Status: complete

Forever & Always

Promise you'll love me...

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year." I sang quietly as I strummed the chords to Weightless on my guitar.
"And I'm so sick of watching all the minutes pass as I go nowhere. And this is my reation, to everything I feel. 'Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here." Jack's voice joined mine as we quietly sang Weightless in the longue of our empty tour bus. Rian, Zach, Flyzik and the crew were all out at some party probably getting drunk and having a blast. Me and Jack had decided to stay back for once and just relax, I currently had my guitar out and was quietly strumming chords to songs we wrote or songs we knew.
"Lex, your voice is amazing." Jack said as I laid my guitar down on the couch beside us.
I smiled, looking at my best friend. "I could say the same thing about you."
He shook his head 'no'. "Naw, Lex. I can sing, but you? You can fucking sing."
I chuckled lightly and pushed my fringe from my eyes. "Is there a difference?"
"Yes! There is! You're the lead singer of the band first off!" Jack smiled and I gently shoved his shoulder.
"Shut up! We all know that the only reason why you aren't the lead singer is because I'm cuter."
"Little cocky there, Lex?" Jack teased, raising an eyebrow.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm just joking Jay. You're just as, if not more, attractive than me."
This time, he rolled his eyes and shoved my shoulder. "Definetley more."
"And I'm the cocky one."
He smiled and I swear my heart melted at the sight. Jack was more than just my best friend, I secretly had a crush on the younger, but he, nor did anyone else, know that I liked him. And I was planning on keeping it that way. I had planned on telling him tonight but, I got nervous.
"Is something wrong Lex?" Jack asked, touching my knee lightly.
I looked at his hand and shrugged. "It's nothing, Jay. Don't worry about it."
"You sure?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Everything's fine." I lied.
God, why was this so fucking hard?
Jack made a movement as to get up but before I could stop myself, my hand was reaching out and grabbing his wrist. He looked at me and I gulped, releasing his wrist automatically and closing my eyes.
"I'm sorry, Jay. I shouldn't-"
A pair of lips pressed against mine cut me off mid-setence and I gasped against his mouth before, eagerly, kissing him back, pulling the younger back on top of me, my hands wrapping around his neck while his pressed into the couch to hold himself up.
After a few moments, we broke away from each other, breathing heavily and smiling.
"Lex, I didn't know..." Jack started but I shushed him by pressing pressing a swift kiss to his lips.
"Jack... I was gonna tell you. But, I just didn't know how to... I was nervous you were gonna reject me or something." I turned my face, not being able to look him in the eyes.
"Lex," he gently ran his fingertips over my cheeks, "you had nothing to be nervous over. I would never ever ever reject you. Not in a million years. I..." His voice trailed off.
I looked at him again. There was a light blush creeping onto his cheeks and I could tell he was anxious.
"You what, Jay?" I asked.
"I don't know how to tell you... I don't want you to freak out."
I chuckled at that. "Jack, a few moments ago you were telling me that I had nothing to be nervous over. Now, what is it?"
"I know but... this is bigger, Lex. A lot bigger." Jack closed his eyes, taking in deep breathes.
"Jack, you've known me for the majority of your life. You can tell me anythi-"
"I love you, Lex. I really love you. Yeah, I mean, we say that to each other all the time but this time when I say it, I mean it. I love you. You mean more to me than anything else. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. Hell, I don't want to think about what I would do if I did. Just...," he sighed, "just know that I've been in love with you ever since high school. Ever since that one time we accidentally made out." Jack smirked.
I was shocked by his words. He loved me? He honestly loved me. Holy shit.
"Lex, you're quiet. Now I'm regretting telling you. Please say something before I feel anymore idiotic than I already do..."
I was quiet for a few more moments and Jack sighed, shaking his head and muttering things like 'I knew it was to early' 'stupid move'.
"Jack, I love you too. I just... I was stunned. I hadn't expected that." I said and Jack turned back to face me, a big grin on his lips, lips that I just wanted to kiss like there was no tomorrow.
"Seriously? You're not just pulling my leg?"
I shook my head. "No, Jack. I love you. You're my best friend and... and well, I was hoping we could possibly be more?" I bit my lip.
His smile grew and butterflies swarmed my stomach. I pulled him down to my lips, quickly slotting them together in a slow but heated kiss.
The guys found out a week later. Well, more like walked in and saw me and Jack making out on the couch, Jacks hands on my ass while mine were in his hair pulling it and earning soft moans from the Lebanese boy.
They had sat us down after that and asked what the hell was going on, we couldn't simply not tell them. I mean, they just walked in on us and it's not like they weren't gonna find out eventually.
"You guys are what?!" Rian exclaimed as the words left my mouth.
"We're kind of... um, well, dating." I murmured, moving closer to Jack and farther away from Rian.
Zach sat still, eyes wide, but he was quiet. Nothing too unusual.
"And you didn't tell us?! You knew we would've supported you guys!" Rian shrieked.
"Don't yell at me. And we were going to tell you... eventually. We just... didn't know how." I shrugged.
Rian shook his head. "What am I gonna do with you guys?"
"Love us unconditionally and support us?" I suggested, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.
"Already there, asshole." Rian said, still sporting his 1000 watt smile.
"I'm glad for you two, really I am." Zach said, finally speaking up.
I looked up at Jack and saw him smile which automatically brought a smile to my lips.
"Thanks. Even though we knew you guys would support us." Jack said, hugging me tighter to his side.
Zach and Rian both laughed lightly and nodded, they had their own... moments.
"So now that that's out of the way," Jack said, "anyone wanna watch a movie?"
It'd been a year now, well... almost a year. Our anniversary was in a few days and I was nervous as hell about it. Jack already had everything planned, he told me that it'd be a night that I was gonna remember forever. I sure hope so.
"Lex, you okay, baby?" Jack asked, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead lightly.
I nodded and smiled. "Just hard to believe it's almost been a year."
Jack smiled and pecked my lips lightly. "I know. Feels like it was just yesterday."
I nodded again and he chuckled. "What?" I asked.
"I'm just remembering the night we got together, how nervous you were. That's it."
I smacked his chest lightly, earning another chuckle. "I was only nervous because I was scared you were gonna reject me or say that I wasn't worth your time..." I blushed at my own words and burried my head in his neck.
He rubbed my back and pulled me away so he could look down into my eyes. "Lex, I told you that night that I was never ever ever gonna reject you. And I haven't, have I?"
"No but, how was I supposed to know if you were gonna like me back or not? I can't read minds Jay!" I huffed at him.
"Baby, I know. But you should've known me well enough to know that I loved you back."
"I guess..." I grumbled at him.
He chuckled again and kissed the top of my head only to have me pout and have him kiss my lips.
"Happy?" He asked, pulling away.
It was the night of our anniversary, we were laying in bed, completely spent with me on top of Jack, who was currently tracing patterns into my bare back.
I giggled as he began to trace my spine with his forefinger. "Stop! You know what that does to me!"
"Maybe that's what I'm trying to do." He murmured against my lips before quickly kissing me.
I giggled again and laid my head back down on his chest as he continued to trace patterns into my skin. Jack was right. It had been a night to remember. It had started when he woke me up with breakfast in bed and then we had cuddled and watched movies until about 3 when he had taken me out into whatever city we were in (I think it was Chicago?) and had walked me to a small Italian resturaunt where we had had dinner. It wasn't anything to expensive but it had still been incredibly romantic. After dinner, we walked around one of the parks that were located in the city and had sat by the water fountain that was located in the middle of the park where he had his guitar and he played Backseat Serenade and another song that he had written just for me.
After that, he brought me to a hotel that he had a room rented for the night and well... you know what happened.
I snuggled closer to Jack, burying my head in his shoulder, wanting to be as close to the younger as possible.
"Lex, baby, raise up. I want you to see something." Jack said, trying to lift me.
I pushed myself back on top of him. "No. I'm comy. Show me later."
"Lex, it's only gonna be for a minute. Please?" He asked, stroking my hair.
"Fine." I huffed, raising up and turning to face where Jack was pointing. "I don't know what's so-" I complained and then... I saw it.
Across the hotel from where we were staying was some type of office. The lights dimmed and a banner hang from one side and it read: Lex, will you marry me?
"J-Jack..." I turned back to my boyfriend only to see him on one knee by the bed with a small black box in his hand, he opened it to reveal a ring. An engagement ring.
"Lex, whenever I told you that I loved you a year ago and said I meant it. I did. I mean it with all my heart. It would kill me to lose you. And I don't want to. You're the love of my life. The one who I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one who I want to go to bed with every night and wake up to every morning. You're the one that I want to marry. So, Alexander William Gaskarth, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
And just like that, my future flashed before my eyes and I saw Jack. He was always there. And just like that, I made my decision, lunging forward and connecting my lips with Jack's.
"Yes. A million times yes."
He smiled and kissed me again only breaking apart to place the ring on my finger before quickly kissing me again and pushing me back on the bed.
Our wedding was 6 months later, on a cliff overlooking a beach.
The ceremony was short and I couldn't have been happier. Me and Jack were supposed to have our first dance but instead he pulled me over to the small stage where the DJ was and sat me on a stool before grabbing a guitar and sitting beside me. He strummed a few chords before looking at me.
"Alex, we've been friends for majority of our lifetimes. I love you with every thing that I am. You're my best friend, my love, my life, my everything." He spoke into the mike that was in front of him and all eyes (duh) were on us as he situated that guitar in his lap, beginning the first chords for Backseat Serenade. "I told you on the night we got engaged that I love you. And I do. Forever and always."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm supposed be in bed... BUT... eh... couldn't sleep and then this happened...
my one shots won't always be smutty... but majority of them WILL be.. so.. yeah... c: enjoy the fluffiness while it lasts c;
ill probably start a new fic later... bc im hella tired... the fic may or may not be chaptered smut.. so um... c; look out for it