Status: active

I Want to Know What Love Is


Delia dressed in a pair of cut-off jeans and tribal print tank top. Her tan skin was darker from spending days in her garden and training horses. Her toes sported a coral color. Her cheeks were rosy. She went back to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

When she returned to the living room, Crowley was looking at her photos. She walked up beside him. He was looking at one of a black stallion. "Great Alpha. The one horse that has never been tamed since it first showed up twelve years ago."

Crowley nearly dropped the picture frame. She caught it before it hit the ground. "Nice save," he said. She snorted. With her powers, she had better reflexes, better strength, better speed.

"It was nothing," she lied. She placed the frame back where he got it from. He placed a hand over hers. "Cordelia," he started off. A loud growl interrupted him.

He looked over to see a wolf. Delia turned to walk towards it. "Don'," he stumbled. She ignored him. She stared at the wolf.

'Why Do you hate him?' she asked telepathy. The wolf looked back at her. 'Why don't you ask him yourself," the wolf replied. She stared at the animal, unsure what he meant. "He told me to ask why he hates you," she said, never taking her eyes off the wolf.

"Darling, I don't know. Please step away from that thing." He stepped towards her to pull her away. Gray Wolf growled and snapped at Crowley. The demon, stopped and withdrew his arm.

Gray Wolf used Delia as a medium to talk. "Stay away from her! She is different from you! Your kind cannot cross with hers. It would cause chaos!?"

Crowley stood firmly in his place. "She can make her own decisions. What about her, say you, is different? How would that cause chaos?" Gray Wolf stared at him.

"She is chosen to lead the army. She is a warrior. She's a spirit warrior. I am her spirit animal. I've been with her since the day she was born.

Protecting her when trouble is around. You are that trouble. A demon. King of Hell. You will taint her.

She is needed of pureness. When the time comes, she will lead the army on the frontline." Delia was released of her mind. She had heard it all. She never once knew why Gray Wolf followed her.

No one ever told her that she was the chosen. That she was a spirit warrior. What army would she lead? When would the time come? She looked at Crowley to Gray Wolf then back to Crowley.

Her nostrils flared. The wolf saw this. Her irises shined brightly. Her heart beat quickened as the warrior spirit rushed through her veins. Her fingers flexed.

She was about to bolt. It's what she did when she was angry, upset, sad, or confused. Today she was all four. Crowley watched her. The front door flew open and she was gone.

Gray Wolf looked to Crowley then vanished. Crowley was left there, trying to comprehend what had just happened. He now knew she wasn't human. At least, not all human. He left her house finally, making sure the door was closed.

He sent a hound after her. He wanted to make sure she was all right. She had gotten as far as the abandoned cornfield about twenty miles from her house. She hid among the rows of corn. Gray Wolf never followed her.

But she soon heard rustling. She was still under the spirit warrior surge. She slowed her breathing. Despite her heart beat pounding in her ears, she was able to hear whatever was trying to get to her. Something moved on her right.

Her heightened hearing picked up on it. She calculated her movement. It came near her, slowly. She heard a low growl. It didn't belong to Gray Wolf.

She lunged in the direction of the thing. She didn't see anything. But she felt a heavy weight pounce on her. She wrestled with it. Almost ten minutes passed before she heard a sickening snap and a loud whimper.

She shoved the invisible force off of her. She checked herself. A few scrapes and bruises. Crowley appeared. "Cordelia, you've been bitten," he said looking at her shoulder.