Status: COMING SOON TO MIBBA (The title may change) stay tuned

Hiding From the Obvious

IV - I Sense Trouble

Justin's Point of View
As I snacked on a cheese stick that Nina had given me permission to eat, her trainer glared at me with a look that could kill. His cold, dark eyes zeroed in on me and I could tell he was sizing me up. I took out my phone and replied to Ryan's "Don't be a creep" text, saying "FYI: I'm not the one you should be talking to. You should see her trainer's death stare right now."
"What did you do?" He called me a few seconds later and I went outside so that Creepy Trainer Mike couldn't listen in.
"All I did was talk to her. That is it." I defended.
"Then what's this dude's problem?"
"I don't know, man. One thing is for sure, though- he does not like my presence."
"Are you keeping an eye on her?"
I looked back through the glass doors to see that both of them were gone. "Yo, Ry, I'm gonna have to call you back."
"You lost her, didn't you?"
I scoffed. "No."
"You suck at lying."
I laughed and hung up, walking back into the gym. I grabbed what was left of my cheese stick and headed to the front desk to investigate where they may have gone when I spotted Mike ushering Nina into the locker room. The door shut behind him and I walked to it, my pace quickening with every step. I put my hand on the door as I felt it lock on the other side. I felt my heart sink as I thought of a new plan. I made my way to the front desk. "Who is the trainer who works with Nina Braden?"
"Mike Yagoya." The receptionist replied after typing the information into the computer.
"How often do you background check your trainers?"
"Once when they apply. Why?"
"I think Mike is due for another background check."