Status: in progress

You've Got to Be Kidding.


“Hey!” a voice calls down the hall behind us. We all whip around, finding a girl with dark hair, standing with her hands on her hips, and her lips pursed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I step in front of the boys, coming closer to her, studying her face. She looks…
“Yes, Emily. It’s lovely to see you again.” She smiles. Sam and Dean look back and forth between us, confused as can be.
Years ago, Orias found me in this same sense, and asked me to be a part of his army once before. When I refused, he knocked me out, kidnapping me. When I woke up, I was in a cell, trapped. This was before Sam and I’s training and building, before we knew the extent of what we could do.
He kept me in the cell for about four days before the boy’s found me, four days of cold torture, starvation, and cruel methods of trying to brain wash me into coming to his side. In the cell next to me, however, was a girl about my age of the name, Maggie. She was around ten years old when Orias found her and made her, although he left her with her family, giving her a normal life. Other than Sam, we were the only two that he did this to, as sort of a science experiment. One with a normal life, one with a tragic life.
“You guys are my pride and joy,” he told us in that cell block. “No one else in the world is like you.”
We became close, the only sanity we had left in those cells, we found in each other. When the boys found me, they helped her escape too.
Although, it looks like her ending was a bit different than mine.

“Why are you fighting, Emily?” She asks me, walking closer to us. “You know he will win, he always wins.”
“Why did you give in, Maggie?” I cry, puzzled. “You know it was all lies he told us!”
“I like to be on the winning side, I figured out.” She chuckles, shrugging. “This is just another fight to prove that.”
As she holds her hand up in front of her, my stomach starts burning. It builds, spreading around, and soon, all of my insides feel like they’re on fire. I keel over in pain, and as it starts moving to my chest and lungs, I start coughing and choking, blood starting to spit from my mouth. Sam and Dean step forward, ready to kill, but I shoo them back, shaking my head. Taking a deep breath, I throw my hand up, throwing Maggie back through the glass doors behind her. The burning stops, and Sam rushes to my side, helping me stand up straight, making sure I’m okay.
I watch as Maggie stands from the glass rummage, not a scrape on her.
“Don’t make me do this, Mag.” I plead as she starts walking towards us again.
“And that, my dear friend, is what’s going to get you killed.” She starts to raise her hand again, but with just a slight thought, I send her crashing into the lockers next to her, holding her about three feet in the air by her throat, constricting her air way.
“You were always the weak one,” she spits as I walk closer to her. “You don’t deserve to be in his army.”
I don’t say anything as I snap her neck without a single thought or movement.