
Chapter Six

“A lot of people have compared you two to Bonnie and Clyde, what do you think about that?” The young reporter sitting in front of me in one of Colorado State Penitentiary’s many visiting rooms asked, a genuinely curious look on his face as he took notes on a legal pad.

“We’re not anything like Bonnie and Clyde.” I shook my head, bringing my handcuffed hands up to push a piece of hair out of my face. “What we did, we didn’t do out of greed. We did it for the adventure. We barely kept any of the money and we never once shot anyone. We’re just a couple kids who were looking for something more in life.”

“Alright, thank you.” The reporter smiled at me, and I nodded, not caring much for the interview in the first place.

A guard came forward and gripped onto my upper arm, leading me back to my cell. As we walked over the gangplanks that gave access to the cells on the upper floor, I looked across to the other side and smiled as I saw warm brown eyes looking back at me.
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So yeah, I've made a reappearance. This is the end, and I put off posting it because in the end I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave it where Kellin gets shot and let the readers make up their own ending or post the ending I originally wrote. I'm still not sure if I like this ending, but people were requesting it so here it is.
Also, for anyone waiting for updates on my other stories, it might be a while. I was taking 5 college courses this quarter and this is my last week before christmas break but I'll be working crazy hours and then I'm taking another 5 courses next quarter as well as working so I really don't see myself having a whole lot of time for writing. Over the break I am going to try to write a few one shots though, because I really miss writing and they don't take nearly as much concentration to write as chapters in a story.