Status: Done done doney done done other than being rewritten

Black & Blue

Chapter 11

As soon as we got to the beach, I darted out, shaking off my shoes, shirt, and shorts, running straight into the water and stopped when it got to my mid-calf. "FUCKING TITS IT'S FREEZING!" I screamed, getting dirty looks from mothers.

The others laughed, and Oli got in the water with me, holding my waist and kissing me. I kissed back, and gasped as he shoved me down. I held my breath as I went under a wave. I got up and glared at Oli, turning my back to him. "Tommy." He whined. I ignored him and looked out at the water, as the sun glistened and reflected off of it.

I felt hands on my hips and I grabbed his arm, shoving him into the water. I ran out of the water and tackled Nicholls. "Play ball with me!" I said happily. He pushed me off of him with a laugh and nodded, getting up as I did. He grabbed a beach ball and we went out to the water, the water coming up to my thighs.

He threw the ball up and hit it towards me. I hopped up, hitting it back. We continued to play, mostly me missing it from time to time. Soon, the guys were joining us, and we were having a huge circle game of hit the ball.

I felt something hard hit my back and I fell under the water, and I suddenly couldn't get back up. There was something blocking and pushing me down. I thrashed violently, trying to get out from under the flat thing. It was holding me to the sea floor, and I couldn't fucking get out.

Water started flowing into my nose and mouth and my lungs were on fire. I eventually burst and sucked in lungs full of water. I felt something rough on my back, and someone's lips on mind.

Air was forced into my lungs and I took a breath of air. I gagged and I was suddenly pushed onto my stomach and pulled up to my hands and knees. I gagged again and got sick on the sand. I stopped and sat back.

I got pulled into Oli's lap, and he held a bottle of water to my lips. I looked at him. "Drink." He said. I started drinking the water and pushed it away. "More Tommy." He said. I sighed and took it, drinking more.

"Alright?" Vegan asked. I nodded a little. "What happened?" I asked. "A bloke hit you with his surf board, and his other bloke fell on top of you, and pinned you on the ground beneath the water." Curtis explained. I nodded a little, and straddled Oli, leaning down and whispering in his ear, "I've only had sex with you twice. I can't be dying now before I have more sex."

I felt him shiver with approval. His favourite thing was probably dirty talk. He stood up, pulling me up with him. He quickly dragged me behind some huge rocks, far away from the others.

And that was a perfect way to end the beach.
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I know I should be patient BUT I CAN'T. I got 4 names, 3 from Mibba and one from here so I'll use those plus my own. Thanks mates!!