You Stupid Girl


Of course it didn't take them long to join me in the kitchen. My elbow was on the table with my head in my hand as I lazily ate my cereal ignoring the fact they were watching me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see them studying me, trying to figure out what to say next since they put me in a bad mood.

"Kaitlyn." My eyes trailed from the floating pieces of cereal in the milk up to Bonnie. She gave me a small smile before holding out her hand with the ring in it. The ring she made specifically for me.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I took the ring and slid it on my ring finger. I didn't exactly need it now, and hopefully I never would, but I wasn't going to be rude.

"We should get going," Caroline said to the Salvatore brothers. She knew that it was best if I had my space before I ended up killing one of them since I'm pretty sure I knew how to now. The wooden stake through the heart seemed like the best way and easiest for me. However, I was sure that I would never succeed in doing such a thing since they were all stronger and faster than me. I would say it would be a death trap for me, but I doubt they would even kill me if I tried to do so.

I got up and took my empty bowl and spoon to the kitchen sink after they left the kitchen. I began stretching my arms above my head and popped my back. Today I wasn't going to be stuck inside. I was tired of it and was going to fight until I got my way. I wasn't some caged animal. I was a human being for fuck's sake! I didn't need someone babysitting me, even though that was kind of proved wrong last night. What I mostly needed was to get away from Damon. I had a feeling he was still here since he was my constant baby sitter.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in the last few clean clothes I had. My laundry had to be done today, but it could be done later. I took one last look at the dirty pile of clothing before leaving my room. I haven't seen Damon since I ate breakfast, so hopefully he was sleeping or something and wouldn't notice me leave the house. I was tiptoeing my way down the hall, down the stairs, and towards the door. So far so good. My hand grasped the door handle and I slowly turned it up. When it made a sound I just went ahead and threw the door open before going outside. I didn't bother closing it as I took off running down the street like an escaped convict. Damon probably heard me. He was probably watching me as I ran waiting for me to get so far before he grabbed me to take me back to the house. I glanced back to see the house get smaller and smaller. Damon was nowhere in sight from what I could see. I was beginning to wonder if he was making this into another one of his lessons. The lesson where I should stay in the house unless someone is with me because it's safer. Or maybe he was just waiting for me to go on my killing spree since I was supposed to be a vampire. Either way I didn't really care. I was free at last!

A cool breeze passed by me as I walked among people in the town square. I was going in shop after shop to look at stuff since I didn't have any money to buy anything. Just looking was better than nothing. It was nice to act like an actual human for once. No Damon. No Stefan. No Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, or anybody else. Not one person who was supernatural or linked to anything supernatural other than myself. The supernatural world did not exist when they weren't around. It was something I could get used to since last night they killed every vampire after me... at least I'm assuming they did.

I sat down on one of the benches to take a break from walking. My eyes fell on the ring Bonnie gave me. Even though it was similar to the other's rings, it was still beautiful. The only difference was that mine was just a piece of jewelry enhanced with magic that didn't even work for me since I didn't need it. I wonder if Bonnie could make it where it could protect me from dying? That would be quiet useful then.

I felt a presence in front of me so I glanced up. Klaus smiled before greeting me and taking a seat next to me. His eyes fell on the ring that I was now twisting around on my finger.

"Bonnie made that ring," he noted. I nodded my head before watching the people walk by. "Why do you have one for?"

I turned my head towards him before leaning in a little. People didn't know their secret and I didn't plan on letting it out. All that would do is cause chaos. "I should be dead," I whispered. "Yet, I'm not. They were expecting me to be a vampire. It was quite a disappointment to them." I ignored the questioning look Klaus gave me.

"Does Damon know you're here?" I quickly shook my head no.

"Please don't tell him. This is the first time I've been out in public by myself. I hate being cooped up in the house. It's like a prison for me." I was pleading with him to not tell.

"I won't tell him your whereabouts, but I do need to have a little chat with him." He sent me a smile. "I will see you later, Kaitlyn."

A part of me didn't trust him. He was going to talk with Damon which meant it was about me. And I was sure that he might 'let it slip' about where I am. I had to go somewhere else, but where was the question. I still didn't know my way around. Last thing I really wanted to do was get myself lost or in some kind of trouble. I decided to just stay within the square, but be in one of the stores. It's not like I had much freedom left for the day.
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This is a boring chapter and I'm sorry. It's more of a filler chapter. I did have an idea, but decided on something else. I also have writer's block so that's really not helping. As for this story, I plan on ending it on chapter 50 and this is chapter 32. I'm also going to be working on a new story I'm starting soon. It's original fiction and will probably be up tonight or tomorrow night.