Status: Done done doney done done other than being rewritten

Black & Blue

Chapter One: The New Kid

"Okay, so, you wake me up early so we won't be late, and now you're running late," I sighed, watching Oli straighten the last few pieces of his hair. He grinned at me from the mirror, brushing his hair. We locked eyes, and it made me forget all about my annoyance with him.

"If you weren't so hard to wake up, I would have time to do this," He stated, pushing the blame on me.

"If you weren't so girlish, you wouldn't worry so much about your precious hair." He pouted, and my eyes were drawn to his lower lip that was pushed out. I looked away, not wanting to make it so obvious about how much I wanted to go over there and kiss, suck, bite on that lip.

"There, princess, I'm finished," He huffed, shutting off the straightener and going downstairs with me.

"I have a dick in my pants, actually. Therefore, I am a prince," I corrected, getting in his pedo-van.

"A prince that's so gay he might as well be a princess," He scoffed, getting in the driver's seat and taking us to hell.

"At least I don't have a pedo-van," I mumbled. I got out when he parked at the school. I took a glance at the gates, sighing in nervousness. My first year in high school was going to be horrible; I could feel it in my bones (Ha! Get it?! No? Alright.)

Oli put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me against his side. "It's okay, Tommy. I'm here to protect you. You'll meet my friends, so you won't be lonely," He assured me. He squeezed my shoulder softly.

I wrapped my arm around his back, giving him a side hug. He pulled his arm away, and I pulled mine away, even though I just wanted to stay touching him.

He started to lead me to two guys leaning against the wall, one sitting, one standing. "Do I have to meet people, Oli? Can't it just be you and me?" I complained. He just laughed softly.

"Hey mates!" Oli greeted cheerily, curling his fingers in a hello.

"What? Oliver Syko on time and cheery? Fuck, the world must be ending," The one standing said.

"Shut the fuck up," Oli snapped, then continued, "I'm here this early so I can show the little one around." He ruffled my hair, so I got payback. I stuck my hand in his hair and moved it a lot, surely knotting it up.

"Hey, you cunt!" He protested, pushing me away. I just grinned, standing next to him again. He fixed it as best as he could, and then glared at me.

"I'm Matt Nicholls," The one standing said. I nodded at him.

"I'm also Matt, but call me Vegan," The one sitting smiled. I waved a little.

"What? Can't talk?" Matt laughed. Oli rolled his eyes, nudging me to talk. I just looked away shyly.

"He can't talk. He's mute, sad, I know-" I hit his shoulder hard.

"I can talk, you asshole. I'm Tom," I quickly said.

"Watch your language," Oli scolded. I just rolled my eyes, thinking that it was a common trait for the Sykes' to roll their eyes.

The bell rang, and panic struck through me. I quickly darted my eyes around, like a paranoid freak.

"Hey, it's alright. I'll kick someone's ass if they touch you, okay? You come to me and tell me," Oli said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder again. I stepped closer instinctively.

"What if they're in the final grade and could beat you?" I whined.

"Then we'll jump 'em like a gang," Nicholls grinned.

I saw people giving me looks, probably since I was new. I tensed up, feeling fear rise from my gut into my throat. It must've reached my brain, because my world started blacking out, and my breath quickened. My world was crashing around me, joining the blackness, murdering me with my own air. I closed my eyes, but it backfired, making a sick feeling join in. Just breathe, Tom, breathe.

My lungs tightened more and more, my air supply getting lower. I couldn't get any more fucking air in. I'm going to die, oh fuck, I'm going to die. Fuck, God, someone help me, please. Please save me, I'm drowning, deeper and deeper, please-

"Tommy, sh, I'm here, I'm here." Arms tightened around me, pulling me into a warm and firm object. A hand rested on the back of my head, the other holding my hand. The hand was my life support; my final attempt.

"Breathe, in and out, Tommy. Slow and steady," A man said softly, gripping my hand tighter. I followed his instructions, taking steady breaths. I felt my lungs open, and the darkness covering my brain fade away. I realized it was Oli.

"It's okay, it's alright. You're safe, you're okay," He cooed, kissing my head. He then let go of me, and I slowly stepped away. The other two were watching with wide eyes.

"Well, time to go to your first class. What is it?" He asked me.

"Science," I answered, my voice a little scratchy from the panic.

"I'm taking you to every class, and I'll be outside of them when you get out," He stated. I gave him a doubtful look.

"I can do it!" He said defensively. I shrugged, getting close to him as we started walking inside. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder comfortingly. I felt more and more stares as we got into the halls, but Oli kept his head up.

We stopped outside of the science room, and I sighed.

"It's alright. They won't pick on the new kid's first day," He comforted, kissing my head again. I just nodded.

"Bye Tommy."

"Bye Olober," I watched him walk down the hall, going to his class. I took another shaky breath, and went into the classroom.
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Yay! Look how much better the GRAMMAR AND WORDING IS! I'm so excited! Maybe you can give this a reread when it's all pretty like dis.