Status: Finished! (8/12-10/5)

Counting Stars


Marisol’s POV- July 2013
I finished wiping my make up and I glanced up at Mike. We had just gotten back from a Broadway show, and Mike had stripped down to his boxers and his t-shirt. I was now wearing shorts and a tank top as my dress hung off its hanger by the closet and my black heels discarded by the door. Mike had opened the window and you could see the outline of the two blue lights that showed where the Twin Towers used to be.

“I don’t know why you wear that”

“Wear what?” I asked as I tossed the used wipes in the trash.

“Make up, you look gorgeous without it”

I smiled and shrugged. He was leaning on the bedpost and he was supposed to be watching TV. I guess I didn’t realize he had been staring at me.

“I only wear it when we go out and we were out somewhere nice. You know…I had to look nice” I said.

“I know, but you don’t need to wear it. You could wear it like how you put it on when we are home. You practically wear none”

I nodded and I sat down next to him.

“You’ve got good skin and well…you already impressed me”

I smiled and awed.

“I love you” I told him as I kissed him.

“I love you too”

He pulled me closer to him and rubbed my back.

“Let’s have a lazy night and do nothing”

“I thought that was the plan” I said.

He hummed and I rubbed his chest lightly.

“The boys like you” I said looking up at him.

“That’s good because I like the boys. They aren’t trying to be something they aren’t”

I smiled and nodded. The boys were kind boys who were raised well. They were boys and boys had sex at that age, so I had begun talking to them about condoms. If they needed any if they needed plan B, they were going to get it. I did not need any surprises with them so early in their careers. They were teenagers for god sake, if a child were to come I hope they would be a little over 21 or hell would break lose.

“They really aren’t” I said as I looked up at him.

“What does your dad want Mar?”

“I honestly don’t know. He probably wants me to help Jake in baseball…from what I heard he isn’t that good” I said.

“You were great at softball. I miss you wearing those tight pants”

I laughed and looked at him.

“I’m serious, you looked so focused out there. You have that face when ever you’re on the phone with anything that has to do with the band you manage”

I smiled and he rubbed my arm.

“I know I nag about you traveling and I really shouldn’t. I leave almost every 10 days”

“Yea well we’re both used to each other” I said.

“You spoil me”

“Of course” I said.

“It’s nice”

I laughed.

“Wonder how Jeff and Megan are doing?”

“Jeff is probably in bed cuddled up to his mom” I noted.

He laughed and I smiled.

“Where’s Megan?”

“I don’t know, the guest room with the dogs” I said.

Jeff was a huge momma’s boy and not even he could deny it. Everyone knew how much Jeff and his mom loved each other.

“Would you love me if I was a momma’s boy?”

“You kinda are, but not as bad as Jeff” I said.

He laughed.

“That’s good then?”

“Yea, but I love your mom. We cuddle” I said.

He hummed.

“You can cuddle with my mom anytime”

“I know” I said.

His mom loved me from the day I met her. Why? I was keeping Mike on check. His mom and his whole family accepted me as soon as they found out I was an athlete and a student. They liked that I did my own thing and I still had time for Mike.

“Oh you know?”

“Yea, she loves me” I said.

“She does”

I sat up and looked at him.

“Let’s go in the pool?” I asked him.

“I thought we were going to be lazy?”

I looked at him and slipped off my shirt.

“Come on” I said.

“Are you going to wear the bikini?”

“The white one? Yea” I said walking to my suitcase.

I laughed when I felt his lips on my shoulder blade.

“You said lazy” I said.

“Well you’re half naked…let’s get naked instead.”

I laughed and turned to him. He grinned at me and rubbed my hipbone where my Olympic rings tattoo was. That’s why Isaac and I really couldn’t tell the boys they weren’t allowed to get tattoos. Isaac had the Olympic rings on his shoulder as well Kara had hers under her boob. They found out through Kara because she was wearing a white shirt and they dumped water on her. Since then I really had no control to what the boys could do with their bodies when it came to tattoos. They just had to be over 18 to do it. That was my rule and they followed it. Piercings? I had piercings. My lip was pierced, my tongue was pierced and so was my belly. Sure I didn’t wear them anymore but you know I did have them at one point. All three piercings were open and well who was I to judge right? We got a lot of shit for letting them do what they wanted. I wasn’t going to let the band I manage wear what I wanted and what I wanted. They had rules though and they listened and understood them.

“So yea?”

He began kissing my neck and I hummed.

“I don’t know” I said closing my eyes.

“I want you”

“You got me” I said moving my head so he could have more access of my neck.

“So yea?”

I nodded and I smiled when he pulled away. In one swift moment I was on the bed and he was straddling me.

“No marks remember” I said.

“Of course”

I laughed lightly as his lips touched my collarbone.

“Same with me. We both have horrible friends who will give us shit”

I nodded and he slipped off his shirt after he straddled me. I reached for the button on his jeans as his lips connected mine and I groaned when his hand went to cup my right breast.

“Ow” I said pushing him up.


“Be gentle you barbarian” I said.

He laughed and pulled me into a kiss. We took it easy and we took it slow. We made love as he called it.

“Your such a sap” I said as I slipped on his shirt after we were done.

“You love it”

He adjusted his boxers and I shrugged.

“Sadly” I said as I got into bed.

He laughed and I kissed his chest as I cuddled up to him.

“What a lazy day…we missed dinner”

I looked up at him and smiled.

“There’s a pizza place in the corner” I said.

He looked at me and sighed.

“We could vegetarian slices” I said.

He laughed and nodded.

“Shower and we go”

I nodded and got up.

“No silly things Richards” I said as I ran away from him.

“Pshh when am I silly?”

“Your face is silly” I said.

“You love this face!”

I smiled and turned on the water. I slipped off the shirt and got into the shower. I felt a pair of arms around me and I smiled.

“Mind if I join?”

“Nope…shampoo me” I said.

I heard him hum and I closed my eyes as he began shampooing my hair.

“Hmmm I love you”

“I love you too” I said as I helped him shower as well.

The shower we had was quick and soon we were walking into the pizza place.

“Hello” I said.

The older man smiled at me and asked me what I wanted.

“Can I get 4 slices? The veggie option and a water and a vitamin water” I said.

He nodded and got me two plates. He handed me the bottles and I thanked him as I reached for them.

“Here you go honey”

“Thank you” I said as I walked away from him with the plate.

Mike looked up and smiled.

“That honestly looks good”

I smiled and sat across from him.

“It smells delicious. Let’s eat” I said.

You know what they say. The couple that eats together stays together. Ok maybe they don’t but I wasn’t afraid to eat in front of Mike.
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Another! Well i'm going to the movies tonight so enjoy your beautiful Saturday night.