Status: Finished! (8/12-10/5)

Counting Stars


Mike’s POV- September 2013
“I need the two guest rooms to be empty a little after Thanksgiving”

I looked at Marisol and hummed as she cuddled up to my side.

“Why?” I asked.

She began making small patterns with her finger and she put her head on my chest.

“The boys are coming to LA to write/record and I really don’t want them to stay in a hotel”

I looked at her.

“Have you asked them? Maybe they want to stay in a hotel” I asked.

“They said as long as they had a place to sleep, and it’d be good. I’d keep an eye on them”

I nodded and looked at her.

“So I can’t have people sleep here. Jeff will house the rookies and call ups then” I said.

She smiled and kissed my cheek.

“They’re all going to a game right?” I asked her as I pulled her closer to me.


I nodded and kissed her forehead.

“What are we eating?” I asked her.

“If I knew I would tell you”

I laughed and she looked up when a laugh that wasn’t mine or hers was heard. I followed her gaze to her brother who was laughing. He looked at us.

“Foods ready”

“About time” I said as Marisol walked into the kitchen.

I followed her and Isaac laughed.

“It’s worth it!”

I looked at the strawberry blonde who grinned at me and clapped her hands together.

“It smells good” I commented.

“Of course it does, I made it”

Isaac chuckled and Kara smiled at him. She then shrieked when he pulled her against him and kissed her face a bunch of time.

“You want to start something?”


He kissed her and a plate was handed to me.

“Just eat, don’t ask questions about it”

I laughed and we all sat down. Isaac looked at Kara who then looked at me a smirk coming to the lips of the red head.

“Is your other love already here?”

I rolled my eyes but nodded. They were asking about Jeff.

“Yea, they got here yesterday. They had a date night today though” I said.

Isaac nodded and looked at Marisol. The twins shared a small smirk and he spoke up.

“That explains why he hasn’t barged in here”

I’ve learned that my girlfriend and her twin brother are both sarcastic when they want to be so I learned to ignore them.

“This is really good” I told Kara.

Isaac laughed and continued eating. Kara thanked me and I turned to my girlfriend.

“Why don’t you make this?” I asked Marisol.

She laughed and looked at me. Kara had made a nice Mexican dish with Chicken and Chili with rice. My love for red rice is strong.

“Cause it’s only us two and your teammates don’t eat spicy”

“Well they could I if I tell them you made it” I said as I put a forkful of the chili in my mouth.

“I like your boyfriend he eats all”

I nodded and I took a sip of my water.

“So are you guys going to be here in January I think the end of January?” I asked them.

Kara looked at Isaac and Marisol who looked at their phones.

“We’re going to be preparing their small tour”

I nodded and looked at Marisol.

“I will be here for your birthday don’t worry”

I pulled my phone and looked at the date.

“What about January 25th?” I asked.

Isaac made a face and looked at Marisol who looked at me.

“Why?” I asked.

“Stadium Series. It hasn’t been announced but it’s against the Ducks” I said.

Isaac and Kara both frowned and glared at me.

“I didn’t do anything” I said.

“You could have told us sooner!”

“Well fix your plans” I told them.

“Marisol is free”

Marisol looked at Isaac who shrugged at her slowly as he continued eating.

“And there will be a family skate. Please do not make me go alone again” I told her.

She laughed.

“You went on tour with the boys last time…it’s my turn?” I said.

She smiled.

“Of course”

I smiled and pulled her closer.

“The boys are going to freak”

“I know” I said.

I continued eating and Isaac looked at me.

“Be warned, you will face their rath when they come stay here in December”

I shrugged and looked at them.

“They’ll keep Marisol Company. I really don’t mind” I said.

“Isaac, why can’t you be nice like Mike?”

“Cause your stuck with me already?”

She smacked him and he laughed. They really were stuck together; Isaac was waiting on the engagement ring to be finished.

“Well you are”

“You’re an idiot”

While those two would be in Europe the engagement ring would be delivered to the Carter household. It would stay there until Marisol headed to the UK and well it was up to Isaac to decide when to ask.

“Your idiot”

I looked at Marisol who smiled at me. She kissed my cheek and I rubbed her back lightly. I looked up to see Isaac looking at me with a glare.

“Guys please we are in the room”

I laughed; Isaac did not like any kind of affection done to his sister.

“They can do what they want”

I grinned at Isaac and he frowned.

“Your lucky I can’t take you”

I laughed, he was taller but I was bigger than him and stronger.

“Of course” I told him.

He laughed and frowned again.

“I hate you, you better not win the cup while I’m on tour with the boys”

Marisol laughed and looked at me.

“Don’t get so ahead” I said.

“It’s your guy’s year again…don’t let the hawks win”

Let’s hope it was the Kings year to win.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you guys go! I almost forgot to post today because i've been to busy