Status: Actively trying to work on it.

The Girl in 302

At twenty-one years old Trisha moved away from her family in a clean break in an attempt to cut their negativity and poison out of her life. After years of being emotionally abused by her alcoholic mother she doesn't want to be around anyone who parties.

When she moves into her first solo apartment life is good, and it gets better when she meets the neighbor upstairs, Jacky Vincent. Soon they are spending evenings on his deck and nights in each other's arms. Life is as good as it's ever been for the young chef..that is until his band's new record is released and he's got to go out on tour to support it.

Not to mention she's got to deal with her past demons and all the while hold it all together.

Will it be too much?

First Story on Mibba. Ok, so maybe I lied about my age, so sue me. But seriously please R&R.