You Stupid Girl


When I woke up, the sunlight was shining through the windows. Someone had pulled the curtains back, and it kind of annoyed me. Groaning, I pulled the comforter over my head to block out the light. It had to be around noon, which meant I should probably be getting up, but I wasn't ready yet.

After five minutes of trying to go back to sleep, I decided to get up. As soon as I sat up, I let out a groan as I held my head. It was throbbing worse than it had been before I fell asleep. The pain medicine must have worn off by now, and I had no idea if there was anything for pain in this house. Guess the only way I would find out is if I asked Damon or Stefan, hopefully the latter of the two.

Standing up made me a little dizzy. After a few seconds everything stopped spinning. It was quite warm in the house, so I slipped out of Stefan's jacket that I had fallen asleep in. Since I wasn't planning on going outside, I didn't bother putting on my boots. I left the room and went out into the hallway, where I noticed the bathroom door was open. If there was pain medicine, it would most likely be in a medicine cabinet. Did it seem like a good idea to snoop around for it though? What if Damon caught me? I shook the thought of looking for medicine out of my head, but decided to use the bathroom anyway.

The first thing I did when I entered the bathroom was took a look at myself in the mirror. I was quite shocked at how I looked. It was also the first time seeing myself in a mirror since the accident. My face had cuts scattered about while a huge gash was stitched shut near my hairline. Some purple bruises also were visible on my extremely pale face. Did I look this bad yesterday? I hadn't been wearing make up, but not a single person who saw me said a word about it. Maybe they were just being nice?

I finally stopped looking at myself in the mirror long enough to use the restroom and wash up some. When I opened the door, I was quite startled to see Damon leaning against the wall waiting for me. It was quite creepy and I began to wonder how long he had been standing there.

"Hungry?" Damon asked as if he suddenly cared about my needs. He didn't care to get me food yesterday, but then again I didn't exactly say I was hungry either.

"Not really," I mumbled. It was true. All that I really wanted was something for pain.

Damon narrowed his eyes at me as if to figure out what I was up to. I glanced down at the floor since I really wasn't in the mood to put up with him.

"Um, do you have anything for pain? My head hurts," I finally spoke up. I was sort of expecting some kind of response of being told to 'deal with it', but instead he told me that he'd be right back.

I went back into the guest room and sat on the bed as I waited for him. He came back a few minutes later with a couple of pills in his hand as well as a glass of water. I took them from him, mumbling a 'thanks', before swallowing the pills with the water. I placed the empty glass on the nightstand as I stared at Damon. Sometime today I had to talk to the sheriff, so I figured he might bring that up.

"You need to eat something," Damon told me, as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched me.

"I'm alright. I'll let you know when I'm hungry."

Damon let out a sigh. "Liz will be here soon. If you haven't ate, she'll think I wasn't taking care of you like I promised"

"Who?" I had no idea who Liz was. Didn't he know that I wasn't from here?

"Sheriff Forbes," Damon corrected himself.

"Don't worry," I said as I rolled my eyes. "I'll let her know that you took good care of me." I was being somewhat sarcastic.

Damon narrowed his eyes at me once again before we both heard someone knocking on the door. He left the room, motioning me to follow. I pushed my shirt sleeves up to my elbows as I followed him down the stairs to the front door. He opened the door to reveal the Sheriff who was smiling. Damon greeted her before leading us to the living room to talk. Damon and Sheriff Forbes exchanged a few words before getting straight to the point.

"We may have found out something about your mother. It appears that she may have been...taken," Sheriff Forbes said as she tried to choose her words wisely.

"Taken?" Why would someone take my mother?

"There were signs of struggle. I need you to tell me everything that you remember from that night. Even the smallest details can help." I let out a sigh before telling my story once again about that night. "Is there anyone who might be wanting to hurt your mom?" I knew it was time to be a hundred percent truthful.

"Mom was doing drugs again. Maybe she pissed the wrong people off? Dad completely left us both, so it couldn't be him." I gave a small shrug since I really didn't have any clue to who might want my mom dead. I began telling about the past few months and how everything changed. Damon and Sheriff Forbes both listened and asked questions when they thought it was important. I tried to answer each question as best as I could.

"You said you were coming here to live with family. Do you know their names?" Sheriff Forbes asked once I was done with my story.

"No idea. She never really told me their names," I let out a sigh as I realized how hopeless this was becoming. Mom was apparently taken, Dad was out of my life, I had possible family here that I didn't know, and had no place to stay or money.

"I've talked to people I thought were possible relatives, but none knew you or your mother." I gave her a questioning look when she told me this. "Found your mother's license and dug up some information on both of you," she explained.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked. I couldn't just stay here. I also had school to attend.

"We'll continue to look for your mother and keep you updated," Sheriff Forbes said as she stood up from the couch. "As for now, you need to be careful until you are healed. For the next few days I will try to help you out with whatever I can. You are legally an adult, so you can live by yourself. I also saw that you were still in school. Hopefully, on Monday you will be well enough to go. Just continue getting the rest you need and I will help as much as I can."

I thanked her once again before Damon walked her out the door. I was still sitting on the couch when Damon came back. I was curious to know what he does since he seems to work with the sheriff.

"Are you like, sheriff's helper or something?" I asked as he poured himself a drink, something he seemed to do a lot.

"Something like that," he smirked before downing the drink. "Hungry, yet?" I shook my head no. "Do you plan on eating today at all?" He raised a brow as I shrugged. "I've got some things to do, so I'll bring you back a burger or something. Stefan will be back soon. Be good until then." Damon was now standing in front of me, making me have to glance up just to see his face. His blue orbs stared into mine. "You will go to your room and get some sleep. You will do what Stefan says until I get back. Now, what are you going to do?"

"I will go to my room and get some sleep. I will do what Stefan says until you get back," I replied in a monotone voice.

"Good. Now, go get some rest." Damon kissed the top of my head before leaving me by myself.

I blinked a few times before getting up and going upstairs. I closed the bedroom door before putting the curtains back down to block most of the sunlight, then got into bed. I once again fell into a deep sleep.