Status: In progress

Half a Heart

The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire

- Maria:
It's been two weeks since we came home, and we've been adjusting to having Thiago around. He's a wonderful baby, as he's mostly quiet, and doesn't wake up too much in the middle of the night, making it easy for me and Leo. So I haven't had much to complain about really, and each minute with him is amazing, he seemed to be growing every day and learning new things as well. Just yesterday he smiled for the first time, in his sleep. He was asleep in my arms and I was sitting in the living room with Leo, and we witnessed Thiagui smiling in his sleep. Now I've read about how the first real smile occurs much later, but I still thought of this as pretty amazing. One thing was sure, our baby was growing fast, he was born so tiny and now he's already bigger, even though it's only been a week! I shook my head and smiled as I got out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

I entered the living room, seeing Leo watching Tv, Thiago had fallen asleep about an hour ago, and he was still asleep. That's another thing he did a lot, sleep. I think he sleeps more then we do.

"Hey amor." I said as I sat next to Leo, cuddling to him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

"Hey querida, how was your shower?" he asked and I laughed.

"Relaxing." I mused and he groaned. Leo had been having a difficult time with the whole no sex until after 6 weeks thing. And I loved to tease him about it.

"Why six weeks?" he whined, running his hands through my hair and I just laughed.

"Because I just gave birth hombre, you try pushing out a baby and see if you can handle it." I said and he rolled his eyes before nodding. I just shook my head and laughed a bit more, teasing Leo was probably the funniest thing in the entire world, his reactions were often priceless.

"And you're enjoying every minute of me suffering aren't you?" Leo pointed out, pouting slightly, making me burst into another fit of laughter.

"No I don't enjoy to see you suffer, but it's just a tiny bit fun to tease you." I admitted and he laughed. The baby monitor went off suddenly, indicating that our son had decided to wake up. I smiled and got up, walking into the bedroom, picking Thiago up from his crib. He opened his tiny eyes, staring at me. This was also a new thing, it had been about a week since he fully opened his eyes. He had his papi's big brown eyes, dimples and hair, so he looked a lot like Leo, except that he had my nose. He was simply perfect.

"Buenas tardes mi amor, ¿ha tenido una buena siesta?" I cooed and Thiago just yawned, making me smile. I brought him into the living room and Leo immediately smiled at his soon and I plopped down on the couch, with Thiago in my arms. Leo smiled and kissed me softly, causing Thiago to fuss a little. I pulled away and laughed.

"It seems like our son doesn't like the PDA." I pointed out and Leo laughed.

"Well he better get used to it, because I'm going to die if I have to add kissing to the whole wait six weeks thing." he said and I just laughed, shaking my head. We spent the rest of the afternoon, playing with Thiago and generally just admiring him, we weren't really used to having him here yet and it was all so surreal. After a while he got hungry, so I fed him and shortly after that he fell asleep. If I didn't already know that it was normal for babies to sleep a lot, then I'd be worried.

"Are you sure it's normal with all the sleeping amor?" Leo asked, concerned as we put Thiago in his crib again.

"Yes, besides he wake up really early, and wakes up at least one time during the night as well, he's bound to be tired." I said and Leo nodded. Even though I knew the sleeping was normal, I still woke up in the middle of the night, going over to his crib and checking if he was breathing, the scare of infant death still in me since I had watched a documentary while I was pregnant.

After putting Thiago in his crib, Leo went to take a shower and I grabbed a book, heading to the living room to read. Suddenly my phone rang and I answered, it was an unknown caller.

"Hola?" I answered whilst flipping through the pages in my book, trying to find where I had stopped reading last time.

"Maria?" a voice said and I froze. I knew the voice from some where but I couldn't quite place it.

"Who are you?" I asked, swallowing thickly.

"That's not important for now, what's important is that you have something, something that I want." the person said and hung up after that. I shivered and closed my eyes. Could I have a normal life for once? Without people ruining it for me? I sighed loudly. At least this time whoever called wasn't anyone from my family, no this person felt familiar, but almost as if it's someone I haven't seen in a very long time. I shook my head and decided to not tell Leo, we already had a lot of things on our plate and the last thing we'd need was this. I could handle this on my own.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 46!

Right, so I've had writers block when it comes to this story for a couple of days now, and I've still sort of got it, but this chapter is sort of a filler, we'll see what happens next.

Happy reading!