Status: In progress

Half a Heart

Una sonrisa tuya me hace inmensamente feliz" – A smile of yours makes me immensely happy

I packed up the last bits of my clothes and put them in my suitcase, we would be leaving for Argentina in about an hour and I smiled. This would be amazing. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed the box of condom's, last time we'd forgotten them at home and lets just say that it was an embarrassing ride to the supermarket to get some protection. I blushed at the thought and quickly stuffed them in my suitcase.

"Are you ready amor?" Leo asked and I smiled and nodded.

"Great, did you pack the condoms?" he asked and I blushed before nodding.

"Fantastic." he smiled and I laughed before kissing him softly.

"You seem way too eager, hombre." I said and he laughed.

"Well it's been a while." he said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's been a couple of days Leo, not a few months." I said and chuckled at him.

"Still!" he said and I shook my head, he just smiled at me dragging me out to the car. We spent another 14 hour long flying trip to Argentina, and Leo slept through it as always. And I watched some movies, read two books and slept a little, this was becoming like a routine for us. So far I was loving life with Leo, for some reason everything seemed extra amazing. When we got out of the airport, we were greeted by Leo's family.

"Hola mi hija, how have you been?" Celia asked me, hugging me tight and kissing my cheek. I laughed, I had missed her so much.

"It's been alright, I've missed you so much." I said and she smiled. We drove to the house, chatting about my school experience all the way to the house. When we finally arrived home, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke up by the sun shining, making it's way into our room, right we forgot to pull the curtains last night. I kissed Leo's cheek as he snored slightly and made my way to the bathroom, taking a shower. This time around I had actually got some extra clothes since I'd be heading straight to Kenya after this trip, and I was extremely excited. Granted I had to be away from Leo for three weeks, but I was still excited for the trip itself. I had a feeling it would change my life.

I went downstairs and smiled at the christmas tree, I loved christmas and it would be amazing to spend it with Leo and his family. I ended up spending the entire day helping Celia and Maria Sol with christmas dinner, I learned a lot and couldn't wait to try some of these recipes at home, specially those that Celia said were Leo's favorites. After making dinner, we decorated the christmas tree and as we were about to put the star on the tree, the guys came home, they'd said they were going out, but we figured out that they needed to get some last minute gift shopping to do.

"Would you like to put the star up Maria?" Celia and Maria Sol asked and I nodded shyly. Spending christmas this way was new to me, since christmas wasn't a big deal with my family, we mostly skipped all the traditions.

"But I can't reach, I better grab a chair." I said and Leo stopped me before I could go and get a chair.

"And what am I here for?" he asked and didn't let me answer before he lifted me up. I squealed a little and he laughed, I reached up and placed the star on the very tip of the tree. Leo got me down and kissed my cheek, wrapping his arms around me. We spent that evening sitting in the living room, partly admiring the tree, but also talking. Before dinner I went up and changed into a red dress that I'd brought with me, since some family and friends were coming over. Leo changed into his suit and was struggling with his tie as I curled my hair and I giggled, making my way over to him and helping him.

"Remind me to get you out to buy a new suit, this polka dot one is freaking me out a little." I said and Leo pouted.

"I thought you didn't care about what I wear." he teased and I laughed.

"I don't, but this polka dot thing is just a little over the top amor." I said and he laughed, nodding.

"I got it for the Ballon d'or thing, tribute to Maradona." he said and I smiled.

"That was a great thing, and you look gorgeous in anything, but the polka dots look a bit scary for christmas." I said honestly and he laughed. We made our way downstairs hand in hand and met the guests. I smiled at everyone and soon it was time for dinner. We had dinner, and I don't think I'd ever laughed that much in my entire life. Leo's family were all into cracking jokes, and in between Celia told me about Leo when he was little, and Leo's reaction was priceless.

"So we always thought that Leo was a quiet, obedient, very mellow child, until he did the most astounding, yet horrifying thing I've ever seen." Celia said and I smiled, genuinely interested.

"What did he do?" I said, chuckling as Leo hid his face in my neck.

"As I said, we trusted him to be alone since he was so calm, I left him for once split second in the kitchen, and then in one second he was gone." she said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Needless to say we found him an hour later by hearing the cat mewl loudly, he was sitting in the washing machine, forcing the cat in with him, and I still wonder how he managed to do this when he was only crawling!" Celia said and I laughed.

"Remind me to never underestimate our future children." I told Leo and he laughed. Celia smiled at us and winked at me.

"Also I''m warning you, Leo, Rodrigo and Matías all had one thing in common." she said and I smiled at her curiously.

"What?" I asked and she grinned.

"They all had very big heads, so I was in labor for hours on end, but with Maria Sol it was easier." she said and now Leo was blushing like crazy. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Oh the pains of being a woman." I said, making everyone laugh. Dinner went great and after talking a bit more we went to sleep. I woke up to Leo shaking me slightly. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Leo smiling brightly.

"C'mon it's time to open up the gifts!" he said excitedly, smiling widely and I laughed as he dragged me downstairs. I ended up getting way too many gifts, and I felt really embarrassed over the little things I had bought them. Suddenly Leo cleared his throat and everyone got quiet. He looked at me and smiled.

"Maria, every since I saw you smile in that café you've had my heart, each day I spend with you makes me realize how I'm the happiest man alive. I know we've been going backwards in our relationship, but I wouldn't want it any other way, you light up my world and I can't live without you, te amo mi amor." he said and I smiled at him, tearing up at his speech. Suddenly he got down on one knee and I gasped.

"¿María usted mi vida, mi razone para viviendo, usted haría me el hombre más feliz en el universo y sería mi esposa algún día?" he said and my eyes widened, and tears ran down my face. I knew there was only one answer.

"Si" I whispered and a wide smile spread across his face. He grabbed me and spun me around before kissing me passionately. He wiped my tears away before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ring, placing it on my finger. Suddenly everyone cheered and Celia appeared and hugged me tightly.

"I told you he was planning something, and I'm so glad it happened now mi hija!" she said and I smiled. This felt amazing, besides being engaged wasn't that bad, we could always wait with getting married, and this felt great. In the end of the day, that's all that mattered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 24!
So they got engaged!! But there won't be a wedding anytime soon...
Now I've been fast forwarding a little, because there's something coming up that I'm excited to write about, the only thing I can say is that it's not gonna be as calm and happy anymore...

So I wanted to get this out tonight before I went to sleep, now I'll try to update tomorrow after school, but that won't be until after 5pm, I'm in school all day! Summers officially over...(sigh)

Happy reading!