Status: Done done doney done done other than being rewritten

Black & Blue

Chapter 6

"Tommy, wake up. You've slept, like, all day." I heard someone say, then someone shaking me. "Go away." I mumbled, gripping the duvet tighter.

"Come on." They said, shaking me harder. "What?!" I snapped, sitting up, and looking at Oli's smirking face. "Time to eat dinner, Mr. Sass-in-his-ass." I flipped him off and got up. He went downstairs, and I followed.

We got to the kitchen and Nicholls, Vegan, and Jona were there. I waved a little and they greeted me. "Here." Oli handed me a plate with two poptarts. "How classy." I said sarcastically. "If you eat both of them I'll take that as a compliment." He scoffed, fake flipping his hair like a prep.

"Oh geez then I better eat MORE than two!" I said dramatically. "Hell yeah you better!" He said dramatically back. The other three were nervously glancing between us.

"Jurassic Park?" I asked. He nodded happily and I went into the living room, sitting Indian style on the couch and putting on Jurassic Park, which was already in the DVD player.

Nicholls came in next with poptarts, and sat on the other couch. Next was Vegan, and he sat next to Nicholls. Jona sat with his in the arm chair. Oli came in last, and plopped down next to me. He put his legs up and I raised my arms so he could set them on my lap. I rested my plate and arms on his legs after he did, and started eating while we all watched Jurassic Park. I finished quick and set my plate on the floor, then rested my elbows on Oli's legs, resting my chin on my palms.

I started to get tired and I crawled up on Oli's chest, my legs resting on his. He kept watching the movie, wrapping an arm around me absentmindley. I laid my head on his shoulder, and kept watching the movie. I closed my eyes, and let sleep take over me.


GO DINOSAUR KILL THAT FUCK- "Oli?" Jona asked. I looked over at him, "What?" "What's going on with you and Tom?" He asked. I looked at Tom, who was asleep on my chest. I smiled softly, he looked so cute- I mean- nevermind.

"I can't tell you. That would ruin him." I said softly. "Just the other day you watched him get fucked over by that huge bloke." Nicholls pointed out. "That big bloke is getting his fucking ass kicked tomorrow and you're helping if things get bad, Vegan." I growled, feeling anger already overtaking me. "What the fuck did he do?" Vegan asked.

I sighed. They WERE my best mates.... "Tommy got r*ped by him..." I said softly. I glanced up at the guys, who all had extremely shocked faces. I looked back down at Tom and moved some hair out of his face. I slid my hand under the back of his shirt and drew shapes with my finger on his lower back. He shivered in his sleep, and nuzzled into my neck. I could feel his soft breath on my neck, and that made me smile.

"R-Repeat that mate?" Jona asked. "You heard me Jona." I said in a soft voice to make sure I didn't wake Tom. My poor, poor Tommy. All his innocence just fucking lost.

"How the hell- It's not even a month- But he-" Nicholls stuttered out, obviously trying to make sense of the whole thing. I heard Tom groan a little, and he pulled his face from my neck. "Carry me to the bed Olober." He whined, then nuzzled back in my neck. I would be lying if I said that wasn't the most adorable thing I've ever seen- the hell, Oliver.

I picked him up, cradling him in my arms as I carried him upstairs. I laid him in his bed, and covered him with the blanket. Leaving the room quietly, I went back downstairs to tell the guys what happened with Tom.

We didn't do much over the weekend. Just hung out with the mates....

"I'm scared Olober." Tom whined. Monday morning, and I was gonna kick someone's ass. We just arrived at school. "Don't be. I'll protect you, Tommy." I said, leaning down and kissing his head. He smiled up at me, and we walked in, over to Nicholls, Vegan, and Jona. "Where the hell is Lee?" Jona asked. "I have no idea. He didn't even come for the first day." Nicholls sighed.

"Who's Lee?" Tom asked. "A midget that's a mate." Vegan answered. Then, Lee trudged up to us, looking tired as fuck. "Hey Lee!" Jona said happily. Lee flipped him off. "Mate, this is my little brother Tom, Tommy, this is Lee." I introduced. Lee gave a short wave and Tom did the same. Lee because he was tired as fuck, and Tom because he was nervous.

I heard the bell ring and I cracked my knuckles. "Between your English and Photography, right?" Vegan asked. "Y-Yeah." Tom said nervously. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. "It's alright baby brother." I whispered. He nodded, and we all left to our classes. Except, Lee followed me. "I'm guessing you have the same homeroom as me." I said. He nodded, and we got to the class. Lee didn't question a lot of things, thankfully.

Once it was time, I rushed out to the hall, and Nicholls, Vegan, Jona, and Lee were waiting. Tom came out of his class, and started walking towards us, but got shoved into a locker by the big bloke. I stormed over and grabbed the bloke by his collar, and shoved the fat ass into the other lockers. People were already watching.

"What the fuck, you fag?!?" He yelled in my face. "God you fucking stink." I emphasised, just to piss him off. He growled, and went to punch me, but I easily moved, and grabbed him again, forcing him to the ground. I sat on his stomach and started punching him hard in the face, swing after swing connected with his face. My fists started to get bloody but oh well, the fuck deserved it-

I felt someone pull me off him, and it was a teacher. "Oliver Sykes!" He yelled. "Hi Mr. Jabobs." I said cheekily, remembering him from last year. I got away from him and kicked the bloke on the ground hard in the nuts. "That's what you fucking get for r*ping someone!" I screamed at him. "Oliver!" Mr. Jacobs said, mortified. "Come on, Tom." I said, grabbing his arm. There was going to be a huge thing about this, and what I said, but no one would know it was Tom.
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