Status: in progress

You've Got to Be Kidding.

Little Girl.

“So I heard that you slept with Chris Maker in the utility closet next to the cafeteria today.” Dean says as we walk through the door of the motel that night.
"What?” Sam and I both say in unison, causing us to stop.
“Oh… no?” Dean says, puzzled. “That didn’t happen? Damn rumors.” He sets down the bags of burgers on the table, slipping his shoes off.
“I am so glad we never really got that invested in a single high school,” Sam says, digging into one of the bags and pulling out a French fry. As quickly as he threw it in his mouth, he spits it back out, grunting about it being too hot. I can’t help but chuckle, sliding the stupid skirt and top off, grabbing one of the boys’ huge shirts and pulling it over my head. Since when did cheerleaders have to wear that uniform all day every day anyway? There’s no point.
I make my way over and grab a burger, plopping down on the couch and turning the television on, skipping around the channels. Deep breath, no worries, let’s just forget about what happened today, and what could happen tomorrow.
Too bad that everything kept poking around in my brain, not allowing me to have a moments peace. Orias is back.

My parents, Burke and Ellie Sullivan, were killed by a demon of the name Orias, the day I turned a month old. I went to live with their best friends, John and Mary Winchester, who took me into their home as one of their own. Not as easy addition, to take an infant into your house, especially when their son Sam was born four months before me.
When Sam became seven months old, I being two months old at this point, the demon returned to the Winchester home, this time killing Mary alone. John somewhat raised the three of us, that is, when he was actually around. That was it, though. Me, Sam, and his brother Dean who was four years older than us.
Even from a small age, it was teased that Sam and I were going to get married. We were the small kids that held hands and even started “dating” at an incredibly young age. So by the time we got married when I turned seventeen, it was somewhat expected. I was finally a Winchester, as I was raised my whole life. It’s now been six years of marriage and who the hell knows what else is to come.
Come to find out around our twentieth birthday, when Orias not only killed our parents, he also turned us into half demons. With that, came to power to move things with our minds minimally, as well as the ability to kill demons with nothing but a thought.
Let’s add to that, oh, about thousands of demons, creatures, and monsters wanting to kill us. We were powerful, and we shouldn’t exist. Why Orias created us in the first place, who knows, but we’ve fought for our whole entire lives, and we weren’t going down anytime soon.
Now that he’s back, he might actually let us peek into his diabolical plan that he probably has in the oven, cooking.

The next morning, I trudge into the school, having gotten very little sleep the night before. A mixture of that, plus peppy cheerleading practice doesn’t really mix well in my book. Needless to say, I’m ready to get this hunt over and get out of this school.
Sam walks through the gym about halfway through practice, causing every single girl to stop and stare as his ass as he walks by, continue to comment about who was going to sleep with first.
“Like hell he would sleep with any of you,” I murmur, shaking my head.
“Excuse me?” The only girl to hear me, I believe her name was Mckenna, shrieks abruptly. “You’re just sour because you know he’s way out of your league. Blondes are trashy anyway.” This causes half of the girls to look at her strangely, since 70% of them were blonde anyway. “No offense to you guys,” she smiles to them.
“Talk about a two faced bitch,” Courtney rolls her eyes to me, a few minutes later. I can’t help but laugh. The bell rings, then, sending shivers down my spine. I grab my bag and make a slow walk to first period, where I’m hoping Orias left the vessel intact and moved onto someone else.
“Oh, Emalina.” The bald man turns to me with a creepy smile as I enter the room. “It’s nice to see you again today.” Well, shit.
“I wish I could say the same to you, sir.” I press a sarcastic smile on face my, quickly passing him and making my way to a seat in the back, where Kelly is waving to me from.
“You better watch your attitude, young one.” He hisses sourly. “We wouldn’t want it to get you in trouble, would we?” My jaw tightens and I can see a hint of green shine from his eyes.
The whole class is uneventful, just going over a book that they’re about to start. I don’t hear a word that comes out of his mouth, too distracted with the thoughts of what Orias wants with me. Why now? Why would he find us now? If he wanted to kill me, he would’ve done so already.
The bell interrupts me from my thoughts, and just as I make one foot out of the door, an adenoidal voice stops me. “Emalina, may I speak with you for a moment?” I stop cold, contemplating for a moment to just keep walking. I turn on my heal, though, walking back into the room and closing the door behind me when everyone exits.
“What do you want, Orias?” I cluck, crossing my arms over my chest.
“This won’t take long… I would just like to talk.” He shrugs. “Is that too much to ask?”
“No, anything else you ask of me is.”
He looks up at me, studying my face. He eyes run across my features and down my body, making me extremely uncomfortable. “You certainly grew up to be a beautiful thing, it’s a damn shame about that attitude, though.” He shakes his head.
“The point, Orias.”
“I want you to be a part of my army.” He spits. “I will soon be the king of hell, though I know Crowley will put up a fight. So, years ago, I made you and your little boyfriend into little… weapons.” He smirks. “I do have to admit that you’re one of the stronger ones, and certainly the better looking. It’s simple, really, stand by me and have the benefits when I rule hell, or die.”
“You’re kidding.” I chuckle. “Crowley and I are actually, pretty good friends, believe it or not. No matter, I would never stand by you. You are what killed my family and ruined my life.” I bark, stepping closer to him. “But you’re right, I am stronger.” I hold my hand in the air, the clench it into a fist, causing Orias to doubt over in pain. “But way stronger that you believe.” He starts coughing, spitting blood, and groaning in response. “I have trained all my life to kill you, and that is what I will do.” I drop my hand, causing his body to fall to the floor.
“You better watch your back, little girl.” He spits, blood lining his lips. I turn, walking out of the room without another thought.