Status: in progress

You've Got to Be Kidding.


That night, we all reluctantly return to the high school. I have to go join the cheerleaders in the gym, but the boys scout out the rest of the campus, Crowley hanging around somewhere as well.
It’s easy to say that I’m a bit on edge, not feeling this much power or control for a while. I can feel every drop of Crowley’s blood course through me, coating my insides with a burning authority. He only gave us a taste before we left, though I do have a vile strapped along my waist band next to my knife.
It’s pretty hard to focus through practice, ending up bumping into everyone, causing everyone else to mess up, and even dropped a girl when she was flying. My mind was everywhere else, trying to keep my eyes and ears open for anything.
Finally, practice ends and all the girls go home, leaving me to the locker room alone. I sit on the bench, taking the vile from my skirt and holding it between my fingers.
Demon’s blood… Crowley’s blood. My hand begins to shake, remembering the feeling of power, being able to do whatever I want. Absolutely unstoppable. Just the sweet, metal taste…
“Em?” I look up to find Sam leaning against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest.
“Hey, is everyone out?” I ask, stuffing the vile in my bag, grabbing the extra clothes that I brought and pulling them out.
“Yeah…” he says, looking at my bag. “Please… please don’t let this go to your head, baby.” I follow his eyes to my bag, guilt running over me. I take a deep breath, looking back up at him.
“I’m not…” I tell him. “I’m just, ready to kill him.”
“I know, me too.” He nods, as I start to stand and shred the uniform off.

We wait a few hours, getting everything together and making sure everyone is out of the building. Around midnight, we emerge from the locker room. Adrenaline runs through me, as well as anxiousness and a bit of fear. Everything could go wrong, and this mission could end up as a complete fail.
I run my tongue along my bottom lip, picking up a bit of blood along the corner. What if… what if this blood situation gets out of control again? What if I go too far?
“Dean?” I spit out suddenly as we’re making our way across the dark gym. I instantly regret it.
“Hmm?” He hums, switching his flashlight and blade in his hands.
“I might… whatever happens tonight with Orias…” I stumble, causing Sam to peer at me suspiciously out of the corner of his eye. I take a deep breath. “I might get a little out of control… but I don’t…”
“You will do whatever you need to do,” Dean says, stopping and turning towards me. “I know you won’t let things get out of control. You do what you have to.” He smiles weakly at me, causing my shoulders to relax a little.
“But… what about…”
“If there is a problem with the blood situation after the fact, then we’ll deal with that too. One battle at a time, we’ve got this.” He says, pulling me closer and kissing me on the top of my head.
“You guys ready?” Dean asks the both of us, standing back and looking up at Sam. We both nod, heading into the depths of what might as well be hell.