Sequel: Out of the Dark
Status: Active, Please be Kind <3


Chapter Eighteen The Flying Dutchmen

Chapter Eighteen
The Flying Dutchmen

There was no way off the Island we washed up on, Emma and Regina were beside themselves with worry. Killian was on the verge of a mental break down and Amanda was stressing out. I think I was the only one staying strong for Krissi. Emma was upset with me for not being more upset about things and I knew everyone was questioning me and my love for my granddaughter. But I loved Krissi more than anything, she was the perfect combination of Princess and Pirate.

As I walked along the beach looking for some sign of hope that we could reach her, I started to remember the songs she use to sing as a kid, hearing her voice always made me smile. I think her favorite song from her childhood was the “Spoon full of sugar” song from Marry Poppins. She would sing it whenever someone was sad hoping to make them smile. Always looking on the bright side of things, she kind of reminded me of myself when I was young.

I looked towards the night sky sitting down watching the stars. Krissi was an astronomy and astrology nerd as she said when she started high school. She was also really into mythology and world history. I remember she use to say the stars were the path to the endless galaxy’s that was when it hit me. The stars, they could get us to Krissi. I stood running back towards where camp was set up moving as fast as I could.
I called out waving my arms trying to get their attention. David stood looking at me worriedly.
“Marry Margret what’s going on?”

I smiled pointing up.
“The stars! The path the endless galaxy’s”
Emma stood and so did Killian.
“Krissi use to say that”.
I nodded to them.
“I know what if we use the stars to get to her follow the path”.
“And how are we going to do that without a ship?”
Killian asked crossing his arms. I looked at him narrowing my eyes slightly.
“Do you want to find your daughter or not!”

I turned to Felix.
“Is there some way you can open the path of the stars?”
Felix looked at me a slight smirk on his lips.
“I manipulate darkness, not planets”.
I turned to Regina looking at her with pleading eyes.
“Regina you’re our only hope if you can find some way to unlock the path of the stars, in some mystical way”.
Regina looked at the stars.
“You’re talking about shifting planets, altering the universe is some serious magic and it would take more than one person”.

“Good thing you have more than one”.
Emma said stepping up to her. I smiled looking between them.
“If anyone can get us closer to Krissi it’s you two”.
Regina and Emma joined hands closing their eyes. Everyone else moved back, I took Henry into my arms watching them as a light started to emit from their hands. A sonic boom of energy exploded from under their feet sending them both flying. Robin and Killian moved fast catching them as the light shot up into the sky. Both Emma and Regina were out cold, their noses bleeding, I looked up at the light as it shifted taking the form of a set of stairs.

“It’s leading into the sky”.
Amanda said looking up at the sky.
“Stay away from it!”
Killian yelled at her, Amanda narrowed her eyes at her father and David moved forwards pulling her back. I looked at Killian knowing these stairs weren’t going to last long.
Emma opened her eyes looking up at him.
“Go, she needs you, we’ll find another way”.

Killian stood running towards the stairs without taking pause he dashed up the stairs and they started to vanish behind him. Amanda narrowed her eyes.
“I’m supposed to be the key!”
She roared at us looking pissed. I turned to her.
“Killian won’t need a key, don’t you think your father and mother love your sister as much as you do? We will find a way to get to them but fighting and pouting over not being the hero isn’t going to help matters!”
Amanda narrowed her eyes at me before she turned storming off, Felix shook his head sitting down,

I sat next to him looking towards the night sky.
“We will find another way off this Island wont we?”
Felix looked at me smirking a bit.
“How far are you willing to go?”
I looked at him.
“What do you mean?”
Felix rested his elbows on his knees.
“Maybe Krissi needs the young more adventurous Snow White to save her, she wouldn’t be above stealing a ship would she?”

Felix smirked. I sat forwards looking at him.
“What’s the plan?”
Felix grinned at me getting to his feet.
“We get a smoke single going, a ship will come towards the flames. You, Emma, Regina and Tinker Bell will be our bate, men at sea are suckers for beautiful women, we jump out of the bushes and attack the two men who come ashore then we take the boats back to the ship and take the men out with Regina’s magic it shouldn’t be a problem”.
I stood brushing myself off.
“You’ve done this before haven’t you?”

Felix smirked at me.
“I’m a lost boy, what do you think?”
We got started building the fire and sending up a big stream of smoke burning everything we could. Now all we could do was wait for a ship to show up. I stood next to Felix.
“Shouldn’t you be with Amanda, you two have kind of a thing right?”
Felix smirked at me crossing his arms.
“Amanda has a thing for some chump named Eric, I’m not much for romance”.

I smiled at him.
“They all say that Felix, tough guys like you that have had it hard through your lives, in the end you always end up falling for someone”.
Felix snickered to himself.
“Like I said, she isn’t interested in me. You should probably buy her and Eric a wedding cake when you get back to Story Brook”.

I watched as Felix took his place hiding behind some bushes, everyone else was spared out and hidden. There was a ship coming towards us, I narrowed my eyes slightly trying to make it out. My eyes widened when I realized what ship was coming towards us. It was The Flying Dutchmen.

I called out, two men arrived on the shore and I grabbed onto Emma protecting my daughter though she didn’t need it. As the men approached us I started to notice they looked human and familiar.
“Will? Will Turner?”
He looked at me and smiled.
I nodded to him rushing over and hugging him. David stood fast looking between us.
I looked back at David and laughed.
“This is Will Turner, he’s a friend from my childhood. How did you take command of The Flying Dutchmen?”

Will shook his head.
“Long story, I take it you need passage somewhere”.
I nodded to him.
“We have to get to the realm of Immortals, my granddaughter is trapped there and if we don’t get her back, the fate of this world is not a good one”.
Will nodded to me.
“I understand, we can take you to the realm of immortals but we won’t be able to stay with you there, we have souls to guide into the next life”.

I nodded to him.
“As long as you can get us there, that’s all that matters”.
Will led us back to the boat, other boats started coming in for the others. David, Emma and I went back to the ship with Will. Of all the lucky things to have happen at a time like this. Though I kept in mind what Felix said, I was going to have to be clever and probably sneaky about getting Krissi out of that realm. We all were.
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