Status: Active

Inner Demons

Breakfast Date.

I woke up to the sound of feathers tapping on my window. I slowly opened my eyes. I knew the sun had just come up from the way the light shined throughout the room.

I stayed in the scarlet, silk sheets as laziness took over me. But the tapping sound continued, making me groan.

I tossed the covers off of me reluctantly and stood up on the cold tile flooring. I quickly walked over to the window and stared at my snow white owl, Zeus. I smiled, opening the window for him.

"Hello there Handsome."

He bounced closer to me, grasping the edge of the windowsill with his talons. A rather small letter was in his beak.

"Brought me a letter, aye?" I said, letting the beautiful creature drop the letter into my hands. I opened it up and read it as I petted the owl.

"I hope I woke you up.
I know it's early on a Sunday, but our Potions test is tomorrow morning and I want to make sure that all of us are prepared for it. You know as well as I do Harry and Ron need this more than any of us. So, are you up for a breakfast date?

I chuckled to myself as my best friends personality. She was something, I'll give her that. I turned toward my desk, setting the letter down and grabbing Zeus a small rat. I turned and set it down next to him.

"A treat for a good owl." I smiled.

He hooted in response, devouring the rat in seconds.

I quickly ran to the closet and grabbed my snug fitting, long sleeve sweater and my dark jeans. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and hair and practically stuffed my feet into my black Ugg boots as I walked out of the room toward the Great Hall.

I past numerous people down the hall and staircases, smiling and greeting them in the same manner they did.

"Hey Anora, in a hurry are you?" Ginny Weasley called out to me, smiling.

"Just hungry." I turned to her and called back as I went down the last flight of stairs.

But before I could turn around, I ran right smack into another person.

"Hey!" He said, sounding annoyed.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and-" I looked up to see a tall, skinny, pale blonde haired boy with grey eyes staring down at me.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

I smiled, "I'm sorry again. Excuse me." I said as I brushed past him and quickly walked into the Great Hall.

"There she is!" I heard Harry yell to Artemis as I neared my friends.

"Obviously, Harry." She said, rolling her eyes at him and fixing them on me, "I'm glad you got here quick. I need help with these bloody idiots."
♠ ♠ ♠
And first chapter is done!