Status: Active

Inner Demons

Death Eaters and DADA

*Artemis' POV*
I walked quickly to Hogsmeade, the brisk October wind tugging at my hair. I pulled my peacoat closer to my body as I trudged into the sleepy town on this early Sunday morning.

I avoided eye contact as I walked down the cobblestone path, nervous that someone would stop me and ask where I was headed, or someone I recognized would begin to socialize and make me later than I already was.

I walked past many of the popular restaurants and shopping areas into an even lesser populated area, closer to the Shrieking Shack, where I had heard rumors about Harry, Ron, and Hermione spending the night, but never investigated any further. What they did in their spare time was their own business.

As I turned the corner, I felt an arm grab me and pull me into an alley nearby. I sucked in a surprise breath, but something covered my mouth before I could say anything.

I recognized the lips on mine, and began to move mine in sync with his. My kidnappers arms wrapped around my waist, and I pulled him closer as I tightened my grip around his neck.

"I thought we were the forest," I breathed out as he moved to my neck. Dark eyes met mine.

"I just couldn't wait, babe," he smirked, grabbing my ass.

"I'm not your babe, Blaise," I rolled my eyes, slapping his hand off my ass.

"Oooh, someone's a bit tense today. I think I can fix that," he trailed off, attaching his lips to mine again.

Blaise and I had been on-and-off hooking up for a few weeks. He is definitely attractive, no question about it-- those abs? To die for. He had a gorgeous face, and his dark brown eyes paired with his dark brown skin made him drool worthy for any girl in school.

His personality, however, took away from his dating ability.

"So are we fucking in an alley, or...?" I asked when I finally got a breath of air.

I got my response when I felt a hand travel up my skirt and begin to roll down my tights.
"Art, you with me?" Anora asked. I looked up from my Defense Against the Dark Arts book to meet light blue eyes. We sat in the library, having been there since lunchtime.

"Yeah, sorry. I've just got a lot on my mind."

She giggled. "We're only a few months into the year, and you're already stressed out? Sounds like the Artemis I know."

I stuck my tongue out at her, but she wasn't wrong. I like to put pressure on myself to do well, just as my parents have done for years. It's nothing new.

"So, I heard a little rumor that someone I know was saved by Prince Charming this morning," I teased. She gave me a look.

"Draco Malfoy is nowhere near charming. Maybe Prince Sometimes-Tolerable, but that's about as close as he's gotten," she retorted. "But, yes, the rumors are true. It was quite odd, actually. He was almost...bloody hell, I can't believe I'm about to say this, but he was almost sweet. Crabbe and Goyle were being rude and extremely abrasive, but Malfoy stepped in and kept them from calling me..." She paused, not wanting to say it.

"The M-word?"

Anora nodded. "It was weird. I thought he was as prejudiced as all- sorry, most pureblood families out there."

I nodded. "It does seem odd. I dunno, perhaps Malfoy's involvement with You-Know-Who is turning him into a softie."

Being in a well-known pureblood family had it's perks. However, one of the major drawbacks was the pressure put onto my family to join the Dark Lord's forces. My parents were completely against it, but they seemed to be wearing down, as they were close friends with the Malfoys. While my parents had been neutral in the previous war, it didn't seem as though they had that choice in this one.

" that official? Is he-"

"I don't know," I told her honestly. "His parents are definitely involved, and I don't doubt his father has it, but I really don't know about him." Being on the inside did give me some insight into who was a student Death Eater.

Crabbe and Goyle, for example, were most definitely Death Eaters, as well as their fathers. It wasn't often Voldemort took a woman into his ranks, the sexist pig he is.

That's why I was so worried when I heard the two were confronting Anora.

"Just, watch out for them. I know you love to be best friends with everyone, but watch your back. In these times, you just can't be sure who's behind you to support you or betray you."