You Stupid Girl


My mind began racing fast and adrenaline pumped through my veins. I went over every possibility of escaping as well as getting caught. From what I knew, there was only one door the led in and out of here. It wouldn't be long before someone came to check on me again, and something told me that there was probably a guard at the door. My only option seemed to be the door, but maybe there was another way out.

Getting up, I carefully began walking to the left of me with my arms straight out. I was walking slowly in case there was something on the floor. Last thing I was wanting to do was kick or knock something over, which would make a lot of noise if it fell. Every few steps I would reach out in front of me for anything possible. A few more steps and my hands were against the coolness of the wall. Keeping one hand on the wall, I began walking along it with my other hand out in front of me. Soon I came to another wall; the one behind the chair I was sitting in. I kept walking along it in hopes of finding a door, or maybe even a window.

My bare feet soon were stepping on something other than the cool, cement floor. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was a rug. I carefully bent down and felt along the floor for the edge of the rug. After lifting it up, I felt around for anything that could be under it, only to be disappointed to find the hard, cement floor.

I got back up and kept my journey going around the edge of the room. My hand trailed along the walls all the way until I got to the wall where the door was. My heart was pounding in my chest when I became aware of my only option out. I began tiptoeing towards the door just in case a guard was outside of it. It seemed like forever before I felt where the door was. I carefully placed my head against it to listen for any sounds outside. The only thing I heard though was my own heart still pounding against my chest. I held my breath as my hand reached the doorknob, slowly turning it so it didn't make a sound. The door wasn't locked, so I went ahead and slowly cracked it open to look out. After blinking a few times to get my eyes adjusted to the light, I was finally able to see. Nobody was sitting outside the door, which made me begin to wonder if it was some kind of trap. Why else would they leave the door unlocked and nobody outside it? Better question was why did they want me?

I took my chances and opened the door wide enough to slide out before closing it behind me. I took a glance to my left before glancing to the right. Which way do I go now? I was getting ready to go to my left when I heard voices coming from that way, making that my cue to dart to the right. My feet lightly padded against the floor as I ran and began looking for a place to hide. Turning the corner led me to a dark hallway. I only took a few steps when someone snatched me and placed a hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming. My hands began to claw at the hand over my mouth as we went into the closest room.

"Calm down," Damon hissed, causing me to relax some. How did he find me? Or did they take him too and he managed to escape?

Damon moved us so that we were behind the door to the room we just came into. He kept his hand over my mouth, but loosened the grip around my waist. I soon heard the heavy footsteps coming down the hallway we were just in.

"Stay here," Damon whispered into my ear before leaving me alone behind the door.

I kept my back against the wall as I listened to the footsteps pass the room we were in. Damon left the room a few seconds later and I heard fighting going on in the hall. Within a minute it got quiet. I was curious to know what happened, but knew I couldn't let curiosity get the best of me. I began biting my lip as I tried to figure out what to do next. Damon only told me to stay here and nothing else. Would it be wise to leave and try to escape? Was Damon even alright? Was he coming back for me?

"Kaitlyn?" I heard a voice quietly call out. I had heard it before, but couldn't place who it was.

The door soon opened, causing me to hold my breath. The door closed and a phone light was being shined into my face. Not being able to see who was now looking at me, I began to panic.

"Hey, it's me, Caroline. We met earlier," Caroline explained as she quickly came over to me and pulled me into a hug. How did she know I was here? "I'm going to get you out of here, but you have to trust me." I nodded my head and she put her phone back in her pocket so that it was dark in the room again.

Caroline took a hold of my hand before opening the door and leading me out into the hallway. A trail of blood was in the hallway, causing me to freak out some. Caroline sensed this and began pulling me along to get me away from the scene. We zigzagged through the halls before finally going out a door. Once outside, we began running towards the only car parked in the parking lot. Caroline ushered me into the back seat, revealing Elena and another girl in the front. Why were they here even? Nothing was really adding up.

"Where's Damon and Stefan?" Elena asked frantically, glancing at Caroline in the rear view mirror.

"Damon said to get her out of here," Caroline answered. "Now!" Elena glanced back towards the warehouse we came out of before doing what Caroline said...or what Damon told Caroline.

"What's going on?" I asked, sensing that something wasn't right.

"Not sure," the unknown girl said from the passenger seat. "I'm Bonnie," she smiled, answering my next question.

"How did you know where I was?" I questioned them, but they didn't answer.

Caroline's phone began ringing and she answered it. Just from her conversation, I knew it was either Damon or Stefan asking about me. When she ended the call, she glanced at me before glancing at Bonnie and Elena. It was like they had some unspoken conversation about what just happened.

Nobody said anything until we stopped in front of a house. Seeing that everyone else got out, I did too. Caroline stayed by me as we followed Bonnie and Elena into the two story house.

"Hey, what's going on?" a guy asked as he came down the stairs. He had a worried look as he took a glance at the four of us.

"Not now, Jeremy," Elena spoke before heading into the kitchen with Bonnie.

"You can make yourself at home," Caroline spoke from beside me as she led me to the couch in the living room.

"Um, thanks?" I mumbled since I wasn't sure what to do or say. This whole night has done nothing but confuse me.

"You must be Kaitlyn," Jeremy spoke from behind me. I turned so that I was sitting sideways on the couch before nodding at him.

"Are you feeling okay? You're not hurt are you?" Caroline began asking, causing me to look back at her.

"My head hurts a little, other than that I'm fine."

"Do you have shoes?" she gave me a confused look before looking at my bare feet.

"Yes, but I didn't have them on when I was taken. Speaking of which, who were those men and what did they want with me?"

"That's what we are trying to figure out," Elena spoke as she and Bonnie joined us in the living room.

"Well, if you don't know, then how did you find me?" I was going to keep bringing up the subject until they answered. They all sent each other a look before Bonnie spoke.

"That doesn't matter right now." I frowned and was getting ready to argue when Stefan came in the front door.

"Whoever they are, they aren't working for Klaus," Stefan told us. I was getting ready to ask who Klaus was when I saw Jeremy shake his head no at me. Of course they probably wouldn't tell me.

"Who else is there?" Elena asked, getting a shrug from Stefan.

"Damon's looking into it," Stefan told us, or more likely everyone but me.

"What about her?" Elena took a glance at me before looking back at Stefan.

"Do what we have to do to protect her." Stefan took a glance at me.

"Protect me from who?!" I asked once again before realizing that they really didn't know. "Why would someone even want me? I'm not even from here," I quickly changed the question.

"That's what we can't figure out. Sheriff Forbes thinks someone has been following you," Stefan told me.

"Well, I wouldn't know who since I didn't really know many people." I shrugged a little before bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Just make sure one of us is with you at all times," Bonnie spoke to me.

"Why? Are you guys like superheroes or something?" I joked.

"Something like that," Bonnie smiled.

The conversation about me ended for the night. Elena took Bonnie and Caroline home, while I went with Stefan since my home was currently the Salvatore residence.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Stefan asked as I cautiously stepped through the front door.

"I'm doing fantastic," I answered sarcastically.

The electric was still out, so Stefan found candles, began lighting them and placing them around the bottom floor of the house. He went with me upstairs to the guest room where I had been staying. We soon realized that the first place the men had been was this room. The windows were shattered, letting a cool, fall breeze come through, blowing the curtains. The nightstand where the empty glass was hours ago was now on its side on the floor. The glass itself had also been shattered. The dresser drawers and pillows from the bed were also on the floor. Stefan got my boots as well as the jacket he had lent me from the room since he didn't want me stepping on the glass. We went back downstairs into the living room where my boxes of stuff and few fries remained.

"Are we staying here tonight?" I asked since I didn't exactly feel safe.

"We can go back to Elena's if you rather be somewhere else." Stefan suggested.

"Would she care?" I didn't want to intrude in someone else's house. I already felt like that by just staying here.

"She won't mind."

With that being said, Stefan carried the boxes of my stuff out to his car. I followed closely behind him with his jacket in one hand with my boots in the other. Once we got into the car, I slipped my boots on as well as the jacket. We were just about to leave when Damon showed up. Within seconds, he was at the driver's side door asking Stefan where we were going.

"She doesn't want to stay here, Damon," Stefan explained to his brother who was once again being stubborn. "It's not safe."

"Fine, I'll follow you there." Stefan shook his head as Damon went and got back into his car.

"He doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way, does he?" I asked Stefan who just smiled.

We parked in front of Elena's house once again. As soon as I got out of the car, Damon was by my side. Elena was at the door waiting for us. She gave Stefan a questioning look as he carried the boxes of my stuff into her house.

"Of course it had to be Elena's house," Damon muttered before putting his arm around me. I gave him a questioning look as we got closer to Elena, which then he smiled politely to her.

"I'm sorry for the stuff. It's mine, but I haven't been able to go through it yet. I hope you don't mind..." I bit my lip, feeling awkward about the situation.

"Don't worry about it," she smiled before raising a brow at Damon's arm around me. She then frowned a little as she stared at the jacket I was wearing.

Elena closed the door after we came in before telling me I could sleep on the couch. She then went upstairs with Stefan, earning a frown of disapproval from Damon. Damon then took a glance at me, squinting when he saw the jacket I had on.

"What?" I asked.

"Might wanna take Stefan's jacket off before she kills you," Damon smirked.

"Oh," I muttered, quickly slipping it off. "I didn't have a jacket," I quickly explained as I threw it over the back of the couch.

"Probably should get some sleep. The sun will be up in a couple of hours."

I agreed before going over to the couch and sitting down. I kicked my boots of and placed them beside the couch where they were out of the way. Damon watched me as I made myself a place to sleep on the couch with the pillows and blankets Elena let me use.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked after getting comfortable on the couch. He was still standing by the couch watching me, once again making me uncomfortable.

"Someone's got to stay awake," he smirked as he came around to the front of the couch. He fixed the blankets on me before sitting down in a chair. "Plus, sleep is for the weak," he said a few moments later, earning a smile from me.
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This probably could have been 2 chapters, but oh well. I will fix mistakes later since I'm tired. Comments?