore the town, but the other part of me was afraid. I only left the house when someone took me somewhere, and that was rarely. I knew if I tried to leave, Damon would most likely hear me. Then I would have to deal with Damon, which wasn't something I wanted right now. I also got the feeling that someone was watching me outside every time I stared out a window. Either I'm paranoid, or the vampires who wanted me dead were watching. That made it even more unsafe to go out.

Stefan came home soon enough. He instantly knew something was wrong since I was trying to avoid him as well. Any time he would talk to me, I sort of backed away. The fear of seeing him like Damon and the other vampire kept crossing my mind. He finally left me alone to talk to Damon, most likely about my strange behavior.

I was in the kitchen searching for food in the cabinets when Damon and Stefan came in. I kept searching even though I knew they were watching me.

"Looking for something?" Damon asked me, as I opened another cabinet that had some canned goods. Guess they didn't really eat much human food since the kitchen was basically empty of any.

"Uh, food?" I didn't know if he was being serious or just stupid. What else would I be looking for in a kitchen? A book on how to kill vampires?

"I'm guessing you want something other than what's here," Stefan said. I turned around to face them before shaking my head yes. "Sorry that we don't have much. I'll take you out to eat if you like." Stefan gave me a smile.

"That'd be great," I smiled back.

"But first we need to talk." Stefan sent a glance to Damon as I frowned.

"Look, I don't want to talk about my dad, and I don't plan on going to the basement. I really just want some food and forget everything that has happened since... well since I got here." I pushed my hair out of my eyes as I watched them.

"I can make that happen," Damon grinned causing me to frown. I forgot they could actually make me forget. It wasn't like I was being literal about it.

"He's not going to compel you to forget, right Damon?" Stefan elbowed Damon in the ribs.

"Only if you want me to," Damon said as he sent a glare to his younger brother.

"No, I don't want you to."

Stefan elbowed Damon again, earning another glare. "What was that for?" he asked as he took a few steps away from Stefan.

"You are suppose to apologize to her, Damon. Because of you, she is now afraid of us. Remember the promise we made to her father yesterday? That we wouldn't hurt her? That we would protect her?" Stefan was talking to Damon as if I wasn't standing a few feet from them.

"All I did was prove my point. It was either that or compel her, something you didn't want me to do," Damon defended himself. I stood there awkwardly listening to them talk about me. "It wasn't like she was in any danger. I didn't hurt her and I'm still protecting her."

"Damon, you put her in danger. What if he managed to somehow get out? What if he had gotten to her? All you did was scare her." Stefan was getting annoyed with Damon.

Elena came into the kitchen, but neither brother took a glance at her or greeted her. She saw me and gave me a questioning look which I shrugged.

"I wasn't going to let anything happen to her, Stefan. I knew what I was doing."

"What's going on?" Elena asked, glancing between the two. This time they both glanced towards her.

"Damon won't give Kaitlyn the answers she wants. She told him she would get them from the vampire herself, so Damon thought it would be a great idea to scare her," Stefan quickly caught Elena up on the subject.

"Damon, you didn't," Elena said dryly, now joining the conversation.

I let out a sigh before going to the table and sitting down. Damon began to explain his reasoning to Elena, while Elena and Stefan both scolded him. I soon felt another presence nearby and took a glance around. There was nobody else in the kitchen. The three of them didn't seem to notice anything, and they had some kind of super hearing. Guess it was only me being paranoid again. Something didn't seem right though. I got up and went to stand by Stefan.

"Is there someone else in the house?" I whispered to him, earning a strange look from the three of them. Of course they now pay attention to me.

"No, why?" Stefan asked as he shared a glance with Damon and Elena.

"I just got the feeling that someone else was here. All day I felt like someone was watching me," I admitted. It no longer felt like it, but didn't mean that someone was here.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Damon asked. I gave him an 'are you serious?' look.

"Mostly because you were in the basement and it was only when I was looking out the window. Maybe I'm just paranoid," I mumbled before leaning against the counter.

"Do you hear that?" Damon asked before disappearing. I glanced at Stefan and Elena to see them as confused as I was. Damon reappeared in the kitchen with a frown. Something was very wrong.

"What's going on?" Elena asked carefully while eyeing Damon.

"The vampire who wants to kill Kaitlyn may have escaped." Damon sent me an apologetic smile.

"What?" Elena and I asked at the same time. My eyes went wide with fear as I remembered how he wanted my blood earlier. Now he was no longer locked up and could come get me at any second.

"How did he escape?" Stefan asked, watching Damon carefully.

"I'm guessing he had some help from someone who had been watching us and knew what they were doing." Damon's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it.

"Someone like Klaus," Stefan said as he began shaking his head and walking away.

"No, I don't think Klaus did. He had the answers he wanted," Damon spoke, stopping Stefan.

"Another vampire who wants her dead?" Elena asked.

"Bingo!" Damon smiled at her. "Klaus doesn't want her, and the only other vampires who know of her want her dead." Damon quickly frowned as if he remembered something. "We need to get Kaitlyn out of here. Take her to your house for now. It's safer." Damon was speaking to Elena.

"Why is it safer?"

"Vampires have to be invited in," Stefan explained to me as we all began walking out of the kitchen.

"Then how did they get in here if they weren't invited in?" Elena began explaining to me that it only applied to anyone who was mortal and owned the place, otherwise vampires could come and go without being invited in.

"But you're a vampire..." I gave her a confused look.

"My brother isn't." I'm guessing either their parents were also vampires or their parents were dead. Asking would just make everything awkward.

We got into Elena's car with Stefan in the passenger seat and Damon and I in the back. We got to Elena's house pretty quickly because of Damon's complaining of her driving too slow. When the car stopped, I was being dragged out of the car by Damon.

"In a hurry much?" I groaned as I nearly fell out of the car. Then I began to trip over my own feet.

"Do you still feel like you're being watched?" Damon asked as he caught me from falling.

"No, but can you stop walking so fast?" I shot him a glare in which he returned. He let go of me and I safely made it inside of the house.

"Jeremy!" Elena yelled up the stairs. He came jogging down them a second later.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked as he took a glance at us.

"Whatever you do, don't invite anyone inside. If anyone comes for Kaitlyn, then kill them," Damon gave orders. I was surprised when Jeremy went with it without even asking why.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" I asked Damon since Stefan and Elena were arguing about someone's safety. It was probably about mine and now Jeremy's.

"Out to try and find the vampires who want to kill you. Don't leave the house and stay with Jeremy." Damon now gave orders to me. I told him that I wouldn't do anything stupid since it was true. Getting on Damon's bad side was quite scary.

The three left leaving me with Jeremy. I soon learned that Jeremy had no idea what was going on either and knew nothing about my family's history. I also had met him before Damon compelled me to forget everything. Guess Elena didn't tell him much since he didn't know about me being compelled.

We sat down on the couch in the living room to watch movies to pass the time. Jeremy had made us popcorn and got us both a soda. We were just starting the second movie when there was a knock at the door. We both shared a curious look as he muted the television. Who would be here this late at night? It couldn't have been Damon, Elena, or Stefan because they would have walked right in. And with the expression Jeremy now had, I knew it was probably a vampire who wanted me dead.