Status: in progress

You've Got to Be Kidding.


“I found something.” Dean’s voice says, his hand reaching to the desk in front of him, taking hold of his glass of whiskey. I look up from my book, being brought back to reality, and Sam turns his head from the television. “Huntington, California, five different students have gone missing from the high school within a few months.”
“A high school?” Sam asks, his eyebrows knitted together. Dean nods while taking a swig, returning his eyes to the screen of the laptop.
“Two freshmen, two juniors and a senior.” He replies, scrolling down the page.
“How are we going to get into a high school?” Sam inquires. We all exchange glances, none of us having an answer.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I murmur, standing in the doorway of the gym. In front of me were about a half a dozen cheerleaders, bouncing around with their high pitched voices.
I tug at my orange and white pleaded skirt, my knife pressing lightly into the skin of my thigh.
“There she is!” A tall brunette shrieks, causing everyone’s head to turn toward me. The brunette comes rushing forward, taking my hand and pulling me to the crowd of girls.
“This is Emmy, and she’s new here, and the best cheerleader around!” She hollers loudly to the small group of girls. She introduces herself as Kelly, then goes around as points out everyone else’s stereotypical popular girl names such as Sarah, Amanda, and even Courtney.
I take a harsh deep breath. “Hi you guys! It’s so nice to meet you and officially be a part of this team!!” I gasp, my smile as big as it could go.
“Don’t worry if you’re nervous,” Samantha tells me, placing her hand on my forearm sincerely. “We’re all here to help you through the day!”
I put on another smile, silently cursing Dean. “I’m going to go put my stuff into my locker, I’ll catch up with you guys later?” They all agree too cheerily, skipping their way out of the gym. I groan, walking across the room to the doorway that leads to the locker rooms. I make my way through the hall to where it splits off between the cheerleaders’ locking room, and where it leads down to the football player’s locker room. There, I run smack dab into Sam.
“Oh, I’m so sor- oh my gosh.” He presses his lips together even though the corners of his mouth raise, trying to keep from laughing.
“Oh shut it.” I sigh, shaking my head at him.
“No… you actually look quite sexy in that uniform, baby.” He says, wrapping an arm around my waist and bringing my body to his. His warm breath rolls across my skin as his kisses my neck, his hand easily finding its way up the skirt.
“Alright, alright.” I tell him, pushing him away softly and looking around to make sure no one saw anything. “That’s… that’s what a football coach wears?” Which is a long sleeve shirt and a pair of sweatpants, along with his sneakers.
“Apparently.” He shrugs. “Have you found anything?”
“No, I’ve been swarmed with people trying to find out who the new girl is.” I shake my head. “I don’t know how much longer I can stand high schoolers.”
“You’ll survive a few days,” he tells me, kissing my forehead, which causes my shoulders to relax immediately. “Now get to class, Mrs. Winchester. Don’t be late on your first day.” He smacks my ass as I turn as exit the locker rooms, and make my way out of the gym to my next class.

By the time I get there, I’m about five minutes late, and the halls are bare. I knock on the open door to my English class, stepping in cautiously.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I got lost.” I press my lips together apologetically. A shorter man turns his head toward me, showing the bald spot smack on top of his head. He’s not too old, some worn wrinkles here and there, but a scowl on his face that makes him seem older.
“Have a seat, Emalina. Don’t be late again.” As I’m about to make my way to my seat, I stop cold. My stomach drops, my mouth becoming dry. There's no way.