You Stupid Girl


The weekend slowly went by. Most of the time I was stuck inside, but a few times I was able to go outside in the yard. Stefan and Elena were with me most of the time, or should I say they were making out while somewhat watching me. It didn't really bother me though and I was thankful no vampires who were wanting me dead came. Damon was usually wherever the two vampires were now locked up. I didn't ask where and nobody told me. Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, and their friend Matt had stopped by Saturday night to pick up Elena and Stefan to see a movie. Of course I had been invited along, but Damon was here at the time and quickly told them no. They had given me apologetic looks before leaving and I just shrugged it off even though I rather been with them instead of Damon. The only nice thing Damon did was take my stitches out for me.

Now it was Monday morning and I was wide awake because Stefan woke me up. Today was the day I was supposed to go back to school, and I honestly didn't care to. Did I really want to be there? Did I even care to graduate anymore? You would think that I would love to go to school to get out of this house, but that really wasn't the case. School meant being around a bunch of people that I didn't know, sitting in boring classes doing work that I didn't care about, having crappy food for lunch, more boring classes, then coming home to do even more work! I rather stay here with Damon.

"You've got to go, Kaitlyn," Stefan told me for the hundredth time in the past twenty minutes.

"Actually, I don't. I'm legally an adult. If it wasn't for the fact that my birthday fell a couple of weeks after school started, I would have graduated from hell by now," I said with my head still resting on the kitchen table. "Why do you even go for?"

"To be with Elena."

"How old are you anyway?" I asked, sitting up so I could actually see him.

"Forever seventeen," he smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"That wasn't what I meant," I frowned as Damon came into the kitchen.

"Go get ready or we'll be late."

"I'm not going."

"Damon, a little help here?" Stefan was pleading with Damon as if that would change my mind. Damon glanced over at me and I shook my head no.

"Sorry, brother. I'm not getting in the middle of this," Damon told him and I smiled.

"Do I need to compel you to go to school?" Stefan asked me, making Damon and I laugh. Stefan didn't find it funny at all. Was he serious though? Compel me? Something he was against Damon doing.

"I thought we weren't going to compel her?" Damon smirked as he found a bottle of liquor in a cabinet.

"Like you haven't done so already?"

"You don't really scare me," I told Stefan as I crossed my arms and placed them on the table.

"Do I need to?" Stefan raised an eyebrow. My eyes went wide and I shook my head no.

"Stefan, just leave already. She's not going to go and you aren't changing her mind." Damon gave his brother a pat on the back before leaving the kitchen.

"Are you sure you want to stay here with Damon?" Stefan questioned, offering me a way out once again.

"I'm not going to hurt her... or scare her!" Damon yelled from another room.

"I'm fine."

Stefan sighed in defeat before leaving me alone in the kitchen. I laid my head down on my arms and closed my eyes before listening to the silence in the house. After a few minutes laying there, I decided to go back to bed before I fell asleep at the table. I yawned before slowly standing up and going upstairs to the guest bedroom that I was staying in.

When I entered the room, I froze in place and my eyes widened. Fear coursed through me as I stared at a man dressed in all black sitting on my bed. Some of his long, dark hair fell into his face as he smirked at me.

"Don't say a word," he mouthed before holding a long pale finger to his lips.

I tried to move, but couldn't. I wanted to scream for Damon, but my voice failed me. I began trembling with fear as the man got up and took a few steps towards me. My heart was pounding against my chest and I prayed that Damon could hear it because I was sure that this man was not human. He took another step and I finally had the courage to take a step back. The man smiled and I knew he was going to make a game out of this.

"Damon!" I screamed as I turned around to run. The man caught me and quickly pulled me back into the room and slammed the door shut.

"What a stupid thing to do," he hissed, slapping me across the face. Tears filled my eyes as my cheek stung.

"Kaitlyn!" Damon was pounding on the door.

The man had moved so fast that I didn't even realize he put stuff in front of the door to block it. I began searching with my tearful eyes for anything I could use as a weapon. The man pulled me against him and something cool was against my throat. My breathing stopped for a second when I realized it was a knife. Tears slid down my cheeks as we stood against the wall. My eyes glanced up to see Damon now standing in the room with us. He had been strong enough to push open the door with everything in front of it. His blue eyes met with mine and I could see the fear in them.

"Damon Salvatore, what a pleasant surprise," the man spoke from behind me before chuckling. I could feel the vibrations from his chest with how close I was to him.

"Let her go."

"I can't do so."

"What do you want with her?" Damon asked as he took a cautious step towards us. The knife was pressed a little bit harder to my neck, causing Damon to stop.

"With Kaitlyn? Nothing. You do, however, have two of my men."

"You mean the two vampires after her because of what her family did decades ago."

"I promise you that has nothing to do with me, but I do want them released. Otherwise I will be taking care of business myself," the guy said before pulling me closer to him and pushing the knife a little harder against my skin.

"They aren't even here."

"Then take me to them."

"Let Kaitlyn go first." Damon was watching the knife at my throat carefully. One wrong move and it could all be over for me. My life was literally in Damon's hands.

"Do I look stupid to you?" A part of me wanted to laugh, but the another part was afraid to. Did Damon seriously think the guy would just let me go? It was obvious the guy was also a vampire, so I'm sure he's been around for awhile.

"At least put the knife away," Damon pointed to the knife at my throat. "And then I will take you."

The guy seemed hesitant about it, but finally moved it away from my throat. I let out a sigh of relief before moving my right hand up to rub where the knife had been. I was scooped up into the man's arms a second later and everything quickly became one big blur. My eyes closed as a cool breeze stung my face. My eyes didn't open until my feet were back on the ground. Everything was spinning around and I felt like I was going to get sick. If it wasn't for the man holding me against him, I probably would have fell to the ground. From what I could tell, I was somewhere that I haven't been before. And from how fast we arrived here, I'm assuming they just used their damn super speed. They could have at least gave me a warning.

"Where are they?" the man asked as he kept me standing up. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to keep seeing the whole room spin around me.

"Over here," Damon spoke from somewhere nearby.

My eyes opened as we began walking forward. I was holding onto the man's arm that was around my waist to help keep myself standing.

"Wait," the man said, stopping us both from moving forward. The knife was at my throat again and I froze in place. "Is this some sort of trap?" he asked warily.

"No." I had a feeling that Damon was lying, and only hoped that whatever trap he had was going to work without getting me killed.

"Are you sure about that?" the guy asked before trailing the blade of the knife from my neck to my cheek. He cut down a little causing me wince. I could feel a little bit of blood trickle down my cheek. My eyes closed when I realized I was in the presence of two vampires and now I was bleeding. Fantastic.

"There are no traps. Do you want your guys or not?" Damon growled at him.

"Do you want your girl or not? Whose house is this?" he asked as he slid the end of the knife back down my cheek to my neck.

"It's mine," a voice I recognized said from behind us. My eyes opened as we turned around to see Klaus. The guy became stiff behind me, but kept the blade close to my neck. "Let's make a trade, shall we? Let go of Kaitlyn, and I will let you go."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" the man asked, pressing the blade a bit harder against my neck.

"You have my word. Just know that if you kill her, you will definitely will be dead," Klaus told him before taking a few steps towards us.

"Where's Victor and John? Are they free too?"

Klaus smirked. "They are already free. They gave us the information we needed and we let them go."

"You're lying, Klaus. They're dead, aren't they?" the man was shaking with fear, which I thought was weird. He pointed the knife at Klaus before putting it back to my throat.

"Now why would I lie?" Klaus asked as he took a few more steps towards us.

I heard the sickening crack of his neck being broke behind me. His hand dropped the knife as he let me go. Klaus pulled me out of the way as he fell to the ground. Damon was standing behind the limp body, glaring at it. Guess he forgot all about Damon. He could have been a bit faster though.

"He's all yours." Damon kicked the lifeless body before glancing up at me.

Damon came over to me to make sure I was alright as Klaus went over to that body. I was watching Klaus as he observed the body. He glanced back to see me before frowning.

"Kaitlyn, look away," Klaus instructed. Before I could even look away, Damon had picked me up and taken me outside. I let out a groan as he placed me back down.

"You've gotta warn me before you do that!" I scolded him as the world was spinning around me again. He chuckled a little before staring at the blood on my cheek. I stiffened when I remember what he did last time he saw blood on me. He used his thumb to wipe away the blood. Instead of licking it off his thumb, he wiped it on his jeans. I gave him a curious look and he smirked.

"I can control myself, Kaitlyn. Don't give me that look."

"Y'know, I've never actually seen any of you drink blood. How the hell do you manage survive? Or are you just really good at hiding it?" I blurted out. Damon seemed amused with my questions.

"Guess we are really good at hiding it from you," he answered before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me back inside. I was disappointed that he didn't really give me the answers I was wanting, but then again I probably didn't need to know.

"Three of the six are now dead," Klaus told us as we joined him. I gave him a questioning look. Three of six? Six vampires were wanting me dead? Klaus noticed my expression and gave a disappointed look to Damon. "You haven't told her?"

"She doesn't need to know yet," Damon told him.

"She deserves to know why vampires want her dead, Damon. Have you even told her about her mother?" Klaus questioned earning a groan from Damon.

"What about my mom?" I asked, hoping that Klaus would give me the answers I wanted.

"I'll tell you later," Damon told me, getting a frown from me. Later would probably mean in ten years when I completely forget about it.

"Why was that vampire so afraid of you?" I asked Klaus, since asking Damon would probably get me another 'doesn't matter' or 'tell you later'.

"Let's just say I've made many enemies over the years," he gave me a smile that showed his dimples.

Damon and Klaus exchanged a few words before Damon and I left. He picked me up when we were outside and I buried my face into his chest. My arms were wrapped around his neck as I waited for him to use his super speed.

"Ready?" he asked, earning a nod from me.

I could feel the cool breeze hitting me before it stopped altogether. I opened my eyes and glanced around to see that we were back home. Damon was smirking at me before putting me down.

"Next time, please take a car," I groaned even though this time I wasn't dizzy.

"Right, next time I will try to talk the vampire who has you into getting in a car," Damon replied sarcastically.

"He could have slit my throat easily," I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest.

"But he didn't," Damon pointed out. "I kept you safe."

"I still deserve answers, Damon," I mumbled before looking down at the floor. I was afraid that I would end up pissing Damon off if I asked too many times.

"They found your mom's body a few days ago," Damon said quietly. My eyes slowly glanced back up to meet his. I could see the sincere look in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Kaitlyn."

"What?" I asked shocked. I was hoping she was still alive. I couldn't have just lost both parents within a week. "How?" I asked as Damon pulled me into a hug.

"Her body was drained of blood," Damon told me quietly.

I didn't cry. I couldn't. I felt too numb to do so. Nothing felt real anymore and it felt like one person after another was dying. Was I next? Was I the last of my own family?

I shoved myself away from Damon. "I just... I just want to be alone." He let me go and I went upstairs towards the guest room. However, my body went towards the bathroom. I felt like a zombie doing everything in slow motion.

I locked the bathroom door behind me before staring at myself in the mirror. I went to the shower and turned it on before climbing into it with my clothes on. I slid down the wall opposite of the shower head and stared blankly as the freezing cold water hit me. The same thoughts kept going through my head. Mom was dead. Dad was dead. I had no family left. A few vampires still wanted me dead. Dead. Death was literally surrounding me. It wasn't going to end until I was dead as well.

My eyes fell upon my razor. Without a second thought, I grabbed it and began pulling the small blades out of it, cutting up my fingers in the process. I held my wrist out in front of me, staring at it. Blood from the small cuts on my fingers began mixing with the water. I took one of the small blades before pushing deep down onto my wrist and dragging it downwards. Pain shot through my arm, but I smiled when I saw the blood ooze out. The water was stinging my fresh wound. I made two more similar marks next to it. Then another. And another. The pain turned into a dull throbbing. Blood and water were mixing together and going down the drain. I began to get lightheaded so I leaned back against the wall and stared up at the water. Soon I would be dead as well and it will all end.

"Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn?!" Damon was knocking on the door. I didn't answer him.

I picked up another blade before doing the same to my other wrist. One cut. Two cuts... Damon busted the door open and his eyes widened when they landed on me.

"What the hell are you thinking?" he asked as he rushed over to me. He turned the water off before taking the blades away from me. He picked up my wrists before trying to stop the bleeding.

"I have no one," I murmured, staring down at my soaked jeans.

"You have me, Kaitlyn!" he groaned before biting his wrist. Blood was oozing out as he shoved it toward me. "Drink it, now!"

"Gross," I muttered, turning my head to the side.

Damon dropped my wrists before turning my head towards him. He shoved his wrist against my mouth and told me to drink again. I kept my lips together tightly and shook my head no.

"Dammit, Kaitlyn. Do it or I will compel you to do so." I obeyed him and began drinking from his wrist. The coppery substance was gross at first, but then I wanted more. I grabbed his wrist and held it to my mouth as I took more and more. "Kaitlyn, stop." I didn't want to stop so he jerked his wrist away. My eyes glanced up at him with blood all around my mouth and going down my chin.

"What did you do?" I asked suspiciously.

"Wasn't going to let you die," he murmured before picking me up.

He carried me to the guest room before placing me on the bed. Instead of leaving, he laid down next to me and pulled me close to him even though I still had my soaked clothes on.


"You need to rest." I went with it and got cozy next to him before falling fast asleep.
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Really long chapter, so I hope you guys like it :) Her family history will be revealed in the next couple of chapters.