
But there was nothing wrong with me.

Remember how I said there were other eligible male candidates in the mental institution? One of them talked to me. His name was Braden. He was in here for attempting to murder his best friend, and instead tried to commit suicide. He was sweet, but that was probably just for a good impression. He was probably just as evil as I was.

He asked me the same questions I had asked him, receiving barely any answers. Of course he knew I was a murderer, but I could never confess to my most recent murder. I would end up alone, and that didn’t work well with my plan.

The only thing Braden knew about my most recent murder was that he was my lover, and I had caught him with his mistress. I told him about the deal we made, but he never knew that my lover was in the same place we were in. After being confronted by Ray’s mistress, the medical team removed his body and were working on an autopsy. They wouldn’t find much, aside from the stab wounds covering his torso. His eyes were still open when he died; he looked right into mine. The image of him dead haunted me just like the voices.

“It was nice meeting you, Emma.”

I looked up at Braden, back into reality, and nodded. “Same.”

“Maybe we’ll talk tomorrow.”

Maybe we would, maybe we wouldn’t. However, Braden could help me in my case. I could frame him for the murder of Ray.